Literary Agent
Maria Vicente @msmariavicente
I made the mistake of starting The Vampire Diaries on Netflix (it's my first time watching the series) and now all I can think about is vampire lore. I am ready for a vampire resurgence.To be more specific when it comes to books, my Young Adult vampire-themed #MSWL would look something like this: new twists on classic tropes; more interested in a badass character than "vamp with a soul"; the Pink Ladies or T-Birds... but vampires!

Literary Agent
Justina Ireland is Bad at Hiatus @justinaireland
Thesis: the reason Vampires haven’t made a reappearance in YA since Twilight is because the category sanitized them and removed the nuanced queerness that was the hallmark of vampire novels. And for vampires to rise again they will have to be queer.Send. This. To. Me. #MSWL

Literary Agent
Brooks Sherman @byobrooks
Hi all, after walking around NOLA with @runwithskizzers and refreshing my memory about the infamous Casket Girls (look them up!), I’m officially putting it out there that I would love love LOVE a YA novel that is a vampire version of The Craft. #mswl 😱💀🌙um hi yes me too #mswl

Literary Agent


Literary Agent
The Mary Sue @TheMarySue
"What We Do In the Shadows" Is Officially Coming to the United States With Series Order at FX themarysue.com/what-we-do-in-… pic.twitter.com/CFi3fqTPz2I want a vampire book that reads like this show. Funny, sweet, and from the POV of the vampire, *not the victim*--or at least not the victim alone. Another great example is BLOOD SUCKING FIENDS: A LOVE STORY by Christopher Moore. #MSWL

Literary Agent
Isabel Ibañez Davis @isabel9thLP
I leave twitter for all of two hours and suddenly VAMPIRES are making a comeback.My heart guys. I want all the stories. But this time around can we also do latina and black and asian and indian and egyptian vampires, too?
I mean, please?! 🙏🏽
These might be the only kind of vampire stories I’d be interested in reading: based on non-European tradition/folklore and not of the Dracula or Twilight variety. Tales of creatures (part human or not) that prey on human blood have existed for centuries across the globe. #MSWL

Literary Agent

AC Arthur @ACArthur
Woke up to lots of positive talk about a vampire resurgence in YA. Wondering if we need more vamps in the adult world too? More Black, Latino, Asian, Egyptian, etc. vamps, I mean? I've never written vamps, but I read about them, so what do you think?Seriously, give me all these cool vampires. #MSWL

Literary Agent
Natascha Morris @SoCalledYALife
BookEnders @NaomisLitPix @wensday95 @jamerrson @inthesestones and I are all debating vampires. And I am all about these creepy mermaids. I love vampires, but I want a creepy mermaid book more.To be fair…My debate is me continually posting Buffy twirling a stake gifs. BUT if someone had a VERY unique take on vampires (I’m looking at you, Librarians with your descendants of Judas) I might be tempted. #MSWL

S. Qiouyi Lu 🌱 陸秋逸 🌸✨ your epicene boyfriend @sqiouyilu
@junescribbles @muguiyings haha it’s in the fitting in anthology, I have links on my site that I’m too lazy to get rnwait omg i think you guys will enjoy this
there’s this channel on douyin called 子昊SEVEN who does these really cute slice of life vampire/jiangshi bff shorts (which totally on my #mswl because it’s a d o r a b l e)

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Oh by the by: I am seeing all the Vampire love on my TL, and I should mention: I AM ALSO here for Vampire books, particularly Not-RichWhiteMan Vamps. #vampirebooks #mswl

Literary Agent
Vicki Lame @thedaysbetween
#MSWL *whispers* send me a *clears throat, louder now* send me a vampire book, for I am readyIn this arena, the right match for me would be a project that leans Carmilla or Christabel rather than Buffy or Bella.

Literary Agent
*Raises hand* Have ya'll forgotten the Mexican vamps I blessed you with? Reminder here: bit.ly/1KXWwn3. Anyway, I never stopped stanning vampires. Always up for non-western mythology based/POC vamps *whispers* and werewolves...#MSWL

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Vicki Lame @thedaysbetween
#MSWL *whispers* send me a *clears throat, louder now* send me a vampire book, for I am readyI'm ready. It's time.
Please send me....vampires books. #mswl
