[1/3] edgy, voice-driven book club fiction with a fresh, commercial hook; anything speculative—magical realist, horror, sci-fi, dystopian, you name it, especially with a feminist bend!
Literary Agent
As I get ready to open up to queries on Oct. 1st, here's a #MSWL of what I'm looking for! If you're unsure if your project would be a good fit based off of this list, that's okay. Please still consider querying me 😊
*Any fulls I have are still being considered
Literary Agent
#mswl overview
Literary Agent
#mswl overview
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
#MSWL Remember those YA romantic dystopian books from 10-15 years ago? LEGEND, SHATTER ME - I even count HUNGER GAMES here. I'd LOVE to see some new, fresh romantic dystopian!
(No plague-based books or books where the world is dystopian because it's misogynist, though, please.)
Literary Agent
WRITERS! New #MSWL w/ a few changes. Still looking for Adult NF (lifestyle, parenting, sports, current events, etc) and YA/MG/PB, but expanding YA/MG to fantasy and still including dystopian/sci-fi/horror/contemporary. Make me laugh, make me sob! manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/shari-maurer/
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agency
Check out the images below for Micah's #MSWL ! She's looking for #YA contemporary, #dystopian , commercial fiction, and upmarket stories. Micah is also open to #screenplays .
#amquerying #WritingCommunity
I updated my #MSWL page for the first time in... a decade? And I'm looking forward to reading some great submissions in 2024.
Agents, among other things, I'd love to find a feel-good underdog sports story to weep over and/or edit. Hit me up! manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/katherine-harrison/
Literary Agent
I'm excited to announce that I am a Literary Agent Apprentice with @CorvisieroLit and am now accepting queries! Follow the link in my bio for my full #MSWL , and how to submit. Send me all your upmarket speculative fiction 🤩 #amquerying #WritingCommunity #amagenting #publishing
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
I love romantasy, but I’d also be curious to see romance-forward stories in other SFFH genres. Dystopian? Speculative/SF? And maybe most challenging of all….Horror? #mswl
Since @shaherazadshelf is opening to unsolicited submissions next week, Heather and I are really looking forward to fantasy, dystopian, and romance in nearly all genres.
To read Heather's MSWL, check her pinned @inkbyomari and you can find my MSWL here: manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/samiha-hoque/
Literary Agent
Hitting post on this one has me holding my breath! Here is my official #MSWL Please let me know if you have any questions. I am open to queries this Friday. :) #amquerying #writingcommunity manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/amy-nielsen/
Literary Agent
Elana Roth Parker @ElanaRoth
Truth: I'm struggling with dystopian fiction in my submissions. The kids these days seem to want it. But I feel like my entire early agenting career was dystopian. (I sold...quite a few.) I'm not against it, but I'm also not sure what new avenues would be interesting to me.Literary Agent
#MSWL 🧵 before I open to queries on Friday!
I will be open to most genres of YA and Adult including but not limited to contemporary, romance, thriller, speculative, dystopian, issue-driven, fantasy, eco-fiction, sci-fi. Here's some things I'll be keeping my eye out for. (1/8)