Amy Giuffrida
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @belcastr & wrangler of #TheATeam Lover of books, reality TV, Buffy, coffee, rescue dogs, and tattoos. 💀 My opinions are my own. She/her.
112 MSWL
92 AskAgent

My YA asks are also very small...rom com and dystopian.

Hillary Fazzari
Literary Agent
Agent @Bradford_Agents |🗡️📜🏰 Rep’d by @HerringAli

#MSWL Remember those YA romantic dystopian books from 10-15 years ago? LEGEND, SHATTER ME - I even count HUNGER GAMES here. I'd LOVE to see some new, fresh romantic dystopian!

(No plague-based books or books where the world is dystopian because it's misogynist, though, please.)

Shari Maurer
Literary Agent
Associate Agent at Stringer Literary and Local Group Lead for @MomsDemand Rockland County, NY. The best days include ice cream.

WRITERS! New #MSWL w/ a few changes. Still looking for Adult NF (lifestyle, parenting, sports, current events, etc) and YA/MG/PB, but expanding YA/MG to fantasy and still including dystopian/sci-fi/horror/contemporary. Make me laugh, make me sob!

Daniele Hunter
Literary Agent
Junior Agent, @mcintoshandotis , KidLit!! Queer, disabled. Wife/cat lady; she/her. Ambidextrous optimist. #WeNeedDiverseBooks #BrainTumorSurvivor #Endometriosis

Here are the main differences in my MSWL from last year:

-In the MG space, I'm only now open to upper MG (protagonists 12+)

-Open more to contemporary fantasy, less to genre fantasy

-Open less to PBs with animal casts

-Narrower parameters on historical and dystopian

Daniele Hunter
Literary Agent
Junior Agent, @mcintoshandotis , KidLit!! Queer, disabled. Wife/cat lady; she/her. Ambidextrous optimist. #WeNeedDiverseBooks #BrainTumorSurvivor #Endometriosis

Dystopian: I prefer stories that have social critique, magic, or both (BLOOD LIKE MAGIC by Liselle Sambury, INTERNMENT by Samira Ahmed.)

I'm NOT a fit for apocalypse or post-apocalyptic stories.

Daniele Hunter
Literary Agent
Junior Agent, @mcintoshandotis , KidLit!! Queer, disabled. Wife/cat lady; she/her. Ambidextrous optimist. #WeNeedDiverseBooks #BrainTumorSurvivor #Endometriosis

Historical and dystopian: I'm open to works set up to 100 years in the past or the future. I also learned in my first year that I don't tend to connect with projects set farther away in time.

Corvisiero Agency
Literary Agency
New York City Boutique Literary Agency where Amazing Authors find Professional Literary Representation.
16 Tips

Check out the images below for Micah's #MSWL ! She's looking for #YA contemporary, #dystopian , commercial fiction, and upmarket stories. Micah is also open to #screenplays .

#amquerying #WritingCommunity

Katherine Harrison
senior editor of ya, middle grade, & picture books (@knopfbfyr), appreciator of scientific oddities, & aspiring drummer // she/they 🌹
1 Tips

I updated my #MSWL page for the first time in... a decade? And I'm looking forward to reading some great submissions in 2024.

Agents, among other things, I'd love to find a feel-good underdog sports story to weep over and/or edit. Hit me up!

Lisa Gouldy
Literary Agent
I agent, I write, I quilt, I obsessively read weather forecasts

I'm excited to announce that I am a Literary Agent Apprentice with @CorvisieroLit and am now accepting queries! Follow the link in my bio for my full #MSWL , and how to submit. Send me all your upmarket speculative fiction 🤩 #amquerying #WritingCommunity #amagenting #publishing

Ciara Smith
Literary Agent
AuDHD, disabled, and LGBTQIA+. She/her/they/them. Writing screenplays and editing books. Literary Agent Apprentice @ Corvisiero Literary Agency

I love Literary Speculative/Dystopian that makes me worry about the future.

Lauren Spieller
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @TriadaUS | Author of Books for Young Adults | Check my website for book info & query status. I love dogs like it's my job. She/Her
627 MSWL
98 AskAgent
2 Queries
91 Tips

I love romantasy, but I’d also be curious to see romance-forward stories in other SFFH genres. Dystopian? Speculative/SF? And maybe most challenging of all….Horror? #mswl

Samiha Hoque
💫 Earth/Environmental Sci. grad turned Acquiring Editor @shaherazadshelf 🇧🇩 Bengali-American Muslim with a passion for books, justice, & religion.

Since @shaherazadshelf is opening to unsolicited submissions next week, Heather and I are really looking forward to fantasy, dystopian, and romance in nearly all genres.

To read Heather's MSWL, check her pinned @inkbyomari and you can find my MSWL here:

Amy Nielsen
Literary Agent

Hitting post on this one has me holding my breath! Here is my official #MSWL Please let me know if you have any questions. I am open to queries this Friday. :) #amquerying #writingcommunity

Elana Roth Parker
Literary Agent
Kidlit agent w/ @LDLiterary . @aalitagents communications committee. Avid quilter. Still not Elena. Open to queries. She/her.
103 MSWL
3 AskAgent
196 Tips
Andie Smith
Literary Agent
Junior Agent @BookerAlbertLit | Co-Founder @sunandspines | YA Author | Autoimmune Advocate | Disney Lover | Proud Cat Mom (she/her)

#MSWL 🧵 before I open to queries on Friday!
I will be open to most genres of YA and Adult including but not limited to contemporary, romance, thriller, speculative, dystopian, issue-driven, fantasy, eco-fiction, sci-fi. Here's some things I'll be keeping my eye out for. (1/8)

Andie Smith
Literary Agent
Junior Agent @BookerAlbertLit | Co-Founder @sunandspines | YA Author | Autoimmune Advocate | Disney Lover | Proud Cat Mom (she/her)
The Wild Rose Press
Award-winning #publishing company with 16 years of experience and a vision to create a better, friendlier way to get #books published. 📚

Please note in your #query that you heard about our #callforsubs on Twitter. Both agented and unagented submissions welcome.

Here we go:

🌹Romantic Suspense. We are in need of some love alongside that mystery and intrigue.

🌹Mafia Romances

🌹YA Fiction, specifically dystopian

Hilary Harwell
Literary Agent
Lit Agent @KTLiterary | Seeker of profundity, sunshine, fun, & good books. She/her. 🇸🇪🇱🇹 Closed to queries.
18 Tips

I’d love to see more YA thrillers, mysteries, horror and dystopian in my inbox! #MSWL #amwriting #amquerying #writingcommunity

Gianna Lakenauth
Assistant Editor
Assistant Editor at Knopf BFYR. Cat mom! Tea, books, wine. She/her. Opinions are my own.

This is me begging for a YA dystopian that keeps me up for an entire week the way it did my sophomore year of college when I binged read the Hunger Games #mswl