
We've archived a selection of writing tips, querying advice, and "Ask Agent" tweets that we no longer actively collect or update. While the information may not be current, it remains available for reference and inspiration. Explore the archived content below.

1. Ask Agent

The #AskAgent hashtag is a popular way to pose questions about querying and publishing directly to literary agents. Through this hashtag, writers can get insights, advice, and answers to their pressing questions from industry professionals. It's a valuable resource for gaining clarity on the publishing process and improving your query strategy.

2.#QueryTip and #PubTip

The hashtags #QueryTip and #PubTip are used by literary agents and publishing professionals to share dos and don’ts, along with valuable tips, for writers navigating the querying and publishing process.

3. #Tenqueries

Initially known as #TenQueries, these hashtags are used by literary agents to share their thoughts on queries and indicate a "Yes" or "No" as they review submissions in their query inbox.