TJ Ohler
Editorial Assistant
Editorial Assistant @zandoprojects | Emerson alum | bookseller | constantly questioning words, often feeling Wordless | 3 time #Pitchwars Mentor he/they

Romance! Happy to consider any and all queer and BIPOC stories, would especially love a cozy fantasy with romance, a horror romance, something speculative/five minutes in the future.

Anything that can be comped to Talia Hibbert, Helen Hoang, Emily Henry, etc. #MSWL

Antoinette Van Sluytman
Literary Agent
@IGLAbooks SFF junior agent. Member of AALA & MDI committee. @Antoinight author account. 🥷🏾anti-literary imperialism🥷🏾✨She/Her✨
Ashley Reisinger
Literary Agent
Book Hoarder | Canadian, eh? | Assistant Literary Agent @TriadaUS | Opinions My Own | She/Her


I’m very selective with MG and am primarily looking for heartfelt, lyrical contemporary right now. I am also open to speculative fiction in MG with a preference for contemporary fantasy—I have a soft spot for quirky or snarky characters/voices in this space.

Ashley Reisinger
Literary Agent
Book Hoarder | Canadian, eh? | Assistant Literary Agent @TriadaUS | Opinions My Own | She/Her

Genre-blending narratives
-mysteries/suspense/thrillers set in more sci-fi or fantasy worlds
-speculative romance
-horror elements blended into SFF (cosmic horror-esque)
-surprise me!!

Ashley Reisinger
Literary Agent
Book Hoarder | Canadian, eh? | Assistant Literary Agent @TriadaUS | Opinions My Own | She/Her

-lower SFF/accessible worldbuilding
-contemporary fantasy (whether light and fun or dark and spooky)
-magical academies/dark academia
-thought-provoking sci-fi
-near future or tech focused sci-fi (versus space operas)

Ashley Reisinger
Literary Agent
Book Hoarder | Canadian, eh? | Assistant Literary Agent @TriadaUS | Opinions My Own | She/Her

I am also open to the following in Adult, though prefer if they have a strong romantic subplot:
-mystery (a la Knives Out)
-women’s fiction
-grounded/accessible SFF

Ashley Reisinger
Literary Agent
Book Hoarder | Canadian, eh? | Assistant Literary Agent @TriadaUS | Opinions My Own | She/Her

An updated #MSWL thread!

In general, I’m looking for Adult, YA, & MG fiction. I'm drawn to romance, horror, lower SFF, and genre blending & am always looking for more diverse perspectives. I am NOT right for erotica, non-fic, lit fic, or lower MG/chap books.

Specifics below.

Julie Crisp
Literary Agent
Literary agent. Represents a bunch of fabulous authors. My #MSWL is
Hillary Fazzari
Literary Agent
Agent @Bradford_Agents |🗡️📜🏰 Rep’d by @HerringAli

These are not every #MSWL item I’ve ever posted (since some of those are broad) but just the specific things in the image below (and also 🧵'd in tweets below), so if you have something that fits an item on this list, feel free to send it my way on the link at the end of this 🧵:

Miriam Cortinovis
Literary Agent
🏳️‍🌈🇮🇹 || they/she || associate agent at @arthouselit || freelance reader || Writing & Publishing MA || writing: @chamomewrites

with my maybe pile depleted, I'm looking for more delicious queries in my inbox, namely

🦴fantasy horror (pls!)
🦴queer YA contemp
🦴retellings (non-Western, no fairytales)
🦴woman w/ big sword (I've been BEGGING)
🦴arthurian lore re-imagined
🦴YA sci-fi

#mswl #querying

Hillary Fazzari
Literary Agent
Agent @Bradford_Agents |🗡️📜🏰 Rep’d by @HerringAli

#MSWL Something I'll be looking for when I reopen are ✨cozy New Adult fantasies✨ that blend fun, speculative elements, & romance w/spice.

I'll be looking for lots of variations including genre mixing, romcoms at magical colleges, contemporaries w/protagonists who have magic...

Natascha Morris
Literary Agent
Senior Lit Agent at Tobias Literary Agency, kidlit all the way. QueryManager:
918 MSWL
31 AskAgent
194 Queries
46 Tips

I am lovely this vein of comedic fantasy. You know, the high fantasy world meshed with a workplace romance/comedy, and an almost contemporary voice. I'd love something like that. ONWARD & ASSISTANT TO THE VILLIAN is kind of what I am thinking. #MSWL

Natascha Morris
Literary Agent
Senior Lit Agent at Tobias Literary Agency, kidlit all the way. QueryManager:
918 MSWL
31 AskAgent
194 Queries
46 Tips

Ahead of opening to queries this week, I am going to retweet some of my #MSWL tweets. This month I am really looking to find more YA novels, particularly hoping to find a fantasy or more contemporary coming of age romances.

Weaver Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Working to create space for voices of diverse backgrounds & perspectives in adult & children’s literature. 🕯 @aalitagents
Bradford Literary Agency
Literary Agency
We are a boutique agency passionate about forming true partnerships & building long-term relationships with our clients

@RebeccaLMatte is back open to queries! She's looking for Adult and YA Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Romance, and is especially excited about queer romance and stories that are unabashedly nerdy.

For more details, check out her #MSWL here:

D. Ann Williams
Literary Agent
she/they associate agent @EmeraldCityLit Dabbling in writing with @makingthewords . All thoughts my own!
12 AskAgent

And now for some targeted #MSWL requests (1/2):

☑️ a YA dark academia/SFF/thriller Revolutionary Girl Utena
☑️ friendship & grief of Bridge to Terabithia/My Girl
☑️ the complex relationship between Louis/Lestat in the TV adaptation of IWTV
☑️ MG foster care

D. Ann Williams
Literary Agent
she/they associate agent @EmeraldCityLit Dabbling in writing with @makingthewords . All thoughts my own!
12 AskAgent

☑️ Horror
☑️ SFF (especially afro-futurism & magical realism variety)
☑️ Mysteries/Thrillers (would love some chilling psychological thrillers)
☑️ Historicals with a twist (spec, queer, mystery, etc.)

Hillary Fazzari
Literary Agent
Agent @Bradford_Agents |🗡️📜🏰 Rep’d by @HerringAli

#MSWL In response to the characters-in-college discourse, I'm *definitely* looking for projects w/characters in college (trade school, etc.)!

Give me college romance, college adventure, college heists, fantasy colleges, colleges in space!! Looking for both upper YA & New Adult!

Asia Harden
Editorial Assistant
editorial assistant at FSG BYR (@mackidsbooks) ☆ @columbiapubcrse & @olemiss alum ☆ 1908 ☆ grace upon grace ☆ all thoughts my own

still on a hiatus from this app but wanted to share my current #mswl for my agent friends😊here's what i'm excited about rn:

- genre fiction from POC
- historical fantasy & alt history
- gothic fiction
- romantasy
- mystery-thriller
- horror

*agented subs only*