Sam B. Farkas
Literary Agent
Foreign Rights & Agent at Jill Grinberg Literary. History dork. Gritty fanatic. Licorice connoisseur. She/her. Writer rep’d by @patricianels

In 2025, I would love to sign my first adult non-fiction project. Top of my list is food writing/food memoir. Some recent favorites in this genre:


Nicole Luongo
editing @parkrowbooks / @harpercollins | open to acquisitions 📚 | she/her


[3/3] Select narrative nonfiction + memoir. Emphasis on diverse voices across the board (for both fiction + nonfiction).

Agents, let’s connect! 👋

Lynnette Novak
Literary Agent
Literary agent at The Seymour Agency. See my pinned tweet for deets. (she/her)
192 MSWL
68 Tips

#MSWL : Adult nonfiction: memoirs & narrative nonfiction, spirituality/New Age, self-help, health/fitness, body/mind/spirit, parenting/family, motivational/inspirational, business, celebrity, lifestyle, pets, psychology, relationships & dating, & true crime. #WritingCommunity 3/3

Lynnette Novak
Literary Agent
Literary agent at The Seymour Agency. See my pinned tweet for deets. (she/her)
192 MSWL
68 Tips

I'm also looking for adult nonfiction: memoirs & narrative nonfiction, spirituality/New Age, self-help, health/fitness, body/mind/spirit, parenting/family, motivational/inspirational, business, celebrity, lifestyle, pets, psychology, relationships/dating, & true crime. #MSWL 2/2

Jessica Berg
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at Rosecliff Literary | Dev Ed @writersdigest @uncharted_mag_@fracturedlit | Rep: @askamycollins
Daniele Hunter
Literary Agent
Junior Agent, @mcintoshandotis , KidLit!! Queer, disabled. Wife/cat lady; she/her. Ambidextrous optimist. #WeNeedDiverseBooks #BrainTumorSurvivor #Endometriosis

Sparingly open to nonfiction in picture books, from educational to memoir.

I'm open to bios; I prefer underrepresented subjects (NIKI NAKAYMA: A CHEF’S TALE IN 13 BITES by Debbi Michiko Florence).

Informative with some wit, like Mary Roach for kids!

Literary Agent
I write a little each day. I read a lot each day. Real life is the best fiction. Grateful for publishing friends.

In fiction: speculative, magical realism, horror, romance. In NF: narrative NF, memoir, biography, immigrant stories, cultural commentary, people in history, lesser known professions and crafts (builders, designers, architects), musicians/artists/creators, daredevils, athletes.

Meg Reid
Director, @hubcitypress . She/her. Canadian in the South 🍁. Way over yonder in the minor key. Tweets are 100% my own and don’t represent HCWP.

my nonfiction #mswl : memoir, anthologies, and single narrative nonfiction about all facets of Southern culture / by writers who claim the South as home. Essay collections but need to truly sing (and be complete). Proposals and in-prog okay for longer narrative projects.

Colleen Oefelein
Literary Agent
Literary Agent MacGregor & Luedeke Lit Christian Disabled Veteran PTSD warrior Penn State alum Also Author CM McCoy: EERIE Loves Irish dance, space & Pokemon
2 AskAgent
14 Tips

In ADULT and CHILDRENS Nonfiction:
- True Crime
- High-profile memoir
- Cookbooks

March 2024 #MSWL

Naomi Eisenbeiss
Literary Agent
Lit agent @inkwellmanagement // bonsai enthusiast // queries to submissions@inkwellmanagement .com
Louise Buckley
Literary Agent
Editorial Consultant & writing coach. Former Literary Agent and in-house Editor. Trained primary school teacher. Mum. She/Her. DM about editorial feedback.

-memoir. Recently enjoyed Lowborn by Kerry Hudson, Educated by Tara Westover and Matrescence by Lucy Jones

-as someone living with an invisible disability, I'd love to receive submissions with disabled protagonist or written by those living with a disability themselves

Laura Apperson
Editor, @alcovepress . Writer, avid coffee enthusiast. Flautist @BKWindSymphony . She/her.

Agents, I'm looking forward to hearing from you! I'm mainly acquiring in: self-help, psychology, family and relationships, sociology, and memoir, and less broadly, in health and wellness; careers and lifestyle; general inspiration; history; and mind/body/spirit. (12/12)

Colleen Oefelein
Literary Agent
Literary Agent MacGregor & Luedeke Lit Christian Disabled Veteran PTSD warrior Penn State alum Also Author CM McCoy: EERIE Loves Irish dance, space & Pokemon
2 AskAgent
14 Tips

Manuscript wish list:
- Adult space only for Dec 2023
- Thrillers
- Psychological thrillers: character-driven & twisty
- Horror: thoughtful, more suspense than gore, unexpected endings.
- Mystery: 70k-100k words, historical & contemporary with or w/o a hint of romance, trad cozies, police procedurals, amateur sleuths & private 👁️ fiction
- Suspense: 75k - 100k words, no paranormal, lower to mid-level descriptions of violence
- Romance: Historical & Contemporary (with series potential), Romcom (with new fresh spins on old tropes), Small Town Western Settings, Diverse Romance, Holiday Romance
- Historical Fiction (no WWII fiction) from the ’20s, ’40s and Victorian era
- I would LOVE a creative retelling of The Highwayman by Alfred Noyes
- I would also love a contemporary take on AN ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE
- High-concept book club fiction with a commercial hook. Anything provocative, humorous, and/or haunting
- Novels featuring complex family and/or racial dynamics and unforgettable characters - Speculative fiction with quirky characters
- For all fiction: a magnetic opening, well-trained, flowy writing and cliffy chapter endings please!

- Only from authors with an established/large platform
- Commercial nf with a wide reach
- Sports
- History
- Celebrity or true crime autobiography - Book club nonfiction books with take-away
- Stories infused with faith/positive spirit
- Space-related memoir & other space nf from authors with a platform

I may add more! And if you're very keen on working with me, but you aren't sure if you've got what I'm looking for, you can always DM or comment with your questions.

Zoe Aline Howard
Literary Agent
Associate Agent at @HowlandLit , Literary Publicist at @PineStatePub , Lover of Patti Smith’s “This Is” captions on Instagram & OPEN TO QUERIES

before i re-open to queries (please send me your weirdest & wildest), i whipped up a little something to show what i'm looking for these days:

Colleen Oefelein
Literary Agent
Literary Agent MacGregor & Luedeke Lit Christian Disabled Veteran PTSD warrior Penn State alum Also Author CM McCoy: EERIE Loves Irish dance, space & Pokemon
2 AskAgent
14 Tips

Manuscript wish list:
- Adult space only for Dec 2023
- Thrillers
- Psychological thrillers: character-driven & twisty
- Horror: thoughtful, more suspense than gore, unexpected endings.
- Mystery: 70k-100k words, historical & contemporary with or w/o a hint of romance, trad cozies, police procedurals, amateur sleuths & private 👁️ fiction
- Suspense: 75k - 100k words, no paranormal, lower to mid-level descriptions of violence
- Romance: Historical & Contemporary (with series potential), Romcom (with new fresh spins on old tropes), Small Town Western Settings, Diverse Romance, Holiday Romance
- Historical Fiction (no WWII fiction) from the ’20s, ’40s and Victorian era
- I would LOVE a creative retelling of The Highwayman by Alfred Noyes
- High-concept book club fiction with a commercial hook. Anything provocative, humorous, and/or haunting
- Novels featuring complex family and/or racial dynamics and unforgettable characters
- Speculative fiction with quirky characters
- For all fiction: a magnetic opening, well-trained, flowy writing and cliffy chapter endings please!

- Only from authors with an established/large platform
- Commercial nf with a wide reach
- Sports
- History
- Celebrity or true crime autobiography
- Book club nonfiction books with take-away
- Stories infused with faith/positive spirit
- Space-related memoir & other space nf from authors with a platform

I may add more! And if you're very keen on working with me, but you aren't sure if you've got what I'm looking for, you can always DM or comment with your questions.

Christine Goss
Literary Agent
Associate Literary Agent at @tpurcellagency . Thoughts and opinions are my own.

I would love a how-to mixed with memoir about farming. Be it a small mom and pop farm OR how large farming can operate in a sustainable manner. #mswl

P.S. Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Representing a diverse list of internationally published, award-winning, bestselling and debut creators.
2641 MSWL
71 AskAgent
3 Queries
179 Tips

"With memoir, I love a story that feels like I'm reading a collection of essays. @JamesTateHill 's BLIND MAN'S BLUFF and @m_scribe 's WHAT WE DIDN'T EXPECT, an anthology of essays are two books I worked on that fit in that space."
@ericsmithrocks #MSWL

Roma Panganiban
Literary Assistant
Reading for a living @janklownesbit , tweeting for free. Constantly mortified by the ordeal of being known. Don't buy books from Amazon. she/her
2 Tips

I'm also redoubling my efforts to scout out sharp, voice-y narrative nonfiction—journalism, arts & pop culture, hidden history, accessible but expertly researched social science, unconventional essays/memoir, anything with a progressive slant and a sense of humor #MSWL

Eric Smith
Literary Agent
Literary Agent (@PSLiterary), Author. Latest, YOU CAN GO YOUR OWN WAY (@InkyardPress) and JAGGED LITTLE PILL: THE NOVEL (@abramskids). Loves @BeautyBritches .
175 MSWL
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4 Queries
8 Tips

Doing a lot of reading today, and just throwing it out there that I would LOVE to have an adoptee memoir written for a YA audience in my query box. 💛 #MSWL

Kat Foxx
Literary Agent
Assistant Literary Agent @TRFNews . OPEN TO QUERIES! | she/her | @_badasswriters @moodpitchers | writes thrillers @kfoxx_writes


7. I’m very particular about memoirs. It needs to read like fiction. Memoir Plus is huge right now; your personal struggles being affected by a universal external circumstance. A memoir is not a diary of your life; it’s a specific event that greatly impacted your life.