Literary Agency
I’m looking for immersive settings, a strong love story, & a high-concept plot. Give me adventure, humor, and swoon-worthy romance—whether it’s a daring quest, a fairy tale reimagining, or a kingdom on the brink of change. I want magic, unforgettable characters, and a romance that feels epic. #MSWL

Literary Agency
✨️ Princess Bride-style banter and swoon-worthy romance
✨ Ella Enchanted vibes w/ adventure, humor, & lighthearted magic
✨ A headstrong heroine who refuses to be a damsel
✨ A dashing, mysterious [x] with a heart of gold
✨ Twists, disguises, & a fairy tale ending

Literary Agent
It's #MSWL Day! Please take a look at my profile: www.manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/je... I'm open for queries!

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Assistant
Hi all! I'll be opening my queries for two weeks starting February 1! You can find more about what I'm interested in on the Metamorphsis Website and on my Query page. I look forward to reading your work. #query #WritingCommunity Querytracker.net/query/shanians/shaniansoler

Literary Agent
In general, my #MSWL includes big emotions, multi-level plots, female friendships, sweeping urban fantasy, clever fairytale retellings, reimagined classics, unique story structures, locked-room YA thrillers, MG with magical creatures, heists & spies & assassins, rivals to lovers, and diverse voices.

Literary Agent
Michael Grey - mikes005.bsky.social @Mikes005
Thanks, Julie. Broad question, but what kind of MSs (genre wise) are you on the lookout for currently?All on my #Mswl and website. 😀 Most areas of science fiction and fantasy, mythological/fairytale retellings, gothic horror, spec fiction...all the genre.

Assistant Editor

Literary Agent
Dark romance in the vein of Emily McIntire
Romantasy of all kinds
Fairytale retellings of all kinds

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
If you are an author hoping to be traditionally published, check out my Manuscript Wish List manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/brandy-vallance/

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
quick links, friends:
MSWL arthouselit.com/who-we-are
Queries querymanager.com/query/ArtHouseLitSubmissions
Pinterest: pinterest.com/estywrites/titles-i-wish-were-mine/
*art by @ katiemadethat on insta

Literary Agency
"I am always looking for creepy horror stories for middle grade, young adult, or adult readers.I’m seeking an upmarket horror fairy tale retelling."
Maria Vicente #MSWL

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
I'm finally open to submissions again: My #MSWL is here: manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/julie-crisp/ Super excited to see what comes in! 🥳🥳

Literary Agent
So excited to announce that I'll be opening for queries next week on Monday!
My full #MSWL can be found on my website: leahnovamoss.wixsite.com/my-site/manuscript-wishlist
I can't wait to read your queries soon! I'll have a #MSWL thread up soon as well.
#amquerying #writingcommunity #amagenting

Literary Agent
Something I didn’t know I wanted on my #mswl
• fairy tale or classic retellings/reimaginings
• modern stories about characters from fairy tales/classics and themes from said stories