Julie Crisp
Literary Agent
Literary agent. Represents a bunch of fabulous authors. My #MSWL is https://manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/julie-crisp/
vanessa aguirre
Assistant Editor
🇲🇽🇨🇴 assistant editor @wednesdaybooks /@stmartinspress, fiction editor @strangehorizons , LxP mentorship co-director

now i'm just thinking more random 2024 #mswl things... i'd also love to see more epic romance! sweeping, fated love stories with world-changing stakes, different lifetimes, etc. i also love romances with fairytale and/or folklore sensibilities💖

Caroline J. Trussell
Literary Agent
junior literary agent with @metamorphlitag , mental health advocate/warrior, reader, indie/self pubbed author. INFJ & Capricorn😇 (she/her)

Dark romance in the vein of Emily McIntire

Romantasy of all kinds

Fairytale retellings of all kinds


Caroline J. Trussell
Literary Agent
junior literary agent with @metamorphlitag , mental health advocate/warrior, reader, indie/self pubbed author. INFJ & Capricorn😇 (she/her)

I’d like to see more…
- fairy tale retellings
- dark romance

If you have a completed manuscript that fits into either of these categories, please send them my way!

Haley Casey
Literary Agent
Associate Literary Agent at CMA. Feminist. Interested in watching TV shows I've already seen and owning ALL books. All opinions are my own. (she/her)
1 Tips

Bring me myth, fairytale, and classic retellings!

Bring me vibes!

Bring me:

Locked-room YA thrillers
Rivals-to-lovers tension-filled romcoms
Unbearably clever YA heroes
Romantasy with characters to die for
An MG novel full of magical creatures
Female friendships


Brandy Vallance
Literary Agent
Literary agent with Barbara Bova Literary Agency & Award-Winning Author. Open to queries 1/1/24 http://barbarabovaliteraryagency.com
Alice Caprio
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @FelicityBryan 📚 Passionate about Children’s, YA, SFF and all kinds of romance 💘 (she/her)

Within the fantasy genre, I yearn for fairytale fiction in the vein of Stephanie Garber, wholesome quests that bring me back to my first reading of The Hobbit and whimsical stories that feel low stakes in terms of plot, but convey a sense of jeopardy in the emotional stakes ⚔️♥️

Esty Downes
Literary Agent
associate literary agent @arthouselit • ✡️📚🌈🍓 editor @SouthRevBooks • SCBWI • sweet + ungovernable •
P.S. Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Representing a diverse list of internationally published, award-winning, bestselling and debut creators.
2641 MSWL
71 AskAgent
3 Queries
179 Tips

"I am always looking for creepy horror stories for middle grade, young adult, or adult readers.I’m seeking an upmarket horror fairy tale retelling."
Maria Vicente #MSWL

Maddy Belton
Literary Agent
Associate Agent at @MMLitAgency ✨ she/her 🏳️‍🌈 ✨ Mind changer and wonder chaser

Fairytale but make it horror! Full disclosure I am a bit of a horror wimp but I do love books that scare me so long as there is a crumb of hope for me to cling to. Even if you crush that hope at the end. 😰😰#MSWL

Julie Crisp
Literary Agent
Literary agent. Represents a bunch of fabulous authors. My #MSWL is https://manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/julie-crisp/
Leah Nova Moss
Literary Agent
Associate Literary Agent @stevenliterary | Library Youth Associate | Professional Bookworm She/hers

So excited to announce that I'll be opening for queries next week on Monday!

My full #MSWL can be found on my website: leahnovamoss.wixsite.com/my-site/manuscript-wishlist

I can't wait to read your queries soon! I'll have a #MSWL thread up soon as well.

#amquerying #writingcommunity #amagenting

Caroline J. Trussell
Literary Agent
junior literary agent with @metamorphlitag , mental health advocate/warrior, reader, indie/self pubbed author. INFJ & Capricorn😇 (she/her)

Something I didn’t know I wanted on my #mswl
• fairy tale or classic retellings/reimaginings
• modern stories about characters from fairy tales/classics and themes from said stories

Gabriella Noelle
Literary Agent
There's only one me. And I'm it. | Assistant Agent/ Editorial Assistant at Great Dog Literary Agency | Consuming all the media I can | Query Me!

Very excited to announce that I will be opening my Query Manager officially next week! A link to my MSWL is in my bio, but I will also be sharing a thread of some of the things I'm looking for here. Can't wait to start reading

Literary Agency
Award-winning independent literary agency based in Oxford.

I’m particularly in the mood for astrology-inspired fantasy, courtly intrigue, a witchy romance, myth & fairytale retellings, sapphic romantasy, undercover assassins, life or death trials and anything dark academia...

Eva Scalzo
Literary Agent
a boricua🇵🇷 who has never met a tangent she wouldn’t follow | lit agent @ Speilburg Literary | AALA & SCBWI | she/her/ella/ms. | links in bio
444 Queries
39 Tips

In fantasy: Anything with a fairy tale at the root of the story is fair game but also any retelling of a classic story is my jam. From Shakespeare to Spielberg, I love stories that take familiar characters and upends their world and everything we thought we knew about them. #mswl

Stuti Telidevara
Literary Agent
she/her // @ParkandFine // former: @RavenLiterary @orbitbooks @TransLitAgency // opinions own

In MG I'm looking for fantasy only! While I love charming, pacey adventure stories, I'd love something steeped in fairytale. I grew up reading a lot of Cornelia Funke & would love something with that tone.

Bethany Ferguson
Literary Assistant
Agency Assistant at @KNLitAgency 📚 Lover of stories in all their forms (books, musicals, films, tabletop RPGs, you name it!) 🖊 she/her

#amquerying writers, I'd love to see:

✨️A cosy fantasy like Legends and Lattes - magic meets the mundane in mythical wedding planners or dragons at drama school

💖A dreamy fairy-tale inspired romantasy (soulmates are a plus)

🔎A twisty Knives Out-esque murder mystery


Christa Heschke
Literary Agent
Children's Literary Agent, @McIntoshandOtis , movie-fanatic, dreamer, kid-at-heart, #GoPackGo , Western NY born and bred.
13 Tips

Comps: PAN’S LABYRINTH for fairy-tale horror, Carrie Ryan (especially THE FOREST OF HANDS AND TEETH), THE YEAR OF THE WITCHING, FINAL GIRLS, MEXICAN GOTHIC, WILDER GIRLS. I also can’t get enough horror movies—BODIES BODIES BODIES and BARBARIAN are two more that’ve stuck with me!

Christa Heschke
Literary Agent
Children's Literary Agent, @McIntoshandOtis , movie-fanatic, dreamer, kid-at-heart, #GoPackGo , Western NY born and bred.
13 Tips

Horror, YA & adult - To me, the best horror has social commentary (WHAT WE HARVEST, EAT YOUR HEART OUT). I love horror blended with fantasy or fairy tales. I never get tired of creepy forests & small towns with secrets, whether it’s a current setting, historical, or high fantasy!