Hillary Fazzari
Literary Agent
Agent @Bradford_Agents |🗡️📜🏰 Rep’d by @HerringAli

These are not every #MSWL item I’ve ever posted (since some of those are broad) but just the specific things in the image below (and also 🧵'd in tweets below), so if you have something that fits an item on this list, feel free to send it my way on the link at the end of this 🧵:

Hillary Fazzari
Literary Agent
Agent @Bradford_Agents |🗡️📜🏰 Rep’d by @HerringAli

And might as well note when I reopen I'll also be looking for fun, bonkers, glitzy, exciting New Adult contemporary & rom-com w/out speculative elements too!

I'd love to see some really unexpected, out-of-the-box stuff! Nice mashups of the weird and the fun with romance. #MSWL

Hillary Fazzari
Literary Agent
Agent @Bradford_Agents |🗡️📜🏰 Rep’d by @HerringAli

And I'm also #MSWL looking for other New Adult settings that can have speculative elements thrown in: NA spy stories w/speculative, NA vacation stories with the same, NA movie set stories w/speculative.

Make it cozy, rompy, bonkers, 🔥unexpected🔥, glitzy!! I'm hungry for this.

Hillary Fazzari
Literary Agent
Agent @Bradford_Agents |🗡️📜🏰 Rep’d by @HerringAli

#MSWL Something I'll be looking for when I reopen are ✨cozy New Adult fantasies✨ that blend fun, speculative elements, & romance w/spice.

I'll be looking for lots of variations including genre mixing, romcoms at magical colleges, contemporaries w/protagonists who have magic...

Hillary Fazzari
Literary Agent
Agent @Bradford_Agents |🗡️📜🏰 Rep’d by @HerringAli

And for folks wondering what I mean when I say I want "New Adult", I'm specifically looking for projects with a YA-ish tone, protagonists aged ≈20-23, & room for spice. These are your upper college aged protagonists & new grads experiencing adulthood for the first time! #MSWL

Hillary Fazzari
Literary Agent
Agent @Bradford_Agents |🗡️📜🏰 Rep’d by @HerringAli

Behold! Here's my highly attractive handwriting illustrating the ✨new categories✨ I'll be open to when I reopen to queries!

I'll soon also be looking for New Adult Contemporary, New Adult Thrillers/Mysteries, & New Adult Horror/Horrormance (not too gruesome though!) #MSWL

Hillary Fazzari
Literary Agent
Agent @Bradford_Agents |🗡️📜🏰 Rep’d by @HerringAli

#MSWL In response to the characters-in-college discourse, I'm *definitely* looking for projects w/characters in college (trade school, etc.)!

Give me college romance, college adventure, college heists, fantasy colleges, colleges in space!! Looking for both upper YA & New Adult!

Asia Harden
Editorial Assistant
editorial assistant at FSG BYR (@mackidsbooks) ☆ @columbiapubcrse & @olemiss alum ☆ 1908 ☆ grace upon grace ☆ all thoughts my own

still on a hiatus from this app but wanted to share my current #mswl for my agent friends😊here's what i'm excited about rn:

- genre fiction from POC
- historical fantasy & alt history
- gothic fiction
- romantasy
- mystery-thriller
- horror

*agented subs only*

Nicole Payne
Literary Agent
Made of one part Scientist, one part zombie, & two parts chocolate. She/Her. Literary Agent @GoldenWheatLit . Query me @ querymanager.com/npayne
13 Tips

My inbox needs more New Adult (NA) romance and speculative fiction (but no horror, please)! #mswl

Callen Martin
Literary Agent
Proud queer • Even prouder care experienced person • Literary Agent Maternity Cover & MG/YA/NA books @BLM_Agency • MAWYP Grad • Taylor Swift fanatic • He/Him

To everyone intrigued by this #MSWL call out or indeed more generally, if you think I might be a good fit for you (Agent profile: belllomaxmoreton.co.uk/agents/callen-martin) please do submit to me. I work in Children’s (7+), Teen, YA and New Adult / Crossover, in all genres – very excited to read!

Brandy Vallance
Literary Agent
Literary agent with Barbara Bova Literary Agency & Award-Winning Author. Open to queries 1/1/24 http://barbarabovaliteraryagency.com

I represent these genres but I am also not limited to these genres: Historical, Literary, Women’s Fiction, Southern Fiction, Sci-fi, Fantasy, YA, Adventure, Speculative, Inspirational, Thriller. brandyvallance.com / barbarabovaliteraryagency.com #mswl #amquerying

vanessa aguirre
Assistant Editor
🇲🇽🇨🇴 assistant editor @wednesdaybooks /@stmartinspress, fiction editor @strangehorizons , LxP mentorship co-director
Julie Gourinchas
Literary Assistant
she/they 🌿 literary flâneuse @BLM_Agency . 🇫🇷🇺🇸 in 🇬🇧. intellectual (non-practicing). likes: literary fiction, cheap wine, Aragorn II Elessar. views mine.

in terms of GENRES and NARRATIVES, I love:

- dark academia
- horror
- gothic, esp. regional gothic
- character-led literary fiction
- historical + alternate history, particularly 19th and 20th century and particularly focused on international, BIPOC, and LGBTQIA+ stories


Vicky Weber
Literary Agent
Assoc. Lit Agent at @tpurcellagency ❤ Children's Books Author + Publishing Coach - Repped by @eastwestlit 🇵🇷


-More illustrators or author/illustrators, especially marginalized
-Poetic, lyrical PBs (but not rhyme) with lots of layers and heart
-Creepy, spooky ghost stories (Adult/New Adult)
-Gorgeous prose but highly commercial concepts across the board

Jessica Berg
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at Rosecliff Literary | Dev Ed @writersdigest @uncharted_mag_@fracturedlit | Rep: @askamycollins
Bethany Fulk Hendrix
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at Spencerhill Associates• YA writer • Lover of all things Disney and chocolate

I am so excited to announce that I am now at Spencerhill Associates! AND I am now open to queries! Head to the Spencerhill website to see what I'm looking for and get your queries in my QueryManager! So excited for this new adventure.

Hillary Fazzari
Literary Agent
Agent @Bradford_Agents |🗡️📜🏰 Rep’d by @HerringAli

#MSWL I’m also always on the look out for:
✨genre mixing projects!
✨gap area projects!

These are books that do fun things w/genre boundaries and/or hit "gap" areas of the market: voice-y lower MG, adventurous (or romantic) upper MG/lower YA, upper YA & New Adult.

Hillary Fazzari
Literary Agent
Agent @Bradford_Agents |🗡️📜🏰 Rep’d by @HerringAli

#MSWL I’d love to see some YA, NA, or Adult projects set on the set of a non-U.S. TV show/movie!

Probably not reality show based (unless the show has a an all BIPOC cast) so more that the set is just the setting w/the heart of the story elsewhere.

Susan Velazquez
Literary Agent
Publishing professional, Texas native, and Oxford comma supporter. Chingona como mi madre.

I am ONLY looking for YA/New Adult/Adult stories in romance, rom-coms, romantasy, upmarket/book club fiction, and women's fiction. OK to cross into the magical side of speculative (time travel, time slip, parallel universe stories a la THE SEVEN YEAR SLIP by Ashley Poston)

Hillary Fazzari
Literary Agent
Agent @Bradford_Agents |🗡️📜🏰 Rep’d by @HerringAli

#MSWL Would love some nouveau riche casts in material too! Probably most interested in international settings for Adult work, though happy to see U.S. settings too especially in YA.

MG, YA, NA/Adult welcome. Genre mixing or SFF w/same vibes welcome! Would love BIPOC casts!