Literary Agent
On September 23 I will open for: Smart Book Club Fiction, Upmarket Women’s Fiction. Looking for: propulsive storylines, rich characters, complex relationships, quirky, humorous with a dash of romance. Other genres to be announced. Submit here: #MSWL
Literary Agency
Drumroll...🥁 @jsinsheim is open to queries!
If your manuscript is ready and you think it would be a good fit for Jessica's #mswl , view our submission guidelines here:
Literary Agent
I'm open for Smart Book Club Fiction, Upmarket Women’s Fiction for one week only. I’m looking for: propulsive storylines, rich characters, complex relationships, can have humor and romance (not straight RomComs). Submit here: #MSWL
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
On Friday, July 26th I'm open for Smart Book Club Fiction, Upmarket Women’s Fiction for one week only. I’m looking for: propulsive storylines, rich characters, complex relationships, can have humor and romance (not straight RomComs). #MSWL
Literary Agency
#MSWL @greyhausagency is actively looking for traditional romance and women's fiction. VERY interested in Contemporary and certainly ALL writers in Series/Category writing. @romancewriters @HarlequinBooks @Write4Harlequin @entangledpub @TulePublishing
Literary Agency
#MSWL Greyhaus Literary Agency is indeed open. I acquire traditional romance and women's fiction. I am specifically eager to find some great multicultural projects.
Literary Agent
I represent these genres but I am also not limited to these genres: Historical, Literary, Women’s Fiction, Southern Fiction, Sci-fi, Fantasy, YA, Adventure, Speculative, Inspirational, Thriller. / #mswl #amquerying
Literary Agent
Friends, it's been a long time coming, but I can FINALLY announce that my MSWL is live and I'm officially open to queries.
Literary Agent
#MSWL would love a story featuring a septuagenarian or octogenarian group of friends in genres of literary fiction, thriller, women’s fiction, etc but want older protagonists both cute and taking no shit similar to THURSDAY MURDER CLUB
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Starting a fresh week with an updated MS wishlist🤩
Authors, it's over to you!
Literary Agency
#MSWL Spring Break Blitz - Contemporary Women's Fiction
Literary Agency
#MSWL Spring Break Blitz - 1920-1940 Historical Romance and Women's Fiction
Literary Agent
I made some tiny updates to my #MSWL to reflect a few more things I'm excited to see (and maybe remove a few things that haven't been working for me). If you comp What Happened in Skinner, please query me!!
Literary Agent
Very much in my romance era. Contemporary romance w/ or w/o spec, rom coms, women’s fiction with romance, cozy fantasy romance, epic fantasy romance, YA and MG romance, horror with romance elements. I want it all so send it to meeeee pls. I wanna squeal and kick my feet #MSWL
Literary Agent
My current #MSWL . I am in particular looking for YA Thrillers, Romance, Boarding School settings, and Graphic Novels. On the Adult side, I'd love to see more Popular Science and Narrative Nonfiction, as well as Romance, and Thrillers...but there is more! 😎
Literary Agent
My #mswl page is now live! Check it out here: