Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Would love to get some more #Ya retellings! #MSWL #amagenting

Assistant Editor
I love myths, legends and fairytales. I’d love to see some retellings or adaptations. They can be contemporary, historical, fantasy, etc. #MSWL
In 2019, I want to acquire some awesome books! Check out my #MSWL and see what I'm looking for for @BlinkYABooks! manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/hann…


Literary Agent

Literary Agent
My #MSWL is live! Check out what I'm looking for over here for @BlinkYABooks here: manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/hann…

Literary Agent
Day 6 of #25DaysofMSWL: My colleague @wensday95 always has the best adult books that I wish were YA. Like her Bronte's retelling. So for today's #MSWL, I am going to retweet some of her MSWLs.

Literary Agent
Day 5 of #25DaysofMSWL: Retellings. Let's see some interested spins on favored classics and some retellings of less retold works. Gender bent, new insights. Give me all kinds of stories from all kinds of cultures. #MSWL

Literary Agency
"I’m still looking for a YA macabre fairy tale retelling. A story that combines luxurious fantasy and horror." @msmariavicente #MSWL bit.ly/2P9Z0aX

Literary Agent
Stacy Whitman @stacylwhitman
I've often said I'd LOVE a YA retelling of Much Ado, and I stand by that, but I'd love a feminist reclaiming of it, too. That's a #MSWL, by the way--YA graphic novel retelling of Much Ado about Nothing starring modern-day POC teens. What would such a retelling look like?I would EXTREMELY love this. #MSWL

Stacy Whitman @stacylwhitman
Rewatching the 90s MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING and what hits me every time is that I forget that the plot revolves so much around the accusation of Hero not being a virgin. The parts I remember are the running around conspiring to make Benedic and Beatrice fall in love w/ each other.I've often said I'd LOVE a YA retelling of Much Ado, and I stand by that, but I'd love a feminist reclaiming of it, too. That's a #MSWL, by the way--YA graphic novel retelling of Much Ado about Nothing starring modern-day POC teens. What would such a retelling look like?

Literary Agent



Literary Agency
“A macabre #YA fairy tale retelling.” @msmariavicente #MSWL mariavicente.com/representation/

Literary Agent

Literary Agent