Natascha Morris
Literary Agent
Senior Literary Agent at The Tobias Literary Agency.
965 MSWL
31 AskAgent
194 Queries
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Natascha Morris
Literary Agent
Senior Literary Agent at The Tobias Literary Agency.
965 MSWL
31 AskAgent
194 Queries
46 Tips
Natascha Morris
Literary Agent
Senior Literary Agent at The Tobias Literary Agency.
965 MSWL
31 AskAgent
194 Queries
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Fast food work place comedy for #YA #MSWL

Natascha Morris
Literary Agent
Senior Literary Agent at The Tobias Literary Agency.
965 MSWL
31 AskAgent
194 Queries
46 Tips
Natascha Morris
Literary Agent
Senior Literary Agent at The Tobias Literary Agency.
965 MSWL
31 AskAgent
194 Queries
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I want an academia book: dark, light, or cozy/whimsical #MSWL

Natascha Morris
Literary Agent
Senior Literary Agent at The Tobias Literary Agency.
965 MSWL
31 AskAgent
194 Queries
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This is a niche want but I want to see more embarrassing parents (Dads in socks and sandals, moms wearing fanny packs) in kidlit. I want the parents to be loving and ride or die for their kids, but I want the embarrassing loving parent. Dad jokes a plus. #MSWL

Natascha Morris
Literary Agent
Senior Literary Agent at The Tobias Literary Agency.
965 MSWL
31 AskAgent
194 Queries
46 Tips

I kind of want an #MSWL for this.

Natascha Morris
Literary Agent
Senior Literary Agent at The Tobias Literary Agency.
965 MSWL
31 AskAgent
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46 Tips

I have started calling picture books that are fun and entertaining and a bit commercial with a subtle message or theme as "pickles". They're not really vegetables, but they are made out of cucumbers. Kids don't think of them as vegetables (but again, cucumbers). That's the PB I want #MSWL

Natascha Morris
Literary Agent
Senior Literary Agent at The Tobias Literary Agency.
965 MSWL
31 AskAgent
194 Queries
46 Tips

I kind of want a #YA horror book #MSWL

Natascha Morris
Literary Agent
Senior Literary Agent at The Tobias Literary Agency.
965 MSWL
31 AskAgent
194 Queries
46 Tips
Natascha Morris
Literary Agent
Senior Literary Agent at The Tobias Literary Agency.
965 MSWL
31 AskAgent
194 Queries
46 Tips

I know everyone is saying this, but if I am manifesting anything in 2025 it is this: I want a big high concept book. #MSWL

Natascha Morris
Literary Agent
Senior Literary Agent at The Tobias Literary Agency.
965 MSWL
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2025 #MSWL :
-an YA Fantasy that feels fresh
-a sweeping epic YA romance
-a great YA mystery (LOVE Rian Johnson and if you can comp to the vibes there, even better)
-a YA mermaid book
-College set sex advice column book
-hypernormality in Dystopian
-spooky adjacent picture book
-weird and quirky

Natascha Morris
Literary Agent
Senior Literary Agent at The Tobias Literary Agency.
965 MSWL
31 AskAgent
194 Queries
46 Tips

#MSWL for picture books: picture day books!

Natascha Morris
Literary Agent
Senior Literary Agent at The Tobias Literary Agency.
965 MSWL
31 AskAgent
194 Queries
46 Tips
Natascha Morris
Literary Agent
Senior Literary Agent at The Tobias Literary Agency.
965 MSWL
31 AskAgent
194 Queries
46 Tips


Basically hypernormalisation against a dystopian setting. #MSWL #YA

Natascha Morris
Literary Agent
Senior Literary Agent at The Tobias Literary Agency.
965 MSWL
31 AskAgent
194 Queries
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#MSWL for a book that comps to Justine Pucella Winans's books.

Natascha Morris
Literary Agent
Senior Literary Agent at The Tobias Literary Agency.
965 MSWL
31 AskAgent
194 Queries
46 Tips

I want a quirky, humorous picture book. That definitely uses kid logic. #MSWL

Natascha Morris
Literary Agent
Senior Literary Agent at The Tobias Literary Agency.
965 MSWL
31 AskAgent
194 Queries
46 Tips

Also, I am still so obsessed with idea of poison dresses and using "female" arts (sewing, knitting, etc) for spy craft. Cold War spy novel in a fantasy book, not focused on a princess? #MSWL

Natascha Morris
Literary Agent
Senior Literary Agent at The Tobias Literary Agency.
965 MSWL
31 AskAgent
194 Queries
46 Tips

Comedic fantasy, if that is a thing? Like I want a high fantasy book, but like what if it is a high school reunion and you are the failed chosen one? Why do we take high fantasy so seriously? #MSWL

Natascha Morris
Literary Agent
Senior Literary Agent at The Tobias Literary Agency.
965 MSWL
31 AskAgent
194 Queries
46 Tips

a cool retelling or homage to THE COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO #MSWL