Literary Agent
#MSWL A modern retelling of Phantom or Hunchback. Naturally #ownvoices are prioritized here, especially if the story if told from the perspective of a disabled character (in any case apart from these retellings as well).

Literary Agent
Tessa Woodward @TessaofAvonlea
Just had most brilliant book idea: ANNE OF MANHATTAN: modern retelling of Anne of the Island - A is a teacher in the big city, G is a first year in a big hospital... maybe they’re in the same pub trivia league? let the rom com fun begin. Who can write it for me??
Tessa Woodward @TessaofAvonlea
Just had most brilliant book idea: ANNE OF MANHATTAN: modern retelling of Anne of the Island - A is a teacher in the big city, G is a first year in a big hospital... maybe they’re in the same pub trivia league? let the rom com fun begin. Who can write it for me??This is my new #MSWL. Someone please give this to my inbox.

Literary Agent



Literary Agent
Lisa Rodgers @_LisaRodgers
I have a long-standing #mswl for RMS TItanic retellings. I was obsessed with it growing up: I listened to A Night to Remember at least 100 times, read the book more than once, played the computer game (yes, there's computer game!), etc. So, send me your Titanic-inspired ms!Also #mswl for Titanic in space!

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Chelsey Emmelhainz @CKEmmelhainz
I'm reading Circe by Madeline Miller right now and loving the hell out of it. Witches and gods and monsters and mortals... Feminist retellings of classic mythology is the BEST genre. Yeah, I just made it a genre of it's own. And every bookstore should have a section for it.Let’s do this 👇🏽 #mswl

Outlander @Outlander_STARZ
It’s June 1 and you know what that means…we’re celebrating #WorldOutlanderDay! From us to you, thanks for being a part of our clan. pic.twitter.com/1B7lgxCW4JAgents—I’m still looking for a YA Outlander re-telling/ YA time travel submission...just sayin’ 😉 #MSWL

Literary Agency
“A macabre #YA fairy tale retelling.” @msmariavicente #MSWL mariavicente.com/representation/

Literary Agent
Kelly @YAFantasyFan
Thanks to @whitleyabell, I'm now dying for a fantastical YA Harley Quinn retelling. #MSWL Someone send me this, please! pic.twitter.com/pcDbDtMedYShe's pretty badass, right? #MSWL It fits, and I still want! twitter.com/YAFantasyFan/s…

Literary Agent

Nivia Evans @NiviaEvans
Today's #mswl: secondary world low fantasy inspired by Hannibal's march on Italy.ALSO! #mswl: secondary world low or high fantasy retelling of the rise of Shaka kaSenzangakhona, better known as Shaka Zulu. Please and thank you!

Literary Agent


Literary Agent
Moe Ferrara’s #MSWL Madness bookendsliterary.com/2018/03/13/moe…

#MSWL New Surge Editor seeks #YA #NA #Fantasy #Retellings #Inspy #ChristianFiction manuscripts! wp.me/p4e8bN-SA

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Lisa Rodgers @_LisaRodgers
#mswl I'd love to see a wildfire story. I'm equal opportunity on the setting -- campers/hikers? Surburanites? I want to see survival and moving on. Also, I'm from CA, so wildfires affecting urban settings is something I'm used to seeing (alas).#mswl I'm still looking for my Donner Party retelling! I think would YA would be kick-ass, but adult Donner Party retellings are also 💯.