Bridget Smith
Literary Agent
aka Breda. Literary agent at JABberwocky. Co-host of @ShipAndHandling publishing podcast. Plays with swords in free time. Way too long-winded for Twitte
21 Tips
Kelly Peterson
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at @reesagency . Twitter Valkyrie. Philadelphian. Pisces. She/her. Multitasks #LikeABoss . Gandalf of #TheFellowship . Tweets are my own.✌🏻
263 MSWL
217 AskAgent
40 Queries
115 Tips

#MSWL YA Peter Pan retelling that has the same hope and feel as the song "Lost Boys" by Ruth B.

T.S. Ferguson
Literary Agent
Literary Agent w/ Azantian Literary Agency and freelance editor. Mostly jokes + booktalk on here. 🏳️‍🌈 Witch-lover, gaymer, proud guncle, jovial. He/him
Michelle Witte
Literary Agent
Publishing professional and mental health advocate. I write craptastic books. Some people think I'm funny. You should probably be worried about those people.
171 MSWL
18 Tips
P.S. Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Representing a diverse list of internationally published, award-winning, bestselling and debut creators.
2641 MSWL
71 AskAgent
3 Queries
179 Tips

"Retellings of fairy-tales & myths, w/ a twist. Different ending? Gender swapped? You tell me! @kurestinarmada #MSWL

P.S. Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Representing a diverse list of internationally published, award-winning, bestselling and debut creators.
2641 MSWL
71 AskAgent
3 Queries
179 Tips

Fairy tale retelling with a dark twist (think Angela Carter's stories from THE BLOODY CHAMBER) @MsMariaVicente #MSWL

Alex Arnold
Senior Editor of fiction & nonfiction for small kids, big kids, & teens @quirkbooks . Former child who hasn't forgotten a thing.
Alex Arnold
Senior Editor of fiction & nonfiction for small kids, big kids, & teens @quirkbooks . Former child who hasn't forgotten a thing.

Always very down for unique fairytale/fable retellings that feel lush and sweeping and maybe a little (a lot) sexy. #MSWL

Maria Vicente
Literary Agent
senior literary agent + advisor @psliterary
195 MSWL
329 AskAgent
330 Queries
107 Tips
Erica Bauman
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at @AevitasCreative , writer, cat lady, musical theater superfan, TV watcher, donut obsessed, she/her. All views are my own.
149 MSWL
17 Tips

#MSWL Would love #YA #SFF or #CON retellings of classic lit, that put a new angle on old favorites.

Moe Ferrara
Literary Agent
Senior Literary Agent @BookEndsLit . 🏳️‍🌈 Violinist | Cosplayer | Anglophile | Geek Extraordinaire | Corgi Minion | Wine Enthusiast | Coffee Addict | #TeamMoe
156 MSWL
117 AskAgent
35 Queries
68 Tips

Oh and one other #MSWL! Give me a fairy tale retelling with LGBT+ characters. Like a m/m Beauty & the Beast.

Moe Ferrara
Literary Agent
Senior Literary Agent @BookEndsLit . 🏳️‍🌈 Violinist | Cosplayer | Anglophile | Geek Extraordinaire | Corgi Minion | Wine Enthusiast | Coffee Addict | #TeamMoe
156 MSWL
117 AskAgent
35 Queries
68 Tips

In YA -- I want my Greek retelling. You guys saw my Cupid & Psyche painting! Also fairytale retelling too! #MSWL

Erica Bauman
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at @AevitasCreative , writer, cat lady, musical theater superfan, TV watcher, donut obsessed, she/her. All views are my own.
149 MSWL
17 Tips

#MSWL I would LOVE to see #YA retellings of classic ballets and operas (Coppelia is a favorite of mine):…

Moe Ferrara
Literary Agent
Senior Literary Agent @BookEndsLit . 🏳️‍🌈 Violinist | Cosplayer | Anglophile | Geek Extraordinaire | Corgi Minion | Wine Enthusiast | Coffee Addict | #TeamMoe
156 MSWL
117 AskAgent
35 Queries
68 Tips

At the @ClevelandArt museum, one of my favorite paintings: Cupid & Psyche. Yes, this myth retelling is on my #MSWL!

Mazel Tov Cocktail
Senior EdiTOR at work, book hoarder at home. You're damn right I'm relentless (thoughts are my own). She/her
Future House Books
Stories, Myths, & Legends. Seeking Amazing #Authors #MSWL : #YA #Fantasy #SciFi

I #amreading The Lunar Chronicles and there aren't enough! More fairytale retellings! #mswl

Jennifer Azantian
Literary Agent
Literary Agent. Stepmom. Mom to puppies Zuko and Iroh. Lover of the Fantastic. Occasional sharer of TMI. Queer. First-gen. 🇦🇲 (she/her)
13 Queries
30 Tips