Literary Agent
I’m looking for MG projects, especially sci-fi, fantasy, horror, & contemporary. I’d love more #ownvoices & #diversity too. Make me remember the magic of being a kid. I’d love to see characters dealing with their first crush, first period, and realistic everyday drama. #MSWL 1/4
Literary Agent
Chiming in to share my #MSWL: Adult Fiction (sry no YA etc.) #OwnVoices #RomComs #LGBT+ #SciFi #Fantasy #WomensFic #Romance
I’d love to have a Diverse RomCom in the #LGBT+ space, add a dog or cat to a WF or RomCom & 😍
Literary Agent
It's #MSWL day. Topping my list is commercial women’s fiction--particularly #ownvoices contemporaries; mother/daughter, sisters, or best friends stories for women in their 30s or 40s. Romance isn't necessary though I do love romance.
Literary Agent
Middle grade mysteries! Bonus points for #ownvoices. #MSWL
Literary Agent
Happy #MSWL day! Just a blanket note that I'd love to see #ownvoices subs and POC authors for every wishlist item I post today--not just the ones I specify--and in my inbox in general.
Literary Agent
Longing for diverse fiction & nonfiction by #ownvoices, pb-YA; diverse adult fiction & memoir #mswl How to sub:
Literary Agent
#MSWL I’m always going to be in the mood for a literary/upmarket #ownvoices family saga. I want something deep, addresses the generational divide, and will make me cry my eyes out.
Literary Agent
Jessica Alvarez @AgentJessicaA
It's been around for a bit, but @pacylin ’s TEDx talk is still worth watching. And her point about windows and mirrors applies not just to kidlit but to all lit.… 1/2I’m open to a whole range of #ownvoices books, but I especially want to see more books featuring Asian and adoptee characters. I dream of finding a Vietnamese culinary journey one day. #MSWL 2/2
Literary Agent
As you know I've been on the hunt for more #ownvoices and #diversebooks in nonfiction & fiction in mystery, suspense, thriller, upmarket & literary, & women's fiction. #MSWL
Literary Agent
While #ownvoices and #diversebooks have caught on in YA, I'm still struggling to see it in adult and, frankly, that's what I want more of. #MSWL My target genres right now are: literary & upmarket fiction, mystery, suspense, thriller, & women's fiction.
Literary Agent
#MSWL call for more historical romance, especially diverse stories from #ownvoices authors! I adore Regencies and Scotsmen, but I'd also love to see some new time periods, new settings, and new voices. Bonus points if your characters make me laugh.
Hannah Allaman @hallaman13
Watched the US gymnastics championships tonight (SIMONE 😍), and it reminded me how much I want a MG or YA (hs or college) sports book. Gymnastics. Swimming. Volleyball. Track. Cheerleading. Etc. As long as it's voicey and character driven, send it my way! #MSWLAnd if we're talking dream books, anyone remember Gotta Kick It Up! ? Give me the fresh, #ownvoices YA version of that. #MSWL
Literary Agent
In general, my #MSWL includes mystery, suspense, thriller, women's fiction, upmarket & literary fiction. I want more #ownvoices in all things and more #diversebooks #thursdaythoughts
Literary Agent
I'd love to play a part in diversifying travel writing, and am always open to projects from #ownvoices authors writing about travel and the outdoors. #MSWL…
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
My kids are Chinese American. My son, in particular, doesn’t often see himself reflected in the books he reads. I’d love to see more #ownvoices MG books featuring male Asian American characters. #MSWL #askUpstart
Literary Agent
I'm now open to submissions! Looking for YA & adult sci-fi, fantasy, and historical fiction, especially #ownvoices/queer/feminist stories and graphic novels for all ages and across genres.
Send your query letter + first 5 pages to: tkawar at icmpartners dot com. #MSWL
Literary Agent
Hey there! Consider this your periodic reminder that I am always open to diverse historical romance projects, and am especially interested in #ownvoices. Send 'em, send 'em! #mswl
Literary Agent
Send me picture books and graphic novels please #mswl especially #ownvoices
Literary Agent
Also while I'm thinking of #MSWL - MORE GRAPHIC NOVELS PLEASE, preferably #ownvoices memoirs or stories