Jessica Mileo
Literary Agent
Lit. Agent at @Inkwellmgmt | #BlackLivesMatter |🇨🇺 in publishing | 🌈 She/Her | My opinions are my own
1 AskAgent
11 Queries
2 Tips

I keep finding out people in my life are half Cuban like me and it feels amazing? so please send me your biracial and/or latinx #ownvoices contemporary YA/MG stories! #MSWL

Jessica Faust
Literary Agent
President & founder of BookEnds Literary Agency, author advocate, optimist, & professional pain in the ass. Runs on coffee, wine, & kettlebells. She/Her
396 MSWL
574 AskAgent
191 Tips

Jessica Faust @BookEndsJessica

Also, I do NOT take on new clients for novellas. #MSWL #querytip

If you are writing women's fiction, domestic suspense, own voices fiction, suspense, thrillers, mysteries, upmarket or literary fiction you can query me here: QueryMe.Online/Jessica_Faust -- just know your word count. #MSWL #querytip

Jessica Faust
Literary Agent
President & founder of BookEnds Literary Agency, author advocate, optimist, & professional pain in the ass. Runs on coffee, wine, & kettlebells. She/Her
396 MSWL
574 AskAgent
191 Tips

I still want #ownvoices set outside the US of all types, but I'm (at least for now) especially interested in fish out of water #ownvoices which allows the reader to see it through the eyes of an outsider who has been let inside. #MSWL

Jessica Faust
Literary Agent
President & founder of BookEnds Literary Agency, author advocate, optimist, & professional pain in the ass. Runs on coffee, wine, & kettlebells. She/Her
396 MSWL
574 AskAgent
191 Tips

Two of my top books for 2018 so far are #ownvoices set in countries outside the US (Singapore & Cuba). These are the types of books I want more of #MSWL

Jessica Faust
Literary Agent
President & founder of BookEnds Literary Agency, author advocate, optimist, & professional pain in the ass. Runs on coffee, wine, & kettlebells. She/Her
396 MSWL
574 AskAgent
191 Tips

It's not lost on me that some of my top books of the year are #ownvoices Inspiring me to write up an #MSWL calling for more #ownvoices in my Query inbox: QueryMe.Online/Jessica_Faust

Trisha de Guzman
🇵🇭 Filipino immigrant ✨ Editor at Farrar Straus Giroux Books For Young Readers ✨ wannabe outdoorsman @mackidsbooks @fiercereads #WNDB #POCinPub

Craving a Heathers-esque dark comedy with psychologically complex characters by an #ownvoices creator. #MSWL #YA

Saritza Hernandez
Literary Agent
📚 Literary Agent @AndreaBrownLit , 👩🏽‍💻#UCLAAnnex educator, ☕️@aalitagents member #autismparent 🧩 #lgbtparent #queeraf 💖💙💜 she/her/ella 🇵🇷#SarysPosse
132 MSWL
12 AskAgent
39 Queries
98 Tips

I’d also love to see an #OwnVoices Latinx contemporary romance set in the barrio. Even better if it’s #LGBTQIA as well. #MSWL

Linda Camacho
Literary Agent
Agent @GalltZackerLit ; wise Latina; children's VCFA MFA and Cornell alum. Loves TV and giving unsolicited advice. She/her. (Profile Image: Marjorie Buell)
95 AskAgent
5 Tips

Looking for adult romantic comedies, especially #ownvoices ones. Any Native Americans writing them, please send them my way! #mswl

Kaitlyn Johnson
Literary Agent
Agent @belcastr . insta: kjbelcastro. Freelance Editor. Serial comma for life. She/her. Query at
279 MSWL
345 AskAgent
55 Queries
385 Tips

I'd love to see India #HF. Caste systems. Occupation. Everyday life MG and YA dealt with (and maybe STILL deal with!). Also, #HF Australia, too, (though I'm looking for something lighter there rather than, say, the movie Australia). I'd love aboriginal #ownvoices #HF. #MSWL

BookEnds Literary Agency
Literary Agency
A literary agency repping bestselling, award-winning, & int'l published authors and illustrators for children & adults. Empowering creators to achieve dreams.
53 AskAgent
127 Tips

Beth celebrated Boston #pride a couple weeks ago with this badass sign. AND here is your reminder that many agents on #TeamBookEnds are actively seeking #LGBTQ & #ownvoices representation across the genres! #query #mswl

Jessica Faust
Literary Agent
President & founder of BookEnds Literary Agency, author advocate, optimist, & professional pain in the ass. Runs on coffee, wine, & kettlebells. She/Her
396 MSWL
574 AskAgent
191 Tips

I would love more thrillers and suspense, #ownvoices and otherwise, & I'm always looking for mysteries #MSWL

Jessica Faust
Literary Agent
President & founder of BookEnds Literary Agency, author advocate, optimist, & professional pain in the ass. Runs on coffee, wine, & kettlebells. She/Her
396 MSWL
574 AskAgent
191 Tips
Jessica Faust
Literary Agent
President & founder of BookEnds Literary Agency, author advocate, optimist, & professional pain in the ass. Runs on coffee, wine, & kettlebells. She/Her
396 MSWL
574 AskAgent
191 Tips

Give me settings outside of the United States too. #ownvoices set in India, Ireland, Indonesia... other countries too, but I was suddenly captivated by "I" #MSWL

Jessica Faust
Literary Agent
President & founder of BookEnds Literary Agency, author advocate, optimist, & professional pain in the ass. Runs on coffee, wine, & kettlebells. She/Her
396 MSWL
574 AskAgent
191 Tips

Everything I listed above in #ownvoices. I'm okay if it's not #ownvoices, but I would like more #diversebooks & #ownvoices across the board. #MSWL

Jessica Faust
Literary Agent
President & founder of BookEnds Literary Agency, author advocate, optimist, & professional pain in the ass. Runs on coffee, wine, & kettlebells. She/Her
396 MSWL
574 AskAgent
191 Tips

I'm always looking for domestic suspense, especially something #ownvoices & family-related (not just husband and wife) #MSWL

Jessica Faust
Literary Agent
President & founder of BookEnds Literary Agency, author advocate, optimist, & professional pain in the ass. Runs on coffee, wine, & kettlebells. She/Her
396 MSWL
574 AskAgent
191 Tips
Naomi Davis
Literary Agent
Eternally optimistic Literary Agent at @Bookendslit Genderqueer 🏳️‍🌈 ND; I laugh & love relentlessly. Repped by the phenomenal @4triciaskinner
208 MSWL
214 AskAgent
183 Tips

Naomi Davis @NaomisLitPix

-And a shoutout to siblings, family members, & support people of non-NT people. I know how much you care, how deeply you love, how powerfully you advocate and support.

And #MSWL: #ownvoices middle grade stories about non-neurotypical life in middle school, because I can only imagine what navigating those halls is like for my oldest child, and wish his peers had more empathy than judgment when witnessing his distress.

Mark Gottlieb
Literary Agent
Mark Gottlieb is a literary agent at the Trident Media Group literary agency in New York City. #tridentmediagroup @Trident_Media
39 AskAgent
8 Tips