Literary Agent
Specific #ownvoices #MSWL I’d love to see: a YA historical retelling of SOME LIKE IT HOT about a teen trans girl discovering her identity when she joins an all-girls musical group to escape vengeful mobsters
(#Ownvoices takes, to be clear, but hopefully you knew that!!) #MSWL
Literary Agent
#MSWL I'm looking for something I've never seen before primarily adult or YA in fantasy, romance, historical, suspense, mystery #ownvoices
Coming late to #MSWL Day: Educational PBs that read like trade ones; character-driven MG; truth-telling YA; all of it diverse; #ownvoices preferred.
Literary Agent
- Adult Gothic Horror (think Crimson Peak)
- Adult High Fantasy featuring women as leaders
- Retellings of fairytales by #OwnVoices authors!!
- Spooky MG ghost stories
- MG stories with witches and elaborate settings
Literary Agent
In summary, my #MSWL incl. #diverse & #ownvoices works:
- #SFF, space opera, cyberpunk & UF
- #WomensFic feat. WOC esp. Latina MC
- #Horror, #suspensethriller w/ unique take on classic or gothic horror
-All #Romance esp. #LGBTQIA
Literary Agent
I’m seeking #MG and #YA that explores the mythology and folklore of cultures from around the world by #ownvoices writers. Would love to see this in a graphic novel! #MSWL
Literary Agent
John Cusick @johnmcusick
So before it gets too late, let's do some #MSWL tweets!Firstly, of course, I'd love some more #ownvoices, and specifically contemporary (rom-coms, perhaps?), like TO ALL THE BOYS I'VE LOVED BEFORE and DUMPLIN' (can never get enough). #MSWL
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
24/7/365 I welcome #ownvoices. I welcome all and would especially love stories by&about people of color, with disabilities (esp invisible), who have mental illness, who are LGBTQ, or who are economically disadvantaged #MSWL #wndb
I'd love to see books featuring strong law enforcement heroes in remote areas who must protect heroines in jeopardy for Harlequin Intrigue. Heart-stopping suspense, compelling backstories, believable plotlines. #ownvoices authors welcome and encouraged #MSWL
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
If you write inspirational romantic suspense that is fast paced, exciting and full of danger, I'd love to see it for Love Inspired Suspense. #ownvoices authors welcome and encouraged. Check out guidelines here:…
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
#MSWL A modern retelling of Phantom or Hunchback. Naturally #ownvoices are prioritized here, especially if the story if told from the perspective of a disabled character (in any case apart from these retellings as well).
Literary Agent
- YA Rom Com
- MG/YA #OwnVoices Contemporary
- YA Suspense
- MG/YA Graphic Novels
- MG Mystery
- MG/YA Light Fantasy (grounded in reality)
- PB Author/Illustrators
- Adult Nonfiction (esp. "pop science")
Literary Agent
For adult fiction, I’d love cozy mysteries with a unique spin. Send me dark fantasy, epic fantasy…actually…just send me all the fantasy!!! I’d also like sci-fi with a science slant instead of aliens or a Star Wars remake. I’d love more #ownvoices & #diversity too. #MSWL 3/4
Literary Agent
I’d like to see some high concept YA projects. Hook me with a YA contemporary that hasn’t been done before. Show me a unique SFF world with a different kind of journey—something unpredictable! I’d love more #ownvoices & #diversity too. #MSWL 2/4