Literary Agent
Feeling FOMO after reading two new deals--one an Indian-American #ownvoices debut, the other about an American woman and her life in India with her husband. More of this in 2019, please. #MSWL
Literary Agent
Goals for 2019 inspired by @NaomisLitPix & @SoCalledYALife
- Stop using "I think" so much
- Help the Agents of @bookendslit achieve their goals
- Rep more psychl suspense & women's fiction--especially diverse & own voices to my list. #MSWL
Literary Agent
Send me your #ownvoices and diverse books! I want to read your stories. I want to be a part of bringing them to shelves.
Literary Agent
I want more diverse books and #ownvoices stories. I'd like to see books set in other countries like CRAZY RICH ASIANS or NEXT YEAR IN HAVANA. #MSWL
Literary Agent
Random House Editors @randomeditorial
On Dorothy Porter, who recognized the importance of how we categorize books and knowledge and challenged the racial bias in the Dewey Decimal…
#MSWL for a picture book or MG biography from an #ownvoices author or author-illustrator!! (If this creator is also a librarian that would be 💯!)
Literary Agent
#mswl Would love to find #contemporaryromance #YA (especially #fantasy and #scifi) and #thrillers featuring #Indian protagonists. #India #Bollywood #ownvoices a plus!
Ardi @ardyceelaine
Are podcasts eligible for @PulitzerPrizes? @cbcpodcasts Finding Cleo by @connie_walker should absolutely win one.Writers/agents: MG or YA mystery from a #firstnations author is definitely on my #mswl. #ownvoices @PocPub @diversebooks
Literary Agent
A lyrical #OwnVoices PB about a house blessing (or cleansing) ceremony/ritual. There are so many beautiful traditions out there from different cultural/religious backgrounds. #MSWL
Literary Agent
Middle grade manuscripts? Can you hear me calling? Looking for MG: fantasy, sci-fi, cont., mystery & more. Bring all the childhood feels with you! MG authors, paste query & 1st 5 pages in email & send to: querylynnette (at) theseymouragency (dot) com. #MSWL #diversity #ownvoices
Literary Agent
Stacey Donovan @Donovanesque
I'm feeling a strong urge this afternoon to write stories about how It's Not Too Late. About people who can still be that person they wanted to be, live that life they wanted to live, know that love they wanted to know, even after so much time. ❤️ (also #MSWL)Yes, this. #MSWL especially if #romance is involved, and #diversevoices #ownvoices.
Literary Agent
Attention MG & YA authors: I'm eager to find a contemporary MS to add to my list. I'm especially looking for an issues book that doesn't feel like it is or something unique. Send query & 1st 5 pages to: querylynnette (at) theseymouragency (dot) com. #MSWL #diversity #ownvoices
Literary Agent
My #MSWL is here:… I'm looking for a whole lot of #ownvoices fiction and platform driven non-fiction. Submission instructions linked to on the page too.
Literary Agent
I'm still looking to add cozy mysteries to my list. I'd love something with a new spin. Send query and 1st five pages to: querylynnette(at) theseymouragency (dot) com. #MSWL #diversity #ownvoices
Literary Agent
I'm dying for more MG fiction in my box!!! Especially contemporary, but any MG would be wonderful! I'd love something unique that gives me all the feels!!! Send query & 1st 5 pages to: querylynnette (at) theseymouragency(dot) com. #MSWL #diversity #ownvoices
Literary Agent
#MSWL Cyberpunk from a non-white perspective, preferred #ownvoices
Literary Agent
Across everything, Diversity is a huge priority for me and @bookendslit. I’d love to see any type of #Ownvoices across all of these genres. #MSWL
Linda Epstein @LindaEpstein
Also, I know this is very specific, but I'm dying for a YA set in the Jewish ghetto in WW2 Shanghai. I've literally been thinking about this for years...If it's a love story, even better! #ownvoices #MSWLI’ve been looking for this for years (MG or YA)! This is my grandma’s story and a mainstay on my #MSWL.
Literary Agent
Top of my #MSWL right now:
1. Author/illustrator PBs
2. #OwnVoices PB/MG/YA
3. YA Rom Com
4. Spooky PB (but not specific to Halloween)
5. Humor PB/MG/YA
6. Magical realism MG/YA
Literary Agent
#MSWL As far as retellings go, I'd love to see more historicals, fantasies, urban fantasies, or paranormal based on Aztec myths and legends. Preferably #ownvoices please.
Literary Agent
I'd love to find a multi-generational story that completely pulls you. Something that really highlights the complexity of family relationships—all the love and crazy. #a #wf #ownvoices #MSWL