Shannon Hassan
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at Marsal Lyon Literary Agency @MarsalLyonLit ; Board member @DairyArts .
11 Tips

I'm searching for more Middle Grade—Contemporary, historical, or magical realism stories that touch your heart, or your funny bone. Memorable characters, diverse perspectives. #kidlit #MG

Heather Cashman
Literary Agent
literary agent, agent mentor @StormLiterary motorcycling | kayaking | mountain biking | writing
28 AskAgent
23 Tips
P.S. Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Representing a diverse list of internationally published, award-winning, bestselling and debut creators.
2641 MSWL
71 AskAgent
3 Queries
179 Tips

“Young Adult: Contemporary that reads like super fun fan fiction, magical realism novel with gorgeous prose, experimental formats.” @msmariavicente #MSWL

Amy Stapp
Literary Agent
Obsessed with books, travel, and all things French; aspiring turophile and lover of champagne. Agent with @WolfsonLiterary IG: amystappny
10 Tips

#MSWL I’m most eager to find twisty, intelligent suspense, upmarket book club fiction, women’s fic that explores friendship and multi-generational ties, light magical realism, and historical fiction from a new perspective or setting. I want more diverse/underrepresented voices!

P.S. Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Representing a diverse list of internationally published, award-winning, bestselling and debut creators.
2641 MSWL
71 AskAgent
3 Queries
179 Tips

“I am interested in a variety of YA genres: contemporary, magical realism, horror, mystery, thriller, and light fantasy—just to name a few!” @msmariavicente #MSWL

Ashley Hearn
Editor @peachtreeteen + @peachtreepub | Liberal Southerner | Hiker | HEMA | ENFP 7w8 | Equal parts coffee, craft beer, and chaos 🌒🌓🌔
7 AskAgent

In speculative fiction, I'm looking more for folklore, magical realism, surrealism, cozy fantasy, light fantasy, and atmospheric fantasy with lush world building and gorgeous prose, than traditional high/ epic fantasy. #MSWL

P.S. Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Representing a diverse list of internationally published, award-winning, bestselling and debut creators.
2641 MSWL
71 AskAgent
3 Queries
179 Tips

“Young Adult: Contemporary that reads like super fun fanfiction, magical realism novel with gorgeous prose, experimental formats.” @msmariavicente #MSWL

P.S. Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Representing a diverse list of internationally published, award-winning, bestselling and debut creators.
2641 MSWL
71 AskAgent
3 Queries
179 Tips

“I am interested in a variety of YA genres: contemporary, magical realism, horror, mystery, thriller, and light fantasy—just to name a few!” @msmariavicente #MSWL

Erica Finkel
Executive Editor, Amulet Books & Abrams Books for Young Readers. I want kids to fall in love with reading! Now exploring life as a suburban mom.
1 Tips

Agent friends, For what it's worth, I'm still reviewing submissions from my couch if you're still submitting! On the lookout esp for heartwarming, literary MG novels, particularly contemporary realistic, fantasy, and magical realism. Stay safe and healthy! #mswl

Heather McCorkle
AQ editor w/City Owl, Editorial Director of Mystic Owl, romance in: SF/F genres for adults only! Love is love.
78 Tips
Vicki Lame
Executive Editor, @StMartinsPress & @WednesdayBooks . Books about Big Feelings. Opinions mine. She/her. Not here as often as you think.
125 MSWL
4 Tips

Agented only #MSWL things I want across YA and adult: crossover fantasy (contemporary and not), magical realism, rom coms, rom sads, family stories, witches, vampires

P.S. Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Representing a diverse list of internationally published, award-winning, bestselling and debut creators.
2641 MSWL
71 AskAgent
3 Queries
179 Tips

“Young Adult: Contemporary that reads like super fun fan fiction, magical realism novel with gorgeous prose, experimental formats.” @msmariavicente #MSWL

Tiffany Shelton
Editor & Manager, Acquisitions Outreach @StMartinsPress • Foodie • Tattoo + Tea Addict • Siren of Sass • Opinions are mine • 🇨🇦-🇺🇲 (🇯🇲🇮🇳🇨🇳)
110 MSWL
2 AskAgent
2 Tips
Vicki Lame
Executive Editor, @StMartinsPress & @WednesdayBooks . Books about Big Feelings. Opinions mine. She/her. Not here as often as you think.
125 MSWL
4 Tips

#MSWL Retellings, magical realism, Gothic settings, witches, vampires, genre bendy things, anything you would comp to one of my own books (Agented only)

Erin Clyburn
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @HowlandLit // Copy Editor @foodandwine // Southerner // hiking & horror movies // she/her
170 MSWL
6 AskAgent
20 Tips
Anne Tibbets
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @MaassLitAgency . Author. SCREAMS FROM THE VOID out now. Opinions & sarcasm my own.
127 AskAgent
5 Tips

Anne Tibbets @AnneTibbets

It's been a while since I've done a #MSWL and I try not to b/c honestly, sometimes I don't know what I want until I see it - but I know some of y'all find these useful so here goes...

In Adult SFF #MSWL I'm partial to:
- Fresh twists & unique concepts
- I love all kinds: dystopia, post apoc, space opera, high fantasy, low, magical realism, urban, etc - but it HAS to be different than what's already out there.
- Mash ups and new takes most welcome
- #ownvoices

Cortney Radocaj
Literary Agent
literary agent @belcastr • she/they • queer • neurodivergent • query me at
111 MSWL
43 AskAgent
74 Tips
P.S. Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Representing a diverse list of internationally published, award-winning, bestselling and debut creators.
2641 MSWL
71 AskAgent
3 Queries
179 Tips

“I am interested in a variety of YA genres: contemporary, magical realism, horror, mystery, thriller, and light fantasy—just to name a few!” @msmariavicente #MSWL

Tara Gilbert
Literary Agent
Literary Agent at @ktliterary | 🌈she/them | ✨magical | opinions my own | Gemini ☼ Pisces ☽ Capricorn ↑
245 MSWL
46 AskAgent
25 Tips

I'd love to see books in MG, YA, Adult with WITCHES.
✔POC voices
✔Neuro diversity
✔magical realism/realistic with fantastical elements
All a plus! #MSWL