Jennifer Azantian
Literary Agent
Azantian Literary Agency
Literary Agent. Stepmom. Mom to puppies Zuko and Iroh. Lover of the Fantastic. Occasional sharer of TMI. Queer. First-gen. 🇦🇲 (she/her)

Literary Agent

Literary Agent @tordotcom
We love a villain with a heart of gold...Here are 5 SFF characters who heroically save the day, despite their criminal natures:…
I do! I'm actually quite in the mood for a villain or anti-hero protag, especially in a twisty-turny or unexpected story. #MSWL

Literary Agent
Stephanie Stein @stephlystein
#mswl!!!!…Aw. I'm so here for stories of these little moment of awakening and understanding. They stay with you! I would 100% love something like this too. #MSWL

Literary Agent
Mara Delgado-Sánchez is reading subs @little_mswriter
This is my monthly tweet that I would give away my kingdom for a Latinx fantasy #MSWL…I have been asking for this for a while, too. Please send! #MSWL
*As always, include this tweet somewhere in your query!…

Literary Agent
Angeline Rodriguez @gelrdrgz
hello this is your periodic reminder that I was put on this earth to publish latinx sff, for the love of god send me your latinx sff. I want Chicanx cyberpunk, Dominican fantasy, Chilean space opera, magical realism mestizaje, 🇬🇹 all 🇻🇪 of 🇧🇷 it 🇨🇺, me entiendes?I would very much like to see these stories, as well. #MSWL
Link for submitting, please include relevant tweet:…

Literary Agent
Jill Tew @JillCTew
@jenazantian I... have exactly this. Ok to break your “graphic novels only” rule to submit?…
Yes, please! I'm always open to #MSWL tweets. Please include the tweet in your query.…

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America @sfwa
Author, editor, and art director L. D. Lewis (@ellethevillain) encourages writers to look beyond the Western-influenced literary canon and toward new ways of structuring speculative fiction civilizations in "Radical Fiction or 'Are We There Yet?'": love this, and I would love to see stories like L. describes. #MSWL

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Sarah Guan @🏡 @Sarah_Guan
All this chatter about a vampire (and werewolf) comeback. I have thoughts...I like my supernatural, human-but-not characters. But I’d love some new takes—not the resurrecting of classics that worked the last time around. Let’s see new perspectives get a bite at that apple.
I think there is lots of room for different takes on this, but for me, Sarah is spot on! Look at the clear emotional stakes (heh) throughout this thread. That's what I love and am drawn to most in stories. So if you have something like this, I 100% would love to see it. #MSWL

Literary Agent
Sarah Guan @🏡 @Sarah_Guan
Somebody write this queer Asian romcom. PLEASE. I don’t even want to edit it (unless it has speculative elements); I just want to pour this novel directly into my eyeballs multiple times.…This is one of the most romantic stories I've ever read, and I so hope it works out for them! This is their lives so it feels a little strange to #MSWL, but anything even remotely like this for any age, I am here for.

Literary Agent
Loan Le @loanloan
Can I get a dark lit mystery/suspense about the Kpop world? #MSWLYou can 100% send this to me! #MSWL

Literary Agent
I'm just putting this out there. #MSWL…

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
And as a reminder to anyone who sees this. There is the #MSWL page, which is more general about my interests, and then there are #MSWL tweets. I am only looking for stories that fall under the tweets (and I ask that you share the specific tweet in your query).

Literary Agent
Jennifer Azantian 🕸️🎃 @jenazantian
There are so many ways to go with this. I'd curious to see a story where this tech is commonly used. Rarely (& clandestinely) used. What we as a society & tech-wise do to combat it. What someone would do if their entire likeness &words were stolen/manipulated this way. #MSWLAs always, my tastes run character-driven with cool plot elements and a fast the ideal story for me would follow one (or a couple) POVs in this world with an overarching plot that can either be directly related or somehow just tangentially affected by this tech. #MSWL

Literary Agent
Jennifer Azantian 🕸️🎃 @jenazantian
I've heard of tech like this that could easily be used by anyone representing living people AND voice replications. It's the tech with implications I think I'm most concerned about. That said, I think that fear makes it ripe for SFF mining so...this is a must-see #MSWL for me.…There are so many ways to go with this. I'd curious to see a story where this tech is commonly used. Rarely (& clandestinely) used. What we as a society & tech-wise do to combat it. What someone would do if their entire likeness &words were stolen/manipulated this way. #MSWL

Literary Agent
claribel a. ortega pre-order my book, GHOST SQUAD! @Claribel_Ortega
As cool as this is (and as useful as it would be for authors with characters on their covers/character art!) all I can think of is the abuse and propaganda that will come from it 😞…I've heard of tech like this that could easily be used by anyone representing living people AND voice replications. It's the tech with implications I think I'm most concerned about. That said, I think that fear makes it ripe for SFF mining so...this is a must-see #MSWL for me.

Literary Agent
The Mary Sue @TheMarySue
Valerie Plame's action Congressional ad is something we can definitely get…
I don't know anything about this woman's policies, but I would watch the hell out of this movie. Is it appropriate to #MSWL this??

Literary Agent
Amanda Isabel Ramirez (ง'̀-'́)ง @AmandaIsA_Ram
I am just a girl, standing in front of the internet, begging for a young #YA / upper #MG about a #Latinx girl who has to choose between a quinceañera and a sweet sixteen because Americanization™️ and all the cultural / generational drama that ensues #MSWLThis just happened with my step-daughter and I would love a book like this #MSWL