Assistant Editor
Mara Delgado-Sanchez 🇵🇷 @little_mswriter
I love YA fantasy and I’m looking for diverse stories and #ownvoices here. Where are the Latinx witches and kingdoms? Take me to places based off of cultures like my own, and not like my own. I like contemp, court intrigue, plot twists and tropes (and spins on tropes too) #MSWLSharing this again! I’m really craving a high concept YA fantasy right now! Bonus points if it’s a Latinx one. Something that stands out and has strong emotional resonance, as well as complex characters (and character dynamics) #mswl
Assistant Editor
Looking for an #ownvoices Bollywood-esque Desi story! YA or Adult! I want that romance! Bonus on the YA if it’s fantasy! #mswl
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
#MSWL includes all YA/MG/PB except fantasy. I'm hungry for something that grabs me in from the first line and totally distracts me from COVID worries.
Rebecca Kuss @reebsthereader
i'm looking for a YA that gives me the same feeling i get when tom holland lifts up his arms and is drenched in water at the exact moment rihanna sings "gonna let the rain fall" (1:29 for reference). in other words, total
Literary Agent
Katherine Locke @Bibliogato
There are so many good non-Holocaust Jewish pitches!!!AGENTS. EDITORS. Please please try acquiring and promoting books that aren't just about mass Jewish death. Jewish kids AND non-Jewish kids deserve to see Jewish people as heroes of their own story, not just against Nazis.
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
If I missed your #DVpit pitch, paste query & 1st 5 pages in email. #A: horror, thriller, cont. romance, rom-com & mystery. #YA: thriller, SFF, horror, cont. & mystery. #MG: SFF, mystery, cont., & horror. #diversity #MSWL #ownvoices querylynnette (@) theseymouragency (.) com
Literary Agent
We're open to submissions! Guidelines here: I'm looking for voice-driven narratives across genres mainly in MG, teen and YA, series & standalone. Drawn to immersive settings. Good writing and strong characters vital. Feel-good and funny esp welcome #MSWL
Literary Agent
Sophie Vershbow @svershbow
We don't talk enough about how good Stanley Tucci & Patricia Clarkson are in Easy A. was JUST talking about this with an editor yesterday! We want more great parent/child relationships in YA! #mswl.
Literary Agent
A year ago today we were enjoying spring break travels with friends. Would give anything to travel again—but can do so through books! Would love a ms involving travel and unexpected adeventure. Bonus if it makes me laugh! #mswl #ya #mg #amagenting
Literary Agent
i'm looking for a YA that gives me the same feeling i get when tom holland lifts up his arms and is drenched in water at the exact moment rihanna sings "gonna let the rain fall" (1:29 for reference). in other words, total joy.
Literary Agent
Rounding off my #MSWL tweets today, in NF I’m looking for the following topical themes:
-eco-friendly lifestyle
-cultural criticism (e.g. gender, race, sexuality)
-YA books about the +/- effects of the beauty industry
-parenting, reproductive health, physical wellness
Literary Agent
Casablanca Books @SourcebooksCasa
All of us could use an escape right now, a little armchair travel, perhaps? @SEmorgenthaler's upcoming THE TOURIST ATTRACTION is what we all need. @NetGalley reviewers would agree!Preorder:
This looks so good!!! I’d love a YA romance or women’s fiction featuring such a distinct setting with the warm feeling of small town tourist attraction! #mswl
Literary Agent
Kelly Dyksterhouse @KellyDHouse
This Monday morning, I’m wishing for YA with a vivid world/setting that bends the rules in its genre—whether that be genre blending or an unexpected twist to a tired trope, I want to be surprised and taken away to another world. #mswl #ya