Rebecca Sherman
Literary Agent
Writers House
Senior Literary Agent at Writers House. Dual citizen of the Midwest & NYC. Here to talk books, theater, & tennis. Former Gossip Girl suspect.

Literary Agent
Roger Federer @rogerfederer I am putting it out into the universe.
I have a dream of representing a children’s book about competition and sportsmanship...
by Rafael Nadal and Roger Federer.
#mswl ... in case you can help me make this happen.

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Sarah Watson @SarahWatson42
@RebeccAgent THAT'S AMAZING. I was in that Leno call for several minutes and totally confused before I realized I was in the wrong meeting. At least when it's a phone call you can just quietly hang up and pretend like it never know if this was a rom com, this would have been my meet cute. And...if someone tries to write this as YA where a teen signs into the wrong school's distance learning on the first day and meets a boy, I need to agent it... wth... #mswl

Literary Agent
Captain Mark Kelly @CaptMarkKelly
I may have retired from NASA, but science never stops! To this day, @StationCDRKelly and I participate in NASA’s “Twins Study” to better understand the long-term effects on the human body of living in space. me remind everyone that Mark Kelly and Scott Kelly were born identical twins but their DNA is no longer identical after going to space...
...this is a great prompt for a novel. #mswl also, vote for Mark Kelly AZ!

Literary Agent
In which my affection for Joel Gray only grows...
Playwrights, I am happy to read any Ghostlight YA, middle grade, or picture book manuscripts you write. #amagenting #mswl…

Literary Agent
Rebecca Sherman @RebeccAgent
Listen to those lyrics sung by and to a transwoman. The meaning is only elevated and deepened. They make more sense. They meet today. I haven't seen the show as a whole, but I can only imagine that casting people of color does the same.These choices apply to writing just the same. I am interested in inclusion that is just this purposeful, layered, and (as James Cordon so perfectly says) "beautiful." I want to see a YA with this Seymour and Audrey. #MSWL

Literary Agent
NYC Scanner @NYScanner
JUST IN: 2 local friends see each other unexpectedly on the street in New York
#mswl but not really ms...because this is a wordless picture book

Literary Agent
Jules Suzdaltsev @jules_su
I spoke with the only student who is visibly not comfortable with the “salute”, he provided this statement. a YA novel about a boy like Jordan Blue.

Literary Agent
Tommy Vietor @TVietor08
Still pissed at me. friends, has there ever been a picture book starring a dog in a cone (am I missing something obvious)? If, here is your inspiration. #mswl

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Mark Kelly @ShuttleCDRKelly
I used to have an identical twin brother. Then this happened....…Though I am not one for high fantasy or SF, I would raise my hand and say "me, me, me" for a YA set in the near future, back on earth that began with this sentence. #mswl

Literary Agent
Ava DuVernay @ava
This girl is glorious. @StormReid #WrinkleinLondon chapter book or middle grade novel. Here is our protagonist. Here is the feeling that pervades the book... JOY.

Literary Agent
I have said it before and I say it again. Give me a Middle Grade from the p.o.v. of a girl like Tess or Annie. They are my favorite characters on this show I love a lot. #mswl (Spoiler in the video).…

Literary Agent
The Public Theater @PublicTheaterNY
And while we're talking about Shakespeare/America/Revolutions, here is a fascinating story that happened right here on Astor Place! Check out this great @folgerlibrary piece about the #Macbeth Riot of 1849. (Sorry, no emojis) 😉👑.…
#mswl I have wanted a YA non-fiction or historical fiction about this event FOR YEARS.

Literary Agent
I want a chapter bk/MG novel from Annie Pearson's pov (or a girl who's a lot like her). This scene killed me. #mswl…