Kristy Hunter
Literary Agent
The Knight Agency
Agent @KnightAgency (open to queries) Instagram: @kristyshunter She/her **client and submission updates only**

Literary Agent
I'm very excited that after being closed to queries for over a year, I'll be opening back up tomorrow🎉I'm particular eager to grow the adult side of my list. MSWL is here:…

Literary Agent
I'd love to see some more #adult projects in my inbox. #speculative, #contemporary, #historical, #romcom--I'm open to almost ANYTHING, but looking for a great hook & great voice. Something that I'll have hard time putting down #mswl #a (still also looking for #MG & #YA)

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
✨I *finally* made my #MSWL page! ✨ Check it out & if you think your project is a fit, submit! Looking to take on new #MG, #YA & #Adult clients. #amquerying…

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Thanks @MSWLMA for having me on! Check out this episode as we discuss easy mistakes to avoid in your 1st page(s), everyone’s favorite term: high-concept and, OF COURSE, the upside to less than glam NYC apts 😂 #mswl #revtip #querytip #amwriting…

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Katherine Locke @Bibliogato
There are so many good non-Holocaust Jewish pitches!!!AGENTS. EDITORS. Please please try acquiring and promoting books that aren't just about mass Jewish death. Jewish kids AND non-Jewish kids deserve to see Jewish people as heroes of their own story, not just against Nazis.

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Kevin ❄️Snow’Keeffe ❄️ @kevinpokeeffe
literally every part of this trailer works for me I know im not open to queries right now BUT when I am #mswl

Literary Agent