Literary Agent
Hi #writingcommunity! I have 9 middle-grade queries in my box right now. I WANT MORE.
Adventure, Fantasy, sci-fi, magical realism, horror, historical, everything!
Also, I am open to considering non-fiction middle-grade novels, especially LGBTQ+ and STEM for girls. #MSWL

Literary Agency
“I’m in the mood for some 1920s/1950s upmarket fiction with vivid historical settings.” @readbystephanie #MSWL psliterary.com/submissions/

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
I am generally not a big historical fiction person, but I am SALIVATING over this write-up of MARY TOFT; OR, THE RABBIT QUEEN by @dexterauthor. If you have a historical fiction based on oddities like this, I want to see it! #MSWL

Literary Agency
“Historical fiction about interesting trades (e.g. fashion, perfume, baking, get creative!). Think THE GOWN, but open to lighter.” @readbystephanie #MSWL psliterary.com/submissions/

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Cozy Mysteries (Female Protagonist)
Amish Romance
Romantic Comedy
True Crime
Historical Mysteries
Historical Romance--Victorian & Regency only
Middle Reader Mysteries

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Abby Saul @BookySaul
It's the final countdown, #WritingCommunity! I'll be closed to queries starting next week, so get them in now! Otherwise I'll look forward to reading in 2020. twitter.com/BookySaul/stat…#MSWL is always adult fiction (particularly women's, mysteries, thrillers, historical, and select literary) that is doing something new. Underexplored settings, unusual characters, turning tropes on their head - gimme!

Leodora Darlington @Leodora_
I know there may be great pitches that I don't see, so if I haven't favourited your pitch, but you think we'd be a good fit, please do still send me your MS marked 'FAO: Leodora #DVpit'.I would love to find some twisty psych/domestic thrillers. I also have a soft spot for heartbreaking historical or women's fiction. Finally, if you're sitting on a crime novel with a killer hook, please send it my way. #MSWL

Literary Agent
I'd love a novel of the female code breakers of WWII. I've seen non-fic, but I haven't yet found it in upmarket #WomensFiction and I can't help but devour new WWII stories--I'm automatically picking up that book 📚 #MSWL #historical

Literary Agency
"In non-fiction, I want to read about historical funny women, your Lucille Balls and Bea Arthurs. For humor in fiction, think the next Mrs. Maisel." @readbystephanie #MSWL psliterary.com/submissions/

Literary Agent
Does anyone write YA Historical without magical elements? Because I would LOVE to see more of that in my box. #amwriting #amquerying #MSWL

Assistant Editor
My #MSWL is now live!

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
#MSWL Amish Romance, Cozy Mystery, True Crime, Suspense, Historical Romance--Victorian and Regency only, Middle Grade Mystery. blueridgeagency.com Looking forward to reading your queries.

Literary Agent
While I’m still closed to unsolicited queries atm, I’m looking forward to seeing some pitches next week @SavvyAuthors ... looking for more #ownvoices submissions and also contemporary and/or historical romance. #mswl

Literary Agent
Skelly-ton is CLOSED to Queries 🎃💀 @LitAgentKelly
So, I AM CLOSED TO UNSOLICITED QUERIES through January 1st, but I'm REALLY looking for some LGBTQIA+ and POC #ownvoices stories I can help to champion and get heard. I also am desperately looking for MG (fantasy, sci-fi, cont., hist.) and Adult (fantasy, cont. rom., hist.) #MSWLThough I'm NOT asking to receive more queries, I would love to know if you sent me one and it's sitting in my box somewhere waiting for me to see it. If you haven't sent anything yet, pitch me via @SavvyAuthors next week from the 23rd-25th! If I like it, it's a request! <3 #MSWL

Literary Agency
"I'm always in the mood for smart women's fiction that reinvents the wheel on Jane Austen. Historical like LONGBOURN or modern like THE LIZZIE BENNET DIARIES." @readbystephanie #MSWL psliterary.com/submissions/