Literary Agency
Want to know what's on our #mswl for 2016? Check out what all the agents are looking for: newleafliterary.tumblr.com/post/137222969…

Literary Agent
Maria, Maria 🎶 @msmariavicente
And this one too (also for Young Adult): youtu.be/UlFMVzo9zuE #mswlIn Middle Grade: quirky realistic, light sci-fi or fantasy, historical with a magical twist, and a modern Sweet Valley Twins. #mswl

Literary Agent
Maria, Maria 🎶 @msmariavicente
Email inbox, we meet again. I can't say I missed you.I did miss queries though! @PSLiterary is open to query letters again. You can find what I'm looking for here: mariavicente.com/representation #mswl

On my 2016 wish list: holiday comedies, historical, erotic romance, NA, and teen romance/thrillers! entangledpublishing.submittable.com/submit/ #amwriting #mswl

Literary Agent
The @PSLiterary slush pile opens on Monday! Get ready to share your stuff. Here's what I'm looking for: bit.ly/1wwGg9Z #mswl