Literary Agent
Anne Tibbets ::CLOSED TO QUERIES:: @AnneTibbets
Extra points if she's the real playwright and she's just using her husband's name.…Ummmm wouldn't it be wonderful if someone wrote this historical? Doesn't even have to be Shakespeare, just a famous playwright whose wife is actually behind it all 😍 #MSWL
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
-juicy love story across power/privilege axes (which interrogates that power)
-again, joyful/frivolous/funny stories that center teens from marginalized backgrounds
-plot-heavy, pace-y historical fiction
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Kelly is OPEN to Queries @LitAgentKelly
Good Morning! I am OPEN to queries for 2020, which means it's time to do a #MSWL thread! 2020, I am mostly looking for Middle Grade (Upper) and Adult stories! This includes MG Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Contemporary, and Historical or any mix of the above! It also includes Adult Contemporary Romance and Adult Fantasy and any mix of the two! #MSWL
Literary Agent
Tara🔮✨closed to queries. @Literary_Tara
🎉I'm OPEN for queries!!!🎉So it's time for a fresh #mswl thread.
For Young Adult, I am really craving the following:
- Fun Historicals like A LADY'S GUIDE
- Best friend stories/platonic love stories.
- Contemporaries that make me cry.
- A YA Killing Eve!
- Stories for young YA (14 and 15-year-olds).
- As always diverse voices.
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Stephanie Stein @stephlystein
At the top of my #MSWL this year: AMBITION. I'm looking for books that take big swings at big feelings and bigger questions, with writing that makes me stop in my tracks and whisper, holy $%!*. Let's do this, 2020.SAME. I would love to find big, ambitious YA and MG -- whether contemporary, fantasy, historical, you name it! #MSWL
Literary Agent
MSWL for 2020: AKA, What I’d Like to See in My Agent Inbox! #mswl…
Literary Agent
Updated my #MSWL! Be sure to take a look for 2020, when I open back up to queries!…
Literary Agent
I'd love to read an #ownvoices historical vampire story. #mswl
Literary Agent
#MSWL. The post that was retweeted is outdated. I am looking for rom coms, historical romance, romantic suspense; women’s fiction, especially stories related to relationships; thrillers; Southern Gothics; Middle Grade and narrative nonfiction.
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Recently started listening to Lucinda Riley's Seven Sisters series in audio, so am naturally updating my #MSWL to ask for big, emotional, multigenerational, historical/dual timeline stories with a strong thread of history/art/astrology or similar: