Dawn Dowdle
Literary Agent
Blue Ridge Agency
Literary Agent. Representing Mysteries, Romances, Picture Books, Middle Grade Mysteries, True Crime and Cookbooks. blueridgeagency.com
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
#MSWL Middle Grade (not fantasy or scifi) and Picture Books. blueridgeagency.com
Literary Agent
#MSWL Amish Romance, Rom-Com, Western Romance, Cozy Mystery (including Paranormal), Mystery, Historical Mystery, Suspense, Thriller, Picture Books (prefer 700 words or less), Middle Grade, Cookbooks, Graphic Novels, Travel blueridgeagency.com Looking forward to your queries!
Literary Agent
#MSWL Middle Grade & Picture Books blueridgeagency.com
Literary Agent
#PBPitch if I favorite your pitch, please follow query instructions at blueridgeagency.com and mention #PBPitch.
Literary Agent
#pitmad #MSWL Cozy Mysteries, Amish Mysteries or Romances, Mysteries, Suspense, Picture Books (Fiction), Cookbooks, True Crime, Romantic Comedies, Western Romances blueridgeagency.com
Literary Agent
#pitmad #mswl Looking for Amish Romance, Inspirational Romance, RomCom, Western Romance, Cozy Mysteries, Mysteries, Suspense, Picture Books, MG, True Crime, Cookbooks. blueridgeagency.com and mention #pitmad for who referred you.
Literary Agent
#MSWL Cozy Mysteries, Amish Romance, Western Romance, Inspirational Romance, Sweet Romance, RomCom, Mysteries, Historical Mysteries, Historical Romance, Suspense, Picture Books, True Crime, Cookbooks blueridgeagency.com
Literary Agent
#MSWL Mysteries, including cozies, historicals, traditional, PI; Suspense; Romances, including Amish, Inspirational, Sweet, RomCom, Western, Historical, Suspense; Pictures Books (600 words and less preferred), Middle Grade Mysteries, True Crime, Cookbooks blueridgeagency.com
Literary Agent
#MSWL Cozy Mysteries, Amish Romance, Inspirational Romance, Romantic Comedies, Mysteries, Suspense, Picture Books, Middle Grade Mysteries, Cookbooks, True Crime blueridgeagency.com
Literary Agent
#MSWL Amish Romance, Inspirational Romance, Sweet Romance, Romantic Suspense, Historical Romances, Romantic Comedy, Cozy Mysteries, Historical Mysteries, Mysteries, Suspense, Middle Grade Mysteries, Picture Books, True Crime, Cookbooks
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
#MSWL Also looking for Western Romances, both sweet and inspirational. blueridgeagency.com
Literary Agent
#MSWL Cozy Mysteries, Historical Mysteries, Mysteries, Suspense, Amish Romance, Romantic Comedy, Romantic Suspense, Inspirational Romance, Historical Romance--esp. Victorian & Regency, Middle Reader Mysteries, Cookbooks, True Crime, Graphic Novels blueridgeagency.com
Literary Agent
#MSWL Clean contemporary western romance between 60-70,000 words, Amish Romance, Inspirational Romance, Cozy Mysteries, Traditional Mysteries, Suspense, Romantic Suspense, Historical Mysteries, True Crime, Middle Grade Mysteries, Cookbooks, Graphic Novels blueridgeagency.com
Literary Agent
#MSWL Amish Romance, Cozy Mysteries, RomCom, Historical Mysteries and Romances, Suspense, Inspirational Romance, Mysteries, Romantic Suspense, Middle Grade Mysteries, and Graphic Novels for adults and Middle Grade. blueridgeagency.com
Literary Agent
#MSWL Cozy Mysteries, Amish Romance, Rom Com, Inspirational Romance, Mysteries, Suspense, Middle Grade Mysteries, True Crime, and Cookbooks. Follow the instructions at blueridgeagency.com
Literary Agent
#MSWL Romantic Comedy, Cozy Mystery, Mystery, Suspense, Romantic Suspense, Inspirational Romance, Amish Romance, Historical Mystery, Historical Romance, Middle Reader Mystery, True Crime, Cookbooks Follow query instructions at blueridgeagency.com Looking forward to reading!
Literary Agent
#faithpitch #MSWL Inspirational Romance, Cozy Mystery, Mysteries, Amish Romance, MG Mysteries, RomCom. Would love to read your queries. Follow instructions at blueridgeagency.com
Literary Agent
For #KissPitch, please follow the instructions at blueridgeagency.com Looking forward to reading! #MSWL RomCom, Historical Rom, Romantic Suspense, Inspirational Rom, Cozy Mysteries, Amish Romance, Suspense, Mystery, Historical Mysteries, True Crime, MG Mysteries, Cookbooks