Literary Agency
After closing this summer for the first time ever, Senior Agent @Cforde_litagent is ready to open for submissions again!
She will be open for submissions from November 6th to December 6th 2023!
Find more details in the attached graphics.
#mswl #queryme #pitchme #litagent

Literary Agency
"I'm on the lookout for mystery thrillers that explore a 'true crime' in their fictional world. Who does it impact, and how? What is justice? Think A GOOD GIRL'S GUIDE TO MURDERING, NOTHING CAN HURT YOU, MY FLAWLESS LIFE, and JACKAL."
@roseferrao #MSWL

Literary Agent
Domestic #Thriller novels with protagonists who make dreadful decisions for all the right (or wrong) reasons.
Show me inner vulnerability, and I will root for the worst villain and hope they get away with it.
Yes to crime--murder, larceny, embezzlement--but no rape. 4/?

Literary Agent


Literary Agency
"Send me thrillers like WHAT HAVE YOU DONE by Matthew Farrell."
Curtis Russell #MSWL

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
#MSWL Romance, Thrillers, Crime Drama, Suspense, Contemporary stories #AmQuerying 50K words and up. Query using the @LCSLiterary Query Manager box. #Underrepresented #LCSIntern

Literary Agent
Aaaaand my #MSWL is here: manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/trinica-sampson-vera/ Looking forward to reading your amazing queries! 💞

Literary Agency
"Send me thrillers (legal, medical, political, etc.) and mysteries (cozy, private eye, police procedural, etc.)"
Curtis Russell #MSWL

Literary Agent
#MSWL Romance, Thrillers, Crime Drama, Suspense, Contemporary stories #AmQuerying 50K words and up. Query using the @LCSLiterary Query Manager box. #Underrepresented #LCSIntern

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
I'm now open to queries! I won't be posting any cryptic or highly specific #mswl items at this time. 😅 Details of what I'm looking for and the submission form are all conveniently located in Query Manager: querymanager.com/query/jestrudel

Literary Agent
Hitting post on this one has me holding my breath! Here is my official #MSWL Please let me know if you have any questions. I am open to queries this Friday. :) #amquerying #writingcommunity manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/amy-nielsen/

Literary Agent
Happy Oct! I just updated my queryamy.com Querytracker page to accept fiction! I am looking for horror, paranormal, fantasy, historical, thriller, adventure, and a few other tidbits. Check out my page for genres and I look forward to reading your stuff! #MSWL

Literary Agent
Mark Gottlieb, Trident Media Group literary agent @Mark_Gottlieb
Exploring the hottest fiction genres in publishing and offering insights into what's captivating readers and why these genres are experiencing a surge in popularity. literaryagentmarkgottlieb.com/blog/exploring-the-hottest-fiction-genres-in-publishing-today #WritingCommunityRomantic Fantasy, Domestic Thrillers, Historical Fiction, Diverse Voices, Climate Fiction (Cli-Fi), Science Fiction, Romantic Comedy (Rom-Com) #MSWL #ManuscriptWishList #MSWISHLIST #ManuscriptWL

Literary Agency
"Psychological dramas are high on my wish-list, as are high-concept thrillers that keep me guessing. My favorite titles defy expectations and subvert stereotypes."
@ceciliaclyra #MSWL

Literary Agent
Women's, Romance, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Suspense, Thriller, Children's authors, where are you? Our QM box has room. We are actively seeking and building our client lists. So polish off those stories and get them to us. #MSWL @LCSLiterary #amquerying #writerscommunity #Fiction #agents

Literary Agent
Updated job title, updated agent page...✍️
I'm on the hunt for some BRILLIANT new novels, so #amquerying authors have a look at the #MSWL on my page and please do submit if you have something that might fit the bill!📚

Literary Agency
"I’d love to see more revenge stories. It could be a scorned lover, a group of friends avenging someone's death, a sister story, or anything similar. If your character is in their villain era, send it my way!"
@claire_m_harris #MSWL