Amy Nielsen
Literary Agent
The Purcell Agency
#2024debut π, #LGBTQ+ally π, #autismcaregivercoach β #bookcoach π. #associateliteraryagent @Tpurcellagency

Literary Agent
Hey #MSWL and #writingcommunity ! I'm so excited to be here! I'm not open at this time, but should open again soon. I'll be looking for YA and Adult Thrillers in the sub genres of domestic, psychological, and suspense under 90K words! Follow me to know when I open. Feel free to ask questions! :)

Literary Agent
Still going through Query Manager. If I don't find what I'm looking for, here's my 2025 #MSWL . A Thriller comp to NONE OF THIS IS TRUE by @lisajewelluk , a Sapphic Romance comp to @DHawkinsAuthor NOT IN THE PLAN, a PB comp to @BrianGehrlein THE BOOKS OF RULES. #amquerying

Literary Agent
Here is the link to my #MSWL

Literary Agent
π§΅Happy #2024pride ! I'm excited to share that for June I'll be open to queries exclusively from authors who identify as part of the LGBTQIA+ community. My MSWL has stayed the same and I'll link it below. #amquerying #writingcommunity

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Hitting post on this one has me holding my breath! Here is my official #MSWL Please let me know if you have any questions. I am open to queries this Friday. :) #amquerying #writingcommunity

Literary Agent
#amquerying I'm soft opening to queries Fri, Oct 6th & Sat Oct 7th. Thur, Oct 5th, I'll be available for #AskMeAnything 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm EST. I'm waiting for my MSWL to populate. In the meantime, here's my best querying advice! β€οΈ

Literary Agent
A sneak peek at my eventual #MSWL βIβd swoon over a Gilmore Girls inspo with a paranormal or speculative element, anything that could comp my favorite song of all time, βNever Surrenderβ by Cory Hart or a story set in a coastal boating town. #amquerying #WritingCommunity