Mark Gottlieb

Literary Agent

Trident Media Group

Mark Gottlieb is a literary agent at the Trident Media Group literary agency in New York City. #tridentmediagroup @Trident_Media

Mark Gottlieb
Literary Agent
Mark Gottlieb is a literary agent at the Trident Media Group literary agency in New York City. #tridentmediagroup @Trident_Media
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Mark Gottlieb
Literary Agent
Mark Gottlieb is a literary agent at the Trident Media Group literary agency in New York City. #tridentmediagroup @Trident_Media
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Looking for more commercial fiction, literary fiction, platform-driven nonfiction, commercial children's books & graphic novels.

Mark Gottlieb
Literary Agent
Mark Gottlieb is a literary agent at the Trident Media Group literary agency in New York City. #tridentmediagroup @Trident_Media
39 AskAgent
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Mark Gottlieb
Literary Agent
Mark Gottlieb is a literary agent at the Trident Media Group literary agency in New York City. #tridentmediagroup @Trident_Media
39 AskAgent
8 Tips
Mark Gottlieb
Literary Agent
Mark Gottlieb is a literary agent at the Trident Media Group literary agency in New York City. #tridentmediagroup @Trident_Media
39 AskAgent
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Holy mole, this film was difficult to watch, but at the same time I couldn't look away! Someone please send me a psychological #suspense/#thriller manuscript like this! #ManuscriptWishList #MSWL #MSWishList

Mark Gottlieb
Literary Agent
Mark Gottlieb is a literary agent at the Trident Media Group literary agency in New York City. #tridentmediagroup @Trident_Media
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Hey, hopeful writers looking to become published authors, I would love to see more #OwnVoices versions of #Fiction, #Nonfiction, #ChildrensBooks and #GraphicNovels! Writing hand Send onward, via, thanks! Folded hands #WritingCommunity #MSWL #NaNoWriMo

Mark Gottlieb
Literary Agent
Mark Gottlieb is a literary agent at the Trident Media Group literary agency in New York City. #tridentmediagroup @Trident_Media
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Twitter seems to know me pretty well...a little too well? And no, Timothee Chalamet is not my heart throb—I’ve been following the #DUNE production stills online. #MSWL

Mark Gottlieb
Literary Agent
Mark Gottlieb is a literary agent at the Trident Media Group literary agency in New York City. #tridentmediagroup @Trident_Media
39 AskAgent
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Mark Gottlieb
Literary Agent
Mark Gottlieb is a literary agent at the Trident Media Group literary agency in New York City. #tridentmediagroup @Trident_Media
39 AskAgent
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It’s been a longtime wish of mine to see more classic works of #literature adapted into #graphicnovels. #MSWL

Mark Gottlieb
Literary Agent
Mark Gottlieb is a literary agent at the Trident Media Group literary agency in New York City. #tridentmediagroup @Trident_Media
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Three things right now:

1. Clinical books about how we can heal ourselves during this difficult time.

2. Books that offer a world of escapism such as fantasy and science fiction, etc.

3. Lighthearted and humorous books to lighten the mood.

#MSWL #ManuscriptWishList

Mark Gottlieb
Literary Agent
Mark Gottlieb is a literary agent at the Trident Media Group literary agency in New York City. #tridentmediagroup @Trident_Media
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I'm betting there could be another Dan Simmons/ #THETERROR out there. Send me the next #manuscripts that could be it! #MSWL

Mark Gottlieb
Literary Agent
Mark Gottlieb is a literary agent at the Trident Media Group literary agency in New York City. #tridentmediagroup @Trident_Media
39 AskAgent
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Insane in the membrane... #ElonMusk announced he's achieved a #Neuralink. #Singularity is here. This will give everyone the same high IQ. Info will be present in your mind in the blink of an eye. This is some #BlackMirror stuff. 🧠💻🤖… #MSWL

Mark Gottlieb
Literary Agent
Mark Gottlieb is a literary agent at the Trident Media Group literary agency in New York City. #tridentmediagroup @Trident_Media
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I enjoyed the film "Indecent Proposal" (1993), a drama starring Woody Harrelson, Demi Moore & Robert Redford, based on the novel of the same name by Jack Engelhard. Would love to find the next Jack Engelhard or any #novels akin to INDECENT PROPOSAL.… #MSWL

Mark Gottlieb
Literary Agent
Mark Gottlieb is a literary agent at the Trident Media Group literary agency in New York City. #tridentmediagroup @Trident_Media
39 AskAgent
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Mark Gottlieb
Literary Agent
Mark Gottlieb is a literary agent at the Trident Media Group literary agency in New York City. #tridentmediagroup @Trident_Media
39 AskAgent
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In search of a Japanese, or half-Japanese, author to write a #MiddleGrade #Fantasy about the Heikegani and The Tale of the Heike. #MSWL #ManuscriptWishList #MGLit #KidLit #SFF #SCBWI

Mark Gottlieb
Literary Agent
Mark Gottlieb is a literary agent at the Trident Media Group literary agency in New York City. #tridentmediagroup @Trident_Media
39 AskAgent
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I smell an #alternatehistory novel! In 1916 there was a proposed Amendment to US Constitution to put all acts of war to a national vote, & anyone voting yes would have to register as a volunteer for service in US Army… #MSWL #WritingPrompt #StoryStarter

Mark Gottlieb
Literary Agent
Mark Gottlieb is a literary agent at the Trident Media Group literary agency in New York City. #tridentmediagroup @Trident_Media
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Damn, no wonder Mr. Miyagi was a HAMF. I'm surprised no one ever really took this concept and fully ran with it in a book... I loved John Okada's NO-NO BOY and would totally read something like this in a heartbeat. #MSWL #WritingPrompt #StoryStarter…

Mark Gottlieb
Literary Agent
Mark Gottlieb is a literary agent at the Trident Media Group literary agency in New York City. #tridentmediagroup @Trident_Media
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Word on the street is that #MG #Fantasy is the next big thing in #KidLit. Good thing this #LiteraryAgent already Ranks #1 on #Publishers Marketplace for #Childrens Fantasy! Consider this another #MSWL for #mglit!… #SFF #ChildrensBooks

Mark Gottlieb
Literary Agent
Mark Gottlieb is a literary agent at the Trident Media Group literary agency in New York City. #tridentmediagroup @Trident_Media
39 AskAgent
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