General fiction: Stories about unique experiences/people, complex families and history, siblinghood, friendship, self-growth. Looking for works that speak to the peculiarities of the human condition with a unique protagonist. Interested in quiet stories with big impact!
Literary Agency
“Unlikely friendship novels with heavy plot and a feel-good ending.” @carlywatters #MSWL psliterary.com/submissions/
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
27. UNDEAD GIRL GANG by @ms_lilyanderson
I LOVE this book. It’s funny, it’s witchy, it has teeth—and it’s also about friendship 💜 The vibes are just perfect.
(Ahem #MSWL for anything comped to this book for those reasons)
Finished 6/10
Literary Agent
Literary Agency
Andrew Nurnberg Associates @nurnberg_agency
Calling all #fiction writers, we will be making weekly call-outs on behalf of agents @JennySavill1 and @ce_seymour. We're looking particularly for writers from underrepresented backgrounds but are open to all, as always, and can't wait to hear from you!#MSWL #WritingCommunity
In our fourth #fiction call-out, @ce_seymour is looking for literary and reading group novels about families, friendships or relationships. Could be a brief snapshot or a sweeping intergenerational story. Our submission guidelines: andrewnurnberg.com/submissions/ #MSWL #WritingCommunity
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
#MSWL As Summer gets closer, I would love to read a sweet YA contemporary novel with romance, friendship, the beach and ice-cream🤩🌞🍨
#amagenting #writingcommmunity #YA #amquerying
Literary Agent
Literary Agency
“Middle Grade: modern Sweet Valley Twins series (featuring best friends).” @msmariavicente #MSWL mariavicente.com/representation
• Authentic, #ownvoices representations of characters with marginalized and intersectional identities, particularly in stories of adventure, romance, friendship, joy, and personal growth
#MSWL 8/?
Literary Agent
Hello writers! I am now open to queries! I'm looking for MG, YA, and adult books. Please find my full wishlist and submission guidelines on my website.
Below is a brief snapshot of my #MSWL. I look forward to hearing from you!
#amquerying #amwriting
Literary Agent
Karen Chaplin @CapChapReads
#mswl I am looking for middle-grade mystery. Mysteries were one of my fav things to read and watch as a kid. Take me back to The Goonies and Encyclopedia Brown with mystery, adventure, friendship, and an element finding yourself.Me too!!! #mswl
But I’d really love it with a voice we’ve not seen before.