Eric Smith
Literary Agent
Literary Agent (@PSLiterary), Author. Latest, YOU CAN GO YOUR OWN WAY (@InkyardPress) and JAGGED LITTLE PILL: THE NOVEL (@abramskids). Loves @BeautyBritches .
175 MSWL
63 AskAgent
4 Queries
8 Tips

I almost tweeted "YA rom-con" instead of "YA rom-com" and I officially want to read a YA contemporary novel about two teens planning a heist who OOPS also fall in love. #MSWL

Penny Moore
Literary Agent
Senior Agent at @AevitasCreative .🇰🇷혼혈. Cat Mom. Opinions are my own. Here’s a resource if you need it:
126 MSWL
80 Tips

#MSWL YA contemporary along the lines of The Last Summer on Netflix!!! ❤️❤️❤️

Lynnette Novak
Literary Agent
Literary agent at The Seymour Agency. See my pinned tweet for deets. (she/her)
192 MSWL
68 Tips

Seeking: Adult: thrillers, fantasy, sci-fi, contemporary romance, rom-com, mysteries & horror. YA: thrillers, sci-fi, fantasy, horror, mysteries, historical, & contemporary. MG: Sci-fi, fantasy, contemporary, adventure, mysteries, horror, & humor. #diversity #MSWL

Garrett Alwert
Literary Agent
Associate Literary Agent at @EmeraldCityLit (PB, MG, YA). Currently Closed to Queries. He/Him.
1 AskAgent
1 Tips

#MSWL Adventurous contemporary MG's with heart. A little magical realism is always welcome too!!

Garrett Alwert
Literary Agent
Associate Literary Agent at @EmeraldCityLit (PB, MG, YA). Currently Closed to Queries. He/Him.
1 AskAgent
1 Tips

#MSWL Smart funny contemporary YA's in the same vein as Ben Philippe, Katie Henry, Jeff Zentner, Ibi Zoboi, Emery Lord and Ashley Poston.

Eva Scalzo
Literary Agent
a boricua🇵🇷 who has never met a tangent she wouldn’t follow | lit agent @ Speilburg Literary | AALA & SCBWI | she/her/ella/ms. | links in bio
444 Queries
39 Tips

4. A #YA #contemporary that is atmospheric a la RIVERDALE and blends mystery and romance in just the right way. I want to get the #creeps as well as #allthefeels. #MSWL

Natascha Morris
Literary Agent
Senior Literary Agent at The Tobias Literary Agency.
931 MSWL
31 AskAgent
194 Queries
46 Tips

In the spirit of @jamerrson doing an MSWL, I'm going to chime with one, too!

I am really into the song BURY A FRIEND and would love a YA that has that atmospheric, psychological feeling in contemporary #MSWL

James McGowan
Literary Agent
Literary agent, author, sitcom enthusiast, professional snacker... @bookendslit (he/him)
115 MSWL
18 AskAgent
7 Tips

I'm also looking for #YA! At this point, I'm leaning more towards Contemporary YA (think funny like The Field Guide to the American Teenager, or books dealing with important topics like On the Come Up or Heroine). #MSWL

P.S. Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Representing a diverse list of internationally published, award-winning, bestselling and debut creators.
2641 MSWL
71 AskAgent
3 Queries
179 Tips

"A diverse, contemporary YA novel about strong guy friendships. Think Poe and Finn. <3" @ericsmithrocks #MSWL

Sarah Hornsley
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @PFDAgents . A Bookseller Rising Star 📚 Always on the lookout for fabulous new clients writing fabulous new books.

I love finding new authors and so here's my updated #MSWL! Contemporary women’s; rom-coms; high concept crime & thriller; horror; historical fiction; feminist fiction & non-fiction; compelling memoirs; popular science.

Naomi Davis
Literary Agent
Eternally optimistic Literary Agent at @Bookendslit Genderqueer 🏳️‍🌈 ND; I laugh & love relentlessly. Repped by the phenomenal @4triciaskinner
208 MSWL
214 AskAgent
183 Tips

I really want a YA contemporary with a powerful female friendship. Like one of those fast, somewhat combustible friendships that takes 100% of you in the high school years and maybe cannot last forever but leaves that soul-deep mark... #mswl

Ali Herring
Literary Agent
Literary Agent, Spencerhill Associates. Twin mom+1 📚 Eclectic in life & books. I 💙 Jane Austen & SFF in equal doses. #TeamSpencerhill Ali-ens 👽 rock!
248 MSWL
1 AskAgent
11 Queries
33 Tips

I’m seeing lots of calls for contemporary fantasy, so send this my way, please! #MSWL

Ladderbird Agency
Literary Agency
Literary agency focused on bringing BIPOC voices to the forefront and all others who have been systemically excluded in literature.

I'd love to see more contemporary YA focused around friendship struggles rather than romance. Romance is great, but I'd rather have it sidelined in favor of friends. As always, stories by and about the lives of underrepresented voices are best! #mswl

Naomi Davis
Literary Agent
Eternally optimistic Literary Agent at @Bookendslit Genderqueer 🏳️‍🌈 ND; I laugh & love relentlessly. Repped by the phenomenal @4triciaskinner
208 MSWL
214 AskAgent
183 Tips

In contemporary YA, I want stories where teens have departed "their usual world" for some reason. Humanitarian trips, visits to ancestral places. Immigration/refugee stories rooted in truth. An updated GIRL: INTERRUPTED style departure from their usual would be amazing. #mswl

Naomi Davis
Literary Agent
Eternally optimistic Literary Agent at @Bookendslit Genderqueer 🏳️‍🌈 ND; I laugh & love relentlessly. Repped by the phenomenal @4triciaskinner
208 MSWL
214 AskAgent
183 Tips

I am opening to YA fantasy and contemporary queries! On my YA #MSWL: fantasies that are entirely new worlds,new fairytales. No generic regency-style fantasy worlds. Bring me new applications of/restrictions on new magic, uncommonly featured stars of the story, relevant parallels.

Moe Ferrara
Literary Agent
Senior Literary Agent @BookEndsLit . 🏳️‍🌈 Violinist | Cosplayer | Anglophile | Geek Extraordinaire | Corgi Minion | Wine Enthusiast | Coffee Addict | #TeamMoe
156 MSWL
117 AskAgent
35 Queries
68 Tips

It's only been forever and a day but I finally updated my #MSWL profile! Now including select genres of narrative non-fiction — and basically send me all your queer fiction or creepy, lyrical middle grade books!…

Lauren Spieller
Literary Agent
LitAgent @FolioLiterary + @FolioJr - Full Adult + Kidlit wishlist on Pub Marketplace! ~ Author w/ S&S ~ I love dogs like it's my job ~ She/Her
631 MSWL
98 AskAgent
2 Queries
91 Tips

Middle Grade.

Contemporary, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Magical Realism, Horror, Historical, and everything in between.

I want it all.


Laura Crockett
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @TriadaUS | Opinions my own | she/her
148 MSWL
24 AskAgent
322 Queries
88 Tips

YA romcoms are my jam. Always have been. I want to see more STEM, fun jobs, and unique hobbies. DON’T DATE ROSA SANTOS, WHEN DIMPLE MET RISHI, ROYALS, and ALEX, APPROXIMATELY are perfect examples of voice, humor, and substance in contemp YA romcoms! #mswl

Peter Knapp
Literary Agent
Lit agent with @parkandfine representing kid lit with enthusiasm!
290 MSWL
118 AskAgent
228 Queries
5 Tips

I'd also like a MG realistic/contemporary series. Something like Jason Reynold's TRACK series. I'd also be super excited to find brilliant literary standalone in MG. Something like WHEN YOU REACH ME or THE THING ABOUT LUCK. #mswl