Lauren Spieller
Literary Agent
LitAgent @FolioLiterary + @FolioJr - Full Adult + Kidlit wishlist on Pub Marketplace! ~ Author w/ S&S ~ I love dogs like it's my job ~ She/Her
631 MSWL
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2 Queries
91 Tips

#mswl for spring 2019! 🌸

*Contemp Fantasy in MG, YA, Adult

*Character driven SF in MG & Adult

*Female MC thrillers & suspense

*Jewish and LatinX folklore

*YA Contemp with a BIG hook

Kristine Swartz
Book editor, bread baker, BTS stan.💜 Proudly Asian American. She/her. Opinions are just my own, but valid nonetheless!

For romance, my current #MSWL is Romantic Suspense; Amish or Inspirational; Feminist AF contemporary romance; and #OwnVoices love stories. <3

Taylor Haggerty
Literary Agent
Literary agent. Often found in a book, at the beach, or both.
Carolina Ortiz
🇨🇱❤️💜💙 Editor @ Harper Children's | @PocPub Co-Director | @LatinxinPub Mentorship Co-Director | Lover of bookstores y tequila| She/Her| Avi @emcorm
5 AskAgent
Hali Baumstein
Editor @ Disney Press (IP and Work-For-Hire only), writer, gamer, mass consumer of chocolate & iced coffee, and TV show binge watcher. She/her.

I’d also love to find some hooky YA contemporary! In addition to my dream of finding a Jewish rom-com, I’ve also loved reads like Fangirl, Geekerella, and Simon Vs. with fully realized characters and fun hooks (themes of nerd/pop/fandom culture always interests me, too!). #MSWL

Hali Baumstein
Editor @ Disney Press (IP and Work-For-Hire only), writer, gamer, mass consumer of chocolate & iced coffee, and TV show binge watcher. She/her.

I'd also love to find mind-bendy, genre twisting stories that feel in the vein of my recent Netflix obsessions Black Mirror, Russian Doll, The OA, and Dark. That obviously includes a huge range, but they're all contemporary-rooted stories with speculative elements woven in. #MSWL

P.S. Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Representing a diverse list of internationally published, award-winning, bestselling and debut creators.
2641 MSWL
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179 Tips

"I would LOVE to read a YA contemporary novel about a teen birder. Anyone out there writing one? Query me." @ericsmithrocks #MSWL

Penny Moore
Literary Agent
Senior Agent at @AevitasCreative .🇰🇷혼혈. Cat Mom. Opinions are my own. Here’s a resource if you need it:
126 MSWL
80 Tips
Dan Cramer
Literary Agent
Associate Lit Agent. I go by Dan. PB/MG/YA Please follow submission guidelines. Thanks 🏳️‍🌈 he/him A book can inspire a child. A child can inspire the world.
22 AskAgent
16 Tips

A specific #MSWL

#YA contemporary #graphicnovels akin to Bloom by Kevin Panetta & Savannah Ganucheau

#YA psych thriller version of The Woman in Cabin 10 by Ruth Ware

#YA #Horror version of Final Girls by Riley Sager

#YA #contemporary version of Less by Andrew Sean Greer

Dan Cramer
Literary Agent
Associate Lit Agent. I go by Dan. PB/MG/YA Please follow submission guidelines. Thanks 🏳️‍🌈 he/him A book can inspire a child. A child can inspire the world.
22 AskAgent
16 Tips

My #MSWL are rhythmically sound #PB, #MG adventure, fantasy, & HF, #YA anything, #NA contemporary, thrillers, & HF

Visit for submission guidelines

Lauren Spieller
Literary Agent
LitAgent @FolioLiterary + @FolioJr - Full Adult + Kidlit wishlist on Pub Marketplace! ~ Author w/ S&S ~ I love dogs like it's my job ~ She/Her
631 MSWL
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91 Tips

I want to read a YA contemporary about a teen with a weird job. #mswl

P.S. Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Representing a diverse list of internationally published, award-winning, bestselling and debut creators.
2641 MSWL
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3 Queries
179 Tips

"I read widely in YA, and enjoy just about every genre in it. I love moving contemporary reads, thrilling sci-fi, and lush fantasy." @ericsmithrocks #MSWL

Susan Hawk
Literary Agent
Children's and YA Book Agent at Upstart Crow Literary. Excited to read your query!
120 MSWL
26 AskAgent
3 Tips

Contemporary MG novels with a speculative element, or touch of magic – very much up my alley. #MSWL

Susan Hawk
Literary Agent
Children's and YA Book Agent at Upstart Crow Literary. Excited to read your query!
120 MSWL
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3 Tips

Time for more #MSWL! In terms of categories, I am really hungry for MG. Stand-alone or series, classic-feeling or not, contemporary or historical, mystery, fantasy, sci-fi, adventure - I’d like to see more MG!

Amber Caraveo
Literary Agent
Literary agent & co-founder: @SkylarkLit . Loves sunny days, myths & mysteries, children's books, YA books, all books! (She/her)
65 AskAgent

This year’s #BCBF2019 is inspiring! I’d love to find more great voice-led fiction, MG or YA, that is funny & warm & brilliant! Contemporary, maybe with a touch of magic. If you’re writing something that fits the bill, please send it my way. Oh, & graphic novels too please! #MSWL

Leonicka Valcius
Literary Agent
she/her 🇭🇹. Christian ✝️. JD Candidate 2024. Literary Agent @TransLitAgency . Closed to queries.
51 AskAgent
5 Tips
Ladderbird Agency
Literary Agency
Literary agency focused on bringing BIPOC voices to the forefront and all others who have been systemically excluded in literature.
Lauren Spieller
Literary Agent
LitAgent @FolioLiterary + @FolioJr - Full Adult + Kidlit wishlist on Pub Marketplace! ~ Author w/ S&S ~ I love dogs like it's my job ~ She/Her
631 MSWL
98 AskAgent
2 Queries
91 Tips

At the top of my April #mswl:

-middle grade with a crisp, authentic voice
-YA Contemporary with a big hook
-Adult suspense or psych thrillers