Literary Agent
✨I *finally* made my #MSWL page! ✨ Check it out & if you think your project is a fit, submit! Looking to take on new #MG, #YA & #Adult clients. #amquerying manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/kris…

Literary Agent
YA: the MC needs to have a strange interest that teaches me something new. I don't do super heavy (sexual assault, addiction, abuse, suicide), and I like to laugh. Not a good fit for sad w/o humor. Quirky voice gets me every time. I love female friendship/empowerment and spooks.

Literary Agent
Hii Writers!!
One request I have... I NEED more YA MYSTERIES & Adult THRILLERS in my box.
I have a lot sci-fi which I don’t oppose because that genre is 🔥
#MSWL #WritingCommunity #amagenting ❤️

Literary Agent
Loving the new submissions procedures at 3 Seas! Personally, I would love to see an @SHO_Homeland or @TheAmericansFX thriller hit my inbox... especially if there's a romance or a YA hook. Also, would love an American-set historical and of course, ROMANCE & WF of any kind. #MSWL

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Megan Carroll @MeganACarroll
All emails will find me both well and reading submissions today, FYI. #wfh #submissionsThings I’d love to find in there include but are not limited to: love stories, contemporary YA, ghost/horror stories and brilliant non-fic proposals about the complex and diverse world we live in. #submissions #MSWL

Carolina Ortiz @pushthepanorama
Pride and Prejudice (2005) is on Netflix and I know exactly what I'm doing tomorrow night 😎 There will never be a more longingly cinematic moment than the hand scene 💔 pic.twitter.com/5Y7cz7K9J0Also to no ones surprise, I'm a big, BIG, B I G Jane Austen fan so if any YA reimagining subs are out there, they're always welcomed in my inbox #mswl

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
#MSWL A YA or MG novel comping #DeadbyDaylight that is still totally character-driven and emotional.

Literary Agent
Annual #MSWL reminder, I’m looking for:
Kid-lit stories that celebrate neurodiversity, from authors who are neurodivergent. MG + YA!
Novels and memoirs about the adoptee experience, written by adoptees.
Is that you? Query me! ericsmithrocks.com/mswl

Literary Agent

Literary Agency
“I loved THE DREAMERS by Karen Thompson Walker. Send me more spec fiction, even better if it has an environmental angle. Adult, YA, and graphic novels welcome!” @readbystephanie #MSWL psliterary.com/submissions/

Assistant Editor
I’m always looking for #ownvoices stories, but Idk why I hadn’t openly expressed this on my wishlist (????????), but Black writers! Send me your joyful and fantasy stories! YA or adult! I want them! #MSWL

Assistant Editor
Looking for Indigenous Latinx, Afro Latinx, etc. stories! YA or adult (romcoms, crossover fantasies, or a big juicy love story!) #MSWL


Literary Agent
I'm closing to queries soon for a bit to catch up on subs.
Before I do, I'd love to see some literary-leaning horror (MG, YA, adult) in my inbox. Atmospheric horror, body horror, campy horror, autumnal horror, emotional horror—all of it.
#MSWL #amwriting #writingcommunity

Two weeks since I finished #NeflixKingdom, and I STILL can't stop thinking about it. I'm so in the mood for a YA fantasy with sociopolitical commentary, a lush non-Western historical setting, well-rounded characters, and ZOMBIES. Lots and lots of zombies.

Literary Agent
as i said, i am very much behind on queries/reading, but as i think this might be a long shot and it's super on my mind right now, i'm gonna put it out into the universe:
#mswl for #ownvoices BIPOC BPD YA 💚