ISO a HOT romance with witches and or ghosts. NA or Adult. 50-75K words. HEA or HFN. Action? Humor? Magic? I'm all in! Query me here: QueryManager.com/LisaGreenQueri… #MSWL
Literary Agent
India Holton @IndiaHolton
The League of Gentlewomen Witches is available for preorder now, and to add on Goodreads.🔸a fastidious witch
🔸an uncouth pirate
🔸speeding house chases
🔸tea (and reading the leaves)
🔸enemies-to-lovers in a romance that sweeps them off their feet - literally pic.twitter.com/2s0rayjujK
I love this!!!
Guys, I want witch books. Give me witch books! #mswl
Literary Agency
“Books about witchcraft, like Becoming Dangerous edited by Katie West, Witchbody by Sabrina Scott, and Witches of America by Alex Mar.” @agentvicente #MSWL mariavicente.com/representation
Literary Agent
27. UNDEAD GIRL GANG by @ms_lilyanderson
I LOVE this book. It’s funny, it’s witchy, it has teeth—and it’s also about friendship 💜 The vibes are just perfect.
(Ahem #MSWL for anything comped to this book for those reasons)
Finished 6/10
Literary Agent
P.S. Literary Agency @PSLiterary
"In the Illustrated/Art category, I’d love to see something in the vein of LITERARY WITCHES by Taisia Kitaiskaia and WARRIORS, WITCHES, WOMEN by Kate Hodges." @ceciliaclyra #MSWL psliterary.com/submissions/I want to see the witches burning anyone (everyone?) else for once 😈 #MSWL #WritingCommunity
Literary Agency
"In the Illustrated/Art category, I’d love to see something in the vein of LITERARY WITCHES by Taisia Kitaiskaia and WARRIORS, WITCHES, WOMEN by Kate Hodges." @ceciliaclyra #MSWL psliterary.com/submissions/
Literary Agent
Gimme all the sexy witches, please. Adult or NA only. 50-75K words. HEA/HFN Query me here: QueryManager.com/LisaGreenQueri… #MSWL
Still want my hot PNR between 50 and 75K! Shifters? Witches? Demons? Bring 'em on. HEA or HFN a must. Query me here:
QueryManager.com/LisaGreenQueri… #MSWL
Literary Agent
AmericasMostHaunted @amhaunted
Couple restoring 16th century home in Wales find hidden #witchcraft protection room littlethings.com/lifestyle/wels… pic.twitter.com/aiVvrVipmaYes, please. Any of it: hidden staircases, witches trapped at midnight, left shoes tucked away for nefarious (or not) purposes. #mswl
I want hot paranormal romance. Send me your shifters, witches, ghosts, mermaids, and lesser explored magic! HEA or HFN a must. 50-75K. querymanager.com/query/LisaGree…
Literary Agent
just the concept of black vampires, yes pls! pic.twitter.com/UdeMKymThvIf you’ve got the book, I wanna read it!
I’ll also take any BIPOC fantasy creatures; vampires, werewolves, witches. . . I’m not picky. #MSWL
Literary Agent
rebecca mix @mixbecca
y r we getting cruella when ursula is RIGHT THERE. RIGHT THERE. i don’t need a reason to care about the puppy killer! sometimes people just suck! show me ursula trying to usurp that bearded fuckboi triton & having a fall from grace GIVE ME MY SEA WITCH MOVIEbut also... #mswl! give me more sea witches with dubious morals who want what they want and will do what it takes!
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Nivia Evans @NiviaEvans
Would love to read something dark and gothic and black and witchy that feels like Prudence Blackwood x Ambrose Spellman meets Only Lovers Left Alive #mswlI would also like this. Give this to me #mswl