Literary Agency
"I’ve been fascinated by this actual event for a decade. Looking for a historical women’s fiction/book club book about garment district’s 1911 shirtwaist fire tragedy." @carlywatters #MSWL
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Putting this obscure #MSWL want out into the universe, but if any querying writers are working on a Hist Fic about Florence Cook and the Crookes investigation, I would love to see it.…
Literary Agent
For queriers: I've just updated my #mswl profile with more detail than ever before! (Seriously, SO much detail.) Look over here:…
Literary Agency
"Historical fiction along the lines of THE MINIATURIST or THE GOLEM AND THE JINNI." @kurestinarmada #MSWL
Literary Agency
"Multi POV, time slip or dual past/present narrative structure women’s fiction, historical, domestic suspense, or upmarket like THE ALICE NETWORK, THE SUBWAY GIRLS." @carlywatters #MSWL
Literary Agent
#mswl historical YA centered around one of these amazing children.…
Assistant Editor
I’d love to have a YA set in Ancient Egypt. It can be historical, or a YA fantasy with magic, and gods and all the details. This is something I’ve always wanted to read! Send me some! #MSWL
Assistant Editor
I’d love to see some YA historical fantasy. I love seeing twists to history and the fantastical elements. #MSWL
Assistant Editor
I love myths, legends and fairytales. I’d love to see some retellings or adaptations. They can be contemporary, historical, fantasy, etc. #MSWL
Assistant Editor
Mara Delgado 🇵🇷 @little_mswriter
Since I’m actively acquiring, here’s a bit of my mswl. A couple of things:1. Diverse and Own Voices stories are always welcome in my inbox
2. Please don’t pitch me on twitter.
3. And of note, I’m only accepting agented submissions at this time!
I’m looking for historical romance that is warm and tropey, high concept and engaging. I also like high concept historical romance that goes dark and explores characters a la Kerrigan Byrne. Where are the diverse and #ownvoices historicals? #MSWL
Literary Agent
Amanda Jain @wensday95
Someone write me a historical romance set at Idlewild. #MSWL…Boosting, because I REALLY want a book about Idlewild. #mswl
Literary Agent
Literary Agency
"Would love an East/West Germany or Berlin Wall historical with a romantic hook. Something sweeping and heartbreaking." @carlywatters #MSWL
Yep, I’m still looking for a #historical #YA take on Outlander (or any historical time travel premise). #MSWL
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agency
"Historical fiction where the city is a fully fleshed out character in its own right, in an unexpected time and place.” @kurestinarmada #MSWL