Literary Agent
Naomi Davis The Caffeinated @NaomisLitPix
Now that I have your attention after the Discussion of Cheese: #MSWL! Seeking delicious new adult fantasy, with relationships that melt my heart like a good Camembert cheese. Dialogue that's sharp like Cheddar. Twisty politics that transform the world like melting Halloumi.Still looking for all this melty fun in adult fantasy! #mswl
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Cheryl B. Klein @chavelaque
Also, surely there is a fantasy novel featuring Grand Central as a wild nexus of portals to magical worlds? If not, I would love for an author of color to write that & send it to me. #MSWL#MSWL. I would love this so much, especially from an author who has spent time in Grand Central and understands its nuances. Ever lost a key on the train? The lost and found has so many keys! Maybe he’s the key master to each gateway!
Literary Agent
We’ve seen this before in SFF, but I want MORE…Gattaca blew my tiny mind when I first saw it in school. I'd love to feel that way again.
Laura Maisano @MaisanoLaura
What's been lacking in my subs is a nice allegorical fantasy, something subtle not hit you over the head with a brick KWIM? #MSWLDitto. @MaisanoLaura and I get along beautifully, but I'm not above fighting her for a well done allegory. #MSWL #CF
Literary Agent
Send me your YA/MG fantasies featuring mythical beasts. @nickipaupreto’s Crown of Feathers and @ktzhaoauthor’s The Dragon Warrior have left me wanting more! #mswl
Literary Agent
Cheryl B. Klein @chavelaque
I found an exit out of Grand Central that I had never used before, & it got me two blocks closer to my destination than I expected. In this cold, that counts as a New York Win (tm).Also, surely there is a fantasy novel featuring Grand Central as a wild nexus of portals to magical worlds? If not, I would love for an author of color to write that & send it to me. #MSWL
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
I’m not able to check in all of the wonderful #SFFPit entries today but if your work meets anything in my #MSWL (specifically space opera, cyberpunk, biopunk, urban fantasy) feel free to query me at QueryMe.Online/Saritza
Literary Agent
Hey writer friends!
I've been closed to submissions since the summer and... I'll be opening up again on March 1st!
Literary fiction! Young Adult books! SFF! Cookbooks! Quirky non-fiction and moving memoir! Here's what I'm looking for in 2019. #MSWL…
Literary Agent
If I missed your #SFFpit pitch, paste query & 1st 5 pages in email. Adult: SFF, thriller, cont. romance, & mystery. YA: thriller, SFF, horror, mystery, & contemporary. MG: SFF, mystery, contemporary, & horror. querylynnette (@) theseymouragency (.)com #diversity #MSWL #ownvoices
Literary Agent
Authors, check out my 2019 wishlist! #MSWL
Literary Agent
It's true! I'm open to queries so hit me with your best shot:
Not only that—but I'm now open to picture books! My list is definitely children's focused in PB, MG, and YA -- but I'm selectively looking at Adult SFF and romance! #MSWL
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Looking for crime/thrillers and contemporary fantasy. Suspense that sneaks up on you. Stories w/ a great twist. #MSWL