Shannon Lechon

Literary Agent

Azantian Literary Agency

associate agent @ azantian literary agency, thoughts my own. closed to queries. I think cats should vote.

Shannon Lechon
Literary Agent
associate agent @ azantian literary agency, thoughts my own. closed to queries. I think cats should vote.

I’m only planning on staying open for about a month, so please get your submissions in if you feel like I might be a good fit for your work. I’m looking forward to reading!

Shannon Lechon
Literary Agent
associate agent @ azantian literary agency, thoughts my own. closed to queries. I think cats should vote.

I’m looking to bring back some classics: dystopian and steampunk settings like STATION ELEVEN and Arcane, respectively.

Shannon Lechon
Literary Agent
associate agent @ azantian literary agency, thoughts my own. closed to queries. I think cats should vote.

Literary novels with a singular, strange speculative element, like THE HUSBANDS.

Shannon Lechon
Literary Agent
associate agent @ azantian literary agency, thoughts my own. closed to queries. I think cats should vote.

I love all types and age ranges of horror, but I don’t get a lot of these submissions in YA! I’d love to see more of them.

Shannon Lechon
Literary Agent
associate agent @ azantian literary agency, thoughts my own. closed to queries. I think cats should vote.

And for some updated things I’m looking for, alongside the above:

High concept and YA/Adult mysteries/thrillers, like THE BLONDE DIES FIRST and THE LAST MURDER AT THE END OF THE WORLD.

Shannon Lechon
Literary Agent
associate agent @ azantian literary agency, thoughts my own. closed to queries. I think cats should vote.

My past MSWL thread, all of which still applies:

Shannon Lechon
Literary Agent
associate agent @ azantian literary agency, thoughts my own. closed to queries. I think cats should vote.
Shannon Lechon
Literary Agent
associate agent @ azantian literary agency, thoughts my own. closed to queries. I think cats should vote.

I'm happy to announce that I'm open to queries again!

You can use the link below to send your work my way, and find my #MSWL (s) in the 🧵. Thank you in advance to all who submit, and looking forward to reading!

Shannon Lechon
Literary Agent
associate agent @ azantian literary agency, thoughts my own. closed to queries. I think cats should vote.

This isn’t an exhaustive list by any means. If you write in a genre and age range I represent, please send your work my way. I’m so looking forward to reading!

Shannon Lechon
Literary Agent
associate agent @ azantian literary agency, thoughts my own. closed to queries. I think cats should vote.

I am as always actively seeking manuscripts from queer, trans, disabled, and neurodivergent writers, BIPOC, and other marginalized populations.

Shannon Lechon
Literary Agent
associate agent @ azantian literary agency, thoughts my own. closed to queries. I think cats should vote.

I want more pathetic and/or unhinged women who are not interested in getting better and actively make others worse. I’m looking for IANTHE from THE LOCKED TOMB.

Shannon Lechon
Literary Agent
associate agent @ azantian literary agency, thoughts my own. closed to queries. I think cats should vote.

Gothics and dark academia!! Please!! Whether they’re speculative or not, whether they lean more into horror or into romance, I’m very flexible with these two subgenres and want to see them all.

Shannon Lechon
Literary Agent
associate agent @ azantian literary agency, thoughts my own. closed to queries. I think cats should vote.

I read very broadly in horror, but some of my recent fave reads have been LEECH, SUMMER SONS, MEXICAN GOTHIC, MANHUNT, & HOUSE OF HUNGER in adult, HOUSE OF HOLLOW & THE TAKING OF JAKE LIVINGSTON in YA. Big fan of INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE & WHAT WE DO IN THE SHADOWS as well.

Shannon Lechon
Literary Agent
associate agent @ azantian literary agency, thoughts my own. closed to queries. I think cats should vote.

All types, ages, and subgenres of horror. Looking for the whole spectrum: quiet atmospheric stories, darkly funny horror comedies, and big, over the top slashers. This is the main genre I’m looking for in MG!

Shannon Lechon
Literary Agent
associate agent @ azantian literary agency, thoughts my own. closed to queries. I think cats should vote.

I’m really hunting for superhero stories in both YA and adult, especially ones that interrogate the hero vs. villain dynamic and deal with the systemic roots of villainy. Romance very welcome!

Shannon Lechon
Literary Agent
associate agent @ azantian literary agency, thoughts my own. closed to queries. I think cats should vote.

YA and adult fantasy books that deal with religion, both fictional faiths like SEVEN FACELESS SAINTS and real ones like WHEN THE ANGELS LEFT THE OLD COUNTRY and ANGELS BEFORE MAN.

Shannon Lechon
Literary Agent
associate agent @ azantian literary agency, thoughts my own. closed to queries. I think cats should vote.

Fantasy romance, especially queer fantasy romance, like A MARVELLOUS LIGHT. Happy to receive both dark and cozy romances!

Shannon Lechon
Literary Agent
associate agent @ azantian literary agency, thoughts my own. closed to queries. I think cats should vote.

Really seeking artists as well in the YA and adult SFFH & memoir & contemporary space. I love the elegant look of LAURA DEAN KEEPS BREAKING UP WITH ME as well as the cartoonish realism of TWELFTH GRADE NIGHT.

Shannon Lechon
Literary Agent
associate agent @ azantian literary agency, thoughts my own. closed to queries. I think cats should vote.

I’d love a mystery with a framing device like SADIE: a podcast, documentary/mockumentary, or any other type of mixed media.

Shannon Lechon
Literary Agent
associate agent @ azantian literary agency, thoughts my own. closed to queries. I think cats should vote.

I’m REALLY looking for mystery/thrillers/suspense in both the YA and adult space, ESPECIALLY from marginalized populations. However, I am not the right fit for law enforcement protagonists or love interests.