Literary Agent
Susan Hawk @susanhawk
YA novels that include a complex but ultimately positive mother-child relationship. So often I see toxic mothers, want something else. #MSWLI’m fascinated by how our siblings affect who we become. Give me close, intense, layered sibling relationships in YA. #MSWL

Literary Agent
Susan Hawk @susanhawk
Diversity! Diversity! Diversity! All kinds of diverse stories and writers. #MSWLYA novels that include a complex but ultimately positive mother-child relationship. So often I see toxic mothers, want something else. #MSWL

Literary Agent
Susan Hawk @susanhawk
In Sep, I posted a bunch of #MSWL, and I’m going to add that here, so it’s altogether. +A YA novel that will start conversations; change and open reader’s minds. #MSWL

Literary Agent
Susan Hawk @susanhawk
Starting a new tradition! Every month, I’ll post my Mid-Month Wish – a description of the kind of book I’d like to find in queries. #MSWL+This month: Fast-paced YA mystery with a twisty plot, esp one w/a forensic angle. Scary, but not gory -- keep me up all night! #MSWL +

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
jen ✌🏽🌈 @bookavid
i am SO DOWN for YA retellings of classics with marginalized chars. m/m Emma. Black Victor Frankenstein. LESBIAN GATSBY. DISABLED DORIAN GRAY *taps watch*
Literary Agent

Literary Agency
"A girl gang YA! Something like the Pink Ladies or Teddy girls" @kurestinarmada #MSWL psliterary.com/submissions/

Literary Agent
Lauren Spieller @laurenspieller
I'm obsessed with this cover and I can't wait to read this anthology! harlequin.com/shop/books/978… @jessica_shea @sharpegirl pic.twitter.com/yckkYmifOeWhile I'm at it, I would LOVE a witchy book. Middle Grade, Young Adult, Adult--whatever. Just give me all the witches!! #MSWL

Literary Agent
YA authors! Check out my updated #MSWL on @inkyelbows site: bit.ly/2hU7Bjn

Literary Agency
"#YA involving fringe science in a contemporary setting." @msmariavicente #MSWL mariavicente.com/representation/

Stacy Whitman @stacylwhitman
@Ebonyteach For example, people who lived in this community: smithsonianmag.com/history/deep-s…And yes, #MSWL, that's for you to send to me. Looking for something set in the time period for MG or YA.

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Hi I stayed up too late reading @ArsenaultRivera's THE TIGER'S DAUGHTER. It is GREAT; agent friends, pls send me YA w/ DNA in common! #mswl

Literary Agent
Love to find a YA about the stress of applying to college + crazy, demanding parents with high expectations #MSWL nyti.ms/2iQOI4c

Literary Agent
What a nightmare for a high school senior! Sounds like a great YA conflict. #MSWL nyti.ms/2z4FbL6

Literary Agent
#MSWL A YA novel based upon the teen years and friendship of @Apey and @milliedechirico, cowritten by @Apey and @milliedechirico

Literary Agent