Literary Agency
“Weird and wonderful tales for YA like Wilder Girls by Rory Power, They Both Die at the End by Adam Silvera, and The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender by Leslye Walton.” @msmariavicente #MSWL
Literary Agency
“Stories that celebrate neurodiversity, from authors who are themselves neurodivergent, both in fiction and non-fiction, Middle Grade, Young Adult, and Adult.” @ericsmithrocks #MSWL
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
#MSWL #YA: I love RomComs and anything with a ghost-y or #supernatural quality. #LTBTQ+, #OwnVoices and #BIPOC authors are always welcome. I do still like issue-driven YA, but am looking for something super-edgy in this realm.
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Peter Knapp @petejknapp
Hello, 2021, and hello to writers seeking representation this year. Happy New Year! Here's what I'm looking for...a new year, a new #mswl thread...Hello, everyone: I did a #mswl tweet at the start of this year, and it's all still true. I'm particularly excited to find YA thrillers and mysteries, and middle grade anything: series, contemporary, fantasy, etc.
Literary Agency
"I loved THE DREAMERS by Karen Thompson Walker. Send me more spec fiction, even better if it has an environmental angle. Adult, YA, and graphic novels welcome!” @readbystephanie #MSWL
Literary Agent
Okay I am totally stealing this from @SarahGrill1, but anything that feels like CLUE, THE WESTING GAME, or KNIVES OUT from a diverse POV, send it my way. Adult or YA. #mswl
We're open to subs again! Come see how you can get +10 cool points on our subs page #mswl #amquerying
Literary Agent
Joanna Moult @JoannaMoult
I'm loving the #WMPitch tweets. But there are SO many & it's quite overwhelming so I feel I may have missed a gem. If you think I might be a good fit for your work please send it to me. All submission details are here See tweet 👇 below for my wishlistMy #MSWL is for funny, warm-hearted MG or an engaging, absorbing MG adventure, partic told from fresh perspectives. In YA, a super-fresh hook & vivid characters, whether with contemp realistic setting or with fantasy/magical elements. #OwnVoices are v. imp to me #WMPitch
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
TBH, I was just thinking about A DOG's PURPOSE, and then I was all like, "oh yeah but make it YA, and smoochie, and like darkly romantic, and not about dogs, but people, and maybe the world has magic already ..." So, that's my brain.
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
#MSWL As Summer gets closer, I would love to read a sweet YA contemporary novel with romance, friendship, the beach and ice-cream🤩🌞🍨
#amagenting #writingcommmunity #YA #amquerying
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
If I missed your #APIpitch, send query & 1st 5 pages to:… #A: horror, thriller, cont. romance, & mystery. #YA: thriller, horror, SFF, mystery, & cont. #MG: SFF, mystery, cont., & horror. #PB #ownvoices #diversity #MSWL #BVM #OwnVoices #POC #API