Kaitlyn Leann Sanchez
Literary Agent
#Kidlit Literary Agent. Mom. Wife. Math teacher. #SCBWI . #PBParty finalist. Eat a🍪 while you can.
Jemiscoe Chambers-Black
Literary Agent
Associate Agent @AndreaBrownLit -Authors & Illustrators. Wife, mom of 3, MFA grad, & former Asst. Director for film & TV. querymanager.com/query/Jemiscoe

On Monday, the 19th, I'm opening up to queries. I've updated my #MSWL here: manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/jemi…

I'll be open to a lot: Illustrators, MG, YA, and adult fiction, but let me share some things I'm really like to see.

Julia McCarthy
Editor at Atheneum (S&S) by day, purveyor of dad jokes by night, eternal sea hag. My tweets are my own. she/her 🇧🇷🇺🇸 Avatar @NicoleGoux bit.ly/juliabooks
102 MSWL
Samia Fakih
Assistant Editor
Artist | Assistant Editor, First Second | She/Her | | Lebanese | author of “Letters to Broken People” |All opinions are my own 🌟 pic: @beckkubrick

My #MSWL is live now! I exclusively look at GN submissions, and I'm glad I have an easy way to direct people to all the things I love :) manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/sami…

P.S. Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Representing a diverse list of internationally published, award-winning, bestselling and debut creators.
2641 MSWL
71 AskAgent
3 Queries
179 Tips

“If you have How-Tos for beauty and self-care, I’m interested. Think sustainable and eco-friendly, capsule wardrobes and decluttering, etc. Adult and YA welcome.” @readbystephanie #MSWL psliterary.com/submissions/

Nikki Terpilowski
Literary Agent
Founder of @HollowayLit #LiteraryAgent of bestselling authors. IG: instagram.com/awomanreading/
5 Tips

#mswl Would also love a mg or ya adventure or mystery set in the OBX. Plus pirates would be great. Own voices A-A male or female protagonists would be ah-may-zing.

Nikki Terpilowski
Literary Agent
Founder of @HollowayLit #LiteraryAgent of bestselling authors. IG: instagram.com/awomanreading/
5 Tips

#mswl would love a mg or ya fantasy or scifi set in Ethiopia. Or an adult royal romance. Or a historical fantasy romance. Or a biopic related to the royal family.

Heather Howland
When it’s dark, look for stars. Product Manager. Editor.
1 Tips

Hi, yes. I would love a YA with romantic elements in the vein of The Half of It. The friendships, the family dynamics, the burgeoning relationships, and the personal growth gave me alllll the feels. I want to feel that again. Single POV, I’m thinking. HFN that feels HEA. #mswl

Leonicka Valcius
Literary Agent
she/her 🇭🇹. Christian ✝️. JD Candidate 2024. Literary Agent @TransLitAgency . Closed to queries.
51 AskAgent
5 Tips

If you’ve got a middle grade or YA high-concept fantasy where the diverse cast of protagonists try their best to be good and kind in the face of evil, like in THE DRAGON PRINCE, my inbox is open! #mswl

Amy Giuffrida
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @belcastr & wrangler of #TheATeam Lover of books, reality TV, Buffy, coffee, rescue dogs, and tattoos. 💀 My opinions are my own. She/her.
115 MSWL
92 AskAgent
Beth Phelan
Literary Agent
she/her. mg & ya literary agent @galltzackerlit . founder 501c3 NPO @_DiverseVoices (#DVpit/#DVart, DVcon &more). closed to unsolicited submissions.
128 MSWL
125 AskAgent
27 Tips

2. Older YA, especially if you have a story about a teen who elects not to go to college
3. Hopeful, funny, romantic
4. Emotionally-fraught, grounded thrillers and mysteries
5. Paranormal!!
6. Experimental, inventive storytelling

#mswl cont ⬇️

Beth Phelan
Literary Agent
she/her. mg & ya literary agent @galltzackerlit . founder 501c3 NPO @_DiverseVoices (#DVpit/#DVart, DVcon &more). closed to unsolicited submissions.
128 MSWL
125 AskAgent
27 Tips

In YA, i still love most genres and everything from light to dark. I love hope and depth and humor and stories that can change lives, whether from joy or empathy and validation. More specifically:

1. Super high concept contemporary and speculative contemporary

#mswl cont ⬇️

Beth Phelan
Literary Agent
she/her. mg & ya literary agent @galltzackerlit . founder 501c3 NPO @_DiverseVoices (#DVpit/#DVart, DVcon &more). closed to unsolicited submissions.
128 MSWL
125 AskAgent
27 Tips

7. Queer and trans/nonbinary characters in fun settings, especially trans femme characters.
8. Something just right for that tricky space between MG and YA

#mswl cont ⬇️

Beth Phelan
Literary Agent
she/her. mg & ya literary agent @galltzackerlit . founder 501c3 NPO @_DiverseVoices (#DVpit/#DVart, DVcon &more). closed to unsolicited submissions.
128 MSWL
125 AskAgent
27 Tips

beth phelan @beth_phelan

It’s my last weekend to get caught up before i open to queries on April 12!

I’ve responded to almost all outstanding queries (email me if you’re still waiting--i missed it) but still catching up on requested fulls (please keep being patient)!

#mswl ⬇️⬇️⬇️

First thing to note is that I only represent MG and YA. I love every genre from light contemporary to high fantasy and everything in between. I don’t represent artists or graphic novelists and don’t typically represent verse.

#mswl ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Kelly Dyksterhouse
Literary Agent
Literary Agent, The Tobias Literary Agency, Kidlit, Hiker, Writer, Professional Daydreamer, MFA from VCFA. AALA. SCBWI She/Her
Lily Kessinger
barely sentient potato who likes to read. editor @ Clarion/HarperCollins. mom to alien creatures Masha (🐈‍⬛) + Olga (🐶). she/her. opinions mine etc.
Amy Giuffrida
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @belcastr & wrangler of #TheATeam Lover of books, reality TV, Buffy, coffee, rescue dogs, and tattoos. 💀 My opinions are my own. She/her.
115 MSWL
92 AskAgent

This week has felt like a year, so please send me some fun contemporary! Give me all the MG and YA goofiness that makes me giggle and gives me all the feels. I’m ready to open my inbox and smile🥰 #MSWL

Natascha Morris
Literary Agent
Senior Literary Agent at The Tobias Literary Agency.
931 MSWL
31 AskAgent
194 Queries
46 Tips

BRIGADOON meets THE GOOD PLACE #MSWL either YA GN or YA prose.

P.S. Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Representing a diverse list of internationally published, award-winning, bestselling and debut creators.
2641 MSWL
71 AskAgent
3 Queries
179 Tips