Liesa Abrams
Batman-loving editor of MG and YA books. Editor-in-Chief at (new!) Labyrinth Road imprint @ Random House Children’s Books. (Tweets are my own.) She/her
3 Tips

On the YA side, whether fantastical or realistic, I gravitate toward books w/ high concept hooks and stories anchored in themes of identity, sexuality, & loss & grief. (Grief & sex can be complex labyrinths to navigate, as we know...).

Ameerah Holliday
Literary Agent
“The very time I thought I was lost, / My dungeon shook and my chains fell off” Dancer | Poetess | Revolution | Agent - Serendipity Lit | Opinions are my own

As a grad of a performing arts high school I’d love to see a YA or New Adult novel about what happens when you love your art form but it doesn’t love you back in the way you expected. Think Larissa from I Wanna Be Where You Are. #MSWL

Paloma Hernando
Literary Agent
Associate Agent at @Einstein_Lit , opinions are my own, 🇦🇷, ENG/ESP, 💛 Live to make life better, abolish prisons and the police!

I made up a #MSWL! The main problem is that there are honestly more things that I DO want to see books made of than not, but hopefully someone finds this helpful✨…

P.S. Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Representing a diverse list of internationally published, award-winning, bestselling and debut creators.
2641 MSWL
71 AskAgent
3 Queries
179 Tips

"Romance, Literary, Commercial, Suspense, Young Adult, Middle Grade, and Picture Books." @CurtisPSLA #MSWL

Susan Graham
Literary Agent
would love to be stabbed by Jim, professional hype man (agent at @Einstein_Lit opinions my own) #friendship #teamwork art by @anuanew , pn they/them (agender)
122 MSWL
14 AskAgent
128 Tips
Uwe Stender
Literary Agent
Founder @triadaus , Literary/Film Agent. Herthaner. Berliner Schnauze. Westend. Qualität kommt von Qual. 1982,1991, 2013, 2017. Books, Films, Music. ❤ Berlin ❤
1203 AskAgent
44 Queries
81 Tips

Right now, the ONLY new submissions I want to receive ARE: Contemporary YA novels, AND YA and MG graphic novels. #MSWL.

Amy Giuffrida
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @belcastr & wrangler of #TheATeam Lover of books, reality TV, Buffy, coffee, rescue dogs, and tattoos. 💀 My opinions are my own. She/her.
115 MSWL
92 AskAgent

My head is swirling around random thoughts today, but you know what I’d love to see in my inbox???? A sarcastic and wonderful holiday book: nonfiction—cooking book or DIY decorations and their meanings (love learning about traditions) or fiction—YA rom-com. #MSWL

P.S. Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Representing a diverse list of internationally published, award-winning, bestselling and debut creators.
2641 MSWL
71 AskAgent
3 Queries
179 Tips

“I am interested in a variety of YA genres: contemporary, magical realism, horror, mystery, thriller, and light fantasy—just to name a few!” @msmariavicente #MSWL

Lily Kessinger
barely sentient potato who likes to read. editor @ Clarion/HarperCollins. mom to alien creatures Masha (🐈‍⬛) + Olga (🐶). she/her. opinions mine etc.

Dahlia Adler @MissDahlELama

Publishing, *please* get some queer YA winter holiday novels ASAP. I am overrun by requests and my answers are sad!

#mswl I’ve been hankering for a cozy, queer holiday YA for so long! End the yearning, agents please send if you have anything that fits the bill 🤞🥺

Lauren Spieller
Literary Agent
LitAgent @FolioLiterary + @FolioJr - Full Adult + Kidlit wishlist on Pub Marketplace! ~ Author w/ S&S ~ I love dogs like it's my job ~ She/Her
631 MSWL
98 AskAgent
2 Queries
91 Tips

I know this is super vague but I want to read a young adult manuscript that engages with that weird feeling of nostalgia you get before your life has even really changed. #mswl

Dana Murphy
Literary Agent
part-time garbage person, full-time literary agent at @trellislit
Rebecca Podos
Literary Agent
Senior Agent at the Rees Literary Agency. Lambda Award-winning author, sometimes. FROM DUST, A FLAME out now, AT MIDNIGHT up next. Rep @ericsmithrocks She/they
128 MSWL
Susan Hawk
Literary Agent
Children's and YA Book Agent at Upstart Crow Literary. Excited to read your query!
120 MSWL
26 AskAgent
3 Tips

Time for a #MSWL update! When it comes to genre, I’m omnivorous. In #MG and #YA, I’m especially hungry for:

High-concept genre elements combined with literary writing and an exploration of timeless themes.

Genre mash-ups! Give me that...

Mandy Hubbard
Literary Agent
Author of eleven novels. Founder of Emerald City Literary. Follow me for book talk… stay for pictures of my cows.
28 AskAgent
1 Tips

I am FOREVER looking for a well-researched YA or MG based on a historical tragedy (earthquakes, ship sinking, volcano, chicago fire, etc). #MSWL #AskECLA

Mandy Hubbard
Literary Agent
Author of eleven novels. Founder of Emerald City Literary. Follow me for book talk… stay for pictures of my cows.
28 AskAgent
1 Tips
Uwe Stender
Literary Agent
Founder @triadaus , Literary/Film Agent. Herthaner. Berliner Schnauze. Westend. Qualität kommt von Qual. 1982,1991, 2013, 2017. Books, Films, Music. ❤ Berlin ❤
1203 AskAgent
44 Queries
81 Tips

My list is getting a bit YA fantasy heavy. I would love to see more MG fantasy/horror, YA contemporary, and MG and YA graphic novels. #MSWL.

Samantha Fabien
Literary Agent
✞ 🇭🇹 literary agent @rootliterary || pan🌈 || i’m the ultimate hype woman™️ for great people & great books—she/her✨📚🌗
1 AskAgent

In YA & MG, I’m being pickier than ever. There are so many great books in this space!! Anything I take on has to really stand out in this competitive market.

If you’re using comps, I want to know how they are alike AND different 🥰🤗

Martha Mihalick
Children's/YA book editrix, Greenwillow Books, An Imprint of HarperCollins Publishers. All views my own. (she/her)
1 Tips

Yes it’s after 5 on a Friday but I finally read this article I’ve had a tab open for all week and would like to say I’d love to see middle grade or YA submissions that fit into the brilliant & brilliantly structured comedy category. #MSWL…

Lauren Spieller
Literary Agent
LitAgent @FolioLiterary + @FolioJr - Full Adult + Kidlit wishlist on Pub Marketplace! ~ Author w/ S&S ~ I love dogs like it's my job ~ She/Her
631 MSWL
98 AskAgent
2 Queries
91 Tips

Diverse! Graphic! Novels! For! MG! and! YA! #mswl