Literary Agent

Literary Agent
🥳I am officially open to queries🥳
Let's chat about the tropes I'm looking for, and what makes me dive into a manuscript! Here’s my #MSWL for more info on the books I want to help people discover!

Literary Agency
"Thrillers, thrillers, and more (you guessed it) thrillers!"
@readbystephanie #MSWL

Literary Agent
My main goal this year is to build out my adult list, so I'm eagerly looking for more #mystery #suspense #thriller, book club and upmarket fiction! #MSWL
More info on wishlist: bookendsliterary.com/myauthors/jame…
Query Me: querymanager.com/query/jmcgowan

Literary Agency
deviously twisty plot or terrifying antagonist. Generally, the darker the better for his taste, but he's open to all areas.
Books he loves in this area: Gone Girl (obviously), The Chestnut Man, The Hunting Party, Falling, Slow Horses, The Couple at Number 9. (3/5)

Literary Agency
Books he loves in this area: Station Eleven, The Power, Dark Matter, Sleeping Giants, The Last, The Shining Girls.
📚PAGE-TURNING THRILLER - Something with a killer hook that grabs you from the first page and keeps you guessing, possibly with an unreliable narrator...(2/5)

Literary Agency
#MSWL Thought a beat late for Thursday’s fest, how much would I love to see a thriller called THE SENSITIVITY READER? (And a long-married forty-something’s hijinks attempting an affair…while rediscovering just how much she/he/they love their spouse.)

Literary Agent
It's #MSWL Day! Find mine here: manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/carl… In short, I like books with black covers, and I like books with pink covers. I rep #YA, #MG, mystery, suspense, horror, thriller, pop fiction & contemporary romance.

It's #mswl day!
I've been at @groveatlantic for nearly 10 months (😱) and I've been lucky to acquire some dream projects... but I'm not done!
I'm still looking for crime fiction/thrillers from authors looking to write a book every year(ish).

Literary Agent
The broad strokes: I'm looking for commercial fiction. Romance. Thriller/suspense. "Women's fiction." YA that satisfies for actual young adults and an adult reader too.

Literary Agent
I suppose it's time for me to jump in fully to #MSWL life. So here's my link: manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-item/arie…

It's #MSWL day! I acquire romance, book club fiction, suspense/thriller, and mystery in the adult space. More details here:

Literary Agent
Happy #mswl day! Always looking for adult suspense, obsession, mystery, thriller, and book club. 📚manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/lori…

Literary Agent
James McGowan @jmcgowanbks
I missed participating in the @bookendslit #MSWL Day round up due to meetings, but behold my #MSWL anyway... (1/5)James is seeking upmarket/book club fiction, mystery, suspense and thrillers. Some things he is drawn to in a novel are commercial, high-concept plots, exciting settings, fast pacing, a fresh spin on a familiar trope, grounded speculative elements, rich prose (2/5) #MSWL

Literary Agent
Though I'm still closed to queries & will open BRIEFLY in April for Hist Fic & YA Myst/Thrillers, here's my full #MSWL. I'll open again after my brief April opening & will want everything on this list and more! So work on your queries and edit those pages!

Literary Agent
I'm still closed until about April. BUT...I'll reopen for about 1 week only & will give advance notice here. I'll be looking for ONLY HISTORICAL ROMANCE (Regency, preferred) & YA Mystery/Thriller. Strong desire for BIPOC & LGBTQ authors/stories. So get those queries ready!

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
It's #MSWL Day, & what I'm most excited about right now is LOVE stories! Please, please gimme 'em! Also, I'd love to see thrillers in the adult & YA space. There's more–because I'm greedy like that–so check out the new manuscript wishlist page. Thanks! manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/Jemi…

Literary Agent