Elizabeth Lee
☁️ Editor at Penguin Workshop, an imprint of @penguinteen and @penguinkids ☁️ Opera singer & stress baker ☁️ Author as @elshenwrites She/her #WNDB #POCinPub

- BIPOC and queer romcoms with depth and heart!!!!
- Speculative thrillers
- Contemporary, literary stories, with hints of magical realism

Saskia Leach
Literary Assistant
📖 Agent’s Assistant at @KNLitAgency and Secretary of the AAA Bridge Committee 💬 "You chose looks. I chose books." 📚 #RespectRomFic
2 AskAgent
10 Queries

#amwriting & #amquerying writers, I'm looking for contemporary cosy crime in an unconventional setting, a character-driven WW2 story with female espionage (think Heather Morris), and a Lucy Foley-esque locked room psychological thriller that revolves around toxic friendship #mswl

Justin Nash
Literary Agent
Managing Director @KNLitAgency . Literary agent & history geek. Emotional depth, clever ideas & immersive worlds are my thing. Current wants in the pinned tweet.
1 AskAgent

Some of my #MSWL: a historical in a tight social group (e.g. Viking War band, a WW1 trench or Arctic exploration), retro crime (50s to 70s), historical with light touch fantasy (gods/the supernatural) or a Cold War thriller set in East Germany #amwriting & #amquerying

Ash Stann
Freelance Editor for @fluxbooks and @jollyfishpress | Writer | Retired Book Blogger and bookseller | Lover of Happily Ever Afters 💗 Tweets are my own. she/her

-YA historical that features underrepresented experiences/time periods
-Unsettling YA horror/thrillers, especially with unreliable narrators
-YA high fantasy with innovative or unusual magic systems
-YA sci-fi, especially if it crosses genres (sci-fi horror/thriller/mystery)

Meg Gaertner
Senior editor @fluxbooks + @jollyfishpress . YA fantasy/sci-fi writer. Swing dancer. Music lover. Philosophizer. Tweets are my own. she/her. meggaertner.com

-high-stakes YA sci-fi w/ strong themes + character development
-YA contemporary that addresses relevant/timely social themes
-YA thrillers/suspense
-YA horror, especially of the uncanny/unsettling kind
-YA historical that highlights excluded or underrepresented experiences #mswl

P.S. Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Representing a diverse list of internationally published, award-winning, bestselling and debut creators.
2641 MSWL
71 AskAgent
3 Queries
179 Tips

"Psychological dramas are high on my wish-list, as are high-concept thrillers that keep me guessing. My favorite titles defy expectations and subvert stereotypes."
@ceciliaclyra #MSWL


Daniele Hunter
Literary Agent
Junior Agent, @mcintoshandotis , KidLit!! Queer, disabled. Wife/cat lady; she/her. Ambidextrous optimist. #WeNeedDiverseBooks #BrainTumorSurvivor #Endometriosis

Thriller/mystery/suspense: Murder mysteries, especially with dual timelines (WHERE SECRETS LIE by Eva V. Gibson). I like more focus on character than is typical for these areas (Maureen Johnson’s TRULY DEVIOUS series) and very literary writing (I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU again).

Erin Casey Westin
Literary Agent
Associate Agent at Gallt & Zacker Literary Agency. Closed to queries. She/her. Profile photo by DMOimages.
27 AskAgent

#MSWL In general I’m gravitating toward stories with mysteries. Whether it’s a literal mystery investigation or a thriller or a fantasy with a big secret – give me that overarching thing tugging me through the pages. BUT make sure there isn’t just one big reveal at the end!

Christa Heschke
Literary Agent
Children's Literary Agent, @McIntoshandOtis , movie-fanatic, dreamer, kid-at-heart, #GoPackGo , Western NY born and bred.
13 Tips

I’ve always liked the MADMEN’S DAUGHTER series too. Sparingly open to thrillers if they feel fresh, like Karen McManus’s work.

Rachel Cone-Gorham
Literary Agent
Here to read all the #Books 📚 #LiteraryAgent and #BookMarketer at RXD Agency. Subscribe to #TheMondayMarketer for weekly book marketing tips 🖤

Hello #WritingCommunity! New year, New #MSWL Send me your: high concept thrillers🕵️, page turning women's fiction 👭, general fiction with a palpable romance 🫶, and life changing non fiction ⚡️

Alexandra Weiss
Literary Agent
Associate agent at Azantian Literary. Book lover, space enthusiast, dream chaser. (Closed to queries!) She/her. 💖💜💙 Profile pic: @KaneIcarusLynch
2 Tips

Things I DO love/DO want to see: unconventional magic systems, astronomy, page-turning thrillers, queer love, passionate characters w/ uncommon hobbies, enemies-to-lovers, friendship breakups, teen sleuths, stories not set in the US, body positivity, zombies


Lindsay Flanagan
Literary Agent
ANNAGREY & THE CONSTELLATION: 8/2023 @ydpress . Rep: @jnrlitauthor Editor, photographer, literary agent-in-training w/ @jacqui_lipton @TheTobiasAgency
Lindsay Flanagan
Literary Agent
ANNAGREY & THE CONSTELLATION: 8/2023 @ydpress . Rep: @jnrlitauthor Editor, photographer, literary agent-in-training w/ @jacqui_lipton @TheTobiasAgency

I just noticed I said thriller twice. Maybe that’s a sign that a thriller is really what I want?! #mswl

Lindsay Flanagan
Literary Agent
ANNAGREY & THE CONSTELLATION: 8/2023 @ydpress . Rep: @jnrlitauthor Editor, photographer, literary agent-in-training w/ @jacqui_lipton @TheTobiasAgency

2/3 My #MSWL for pitches is: adult work only in fantasy (all categories), mystery, thriller, romance, women’s fiction, upmarket, and maybe even a thriller. My dream acquisition would have been The Night Circus. I like work that has hints of magic and a bit of darkness.

Bibi Lewis
Literary Agent
Agent at the Ethan Ellenberg Literary Agency. Lifelong New Yorker and forever bookworm. she/her
10 Tips

Mysteries and thrillers are a category I want to move into (particularly in YA) but I am more drawn to character driven stories than one that focus on a huge plot twist. This will likely be more commercial or upmarket fiction than strict genre mysteries. #MSWL

Elisa Houot
Literary Agent
Literary agent at @seymouragency Agent littéraire
1 AskAgent

I am opening to Adult Fiction ✨ In Adult, please send me your Cozy Mysteries, Thrillers and Mysteries!
I am also looking for contemporary romance novels!

Elisa Houot
Literary Agent
Literary agent at @seymouragency Agent littéraire
1 AskAgent

Young Adult/New Adult: I am open to magical realism, contemporary fiction, thriller (+), mystery, and low fantasy. I am especially on the lookout for a sports story (where sports is the center of the story, like the shows Spinning Out, Pitch).

Kristen Terrette, Literary Agent (Open to queries)
Literary Agent
Literary Manager @Martinlit . Author. Smiling in the chaos b/c of Jesus. Called Mama by 3 but only birthed 2 kids.
P.S. Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Representing a diverse list of internationally published, award-winning, bestselling and debut creators.
2641 MSWL
71 AskAgent
3 Queries
179 Tips

"Send me thrillers like WHAT HAVE YOU DONE by Matthew Farrell."


Elana Roth Parker
Literary Agent
Kidlit agent w/ @LDLiterary . @aalitagents communications committee. Avid quilter. Still not Elena. Open to queries. She/her.
107 MSWL
3 AskAgent
196 Tips

Elana Roth Parker @ElanaRoth

Making a rare Twitter appearance to say:
- I reopened to queries today.
- I am now open to adult contemporary, commercial fiction (romcom, romance, mystery/thriller, etc) 😬
- I am scared.


As far as what I want in adult: Good hooks, gripping plots, strong characters. I either want light, funny & swoony for the romcom/romance, or layered, smart and edge-of-seat for the thrillers. Sticking with commercial, contemporary for adult for now. No SFF. #mswl #querytip