Literary Agent

Literary Agency
It's #MSWL day today and mine's a little dusty, but currently seeking surprising and fun mainstream novels and mystery/thrillers with iconic women at the forefront!
More here: manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/tara…

My #MSWL for Love Inspired Trade includes domestic thriller, rom-com and complex women's fiction. My newly updated profile: manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/shan…

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Norma @normajeanesays
your friendly reminder that i am looking for magical realism, gothic fiction, and horror #MSWLoh, it’s #MSWL day! along with the below tweet, i’m into mysteries and thrillers, historical fiction, and LGBTQ romance or fiction with strong romantic elements 💕

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
I'm also looking for indie bestselling mystery/suspense/thriller authors who would like to go hybrid or who would like to continue self-publishing but have me shop their sub rights. #MSWL #WritingCommunity

Literary Agent
I'd love to see more YA fantasy, but it really, really, really has to be unique so it'll stand out. Not an easy feat. I know! Send me more YA thrillers too!!! #MSWL #WritingCommunity #amquerying #amagenting

Literary Agent
Manuscript Academy @MSWLMA
#MSWL DAY! February 16th. All day long! pic.twitter.com/2dUZ57wMt2I've updated my #MSWL page for their great new platform and look forward to queries - especially if it's a multicultural love story, a
BIPOC perspective on history (fiction or nonfiction), a thriller in an unusual time and place...
Happy #MSWL Day! 👇🤗 manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/Jess…

Literary Agent
I like my thrillers character-driven & atmospheric, like Courtney Summers in YA and Tana French in adult. Voicy YA mysteries with a classic whodunit feel like TRULY DEVIOUS & PREP SCHOOL CONFIDENTIAL are also up my alley. I'm not a good fit for commercial action/adventure novels.

Literary Agent
In contemp fantasy I am looking for hooky, fresh premises like IF YOU COULD SEE THE SUN & LEGENDBORN in YA, and on the adult side, speculative thrillers like NINTH HOUSE, BLACK WATER SISTER, and MAGIC FOR LIARS.

Literary Agent
Helen Lane is hibernating for winter. @HFLane_writing
I will be reopening to queries on the 15th March.I am having to make a few changes (partly for my workload and partly to make sure I am balancing my list).
The delay also gives me time to finish my remaining fulls before then.
1. I will open for a month only. (By doing it in controlled bursts I can make sure it doesn't overwhelm me).
2. Genres. I will be only opening to a few genres:
Action & Adventure (adult)
Thriller/ mystery: Adult and YA.
Fantasy YA.
Fantasy Romance Adult and YA.

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
I am on the hunt for exciting new authors to represent. I would love to find lots of things, including an original thriller, a book club novel, narrative non-fiction and anything uplifting to help combat this bizarre world. You can see more here: unitedagents.co.uk/afeineruniteda… #mswl

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agency
"For rom coms, my taste veers towards genre-blends, i.e., a rom com that's also a family saga or a romcom com that's also a thriller. DIAL A FOR AUNTIES by Jesse Q. Sutanto is a great example and my all-time favorite rom com."
@ceciliaclyra #MSWL

Literary Agent
Thrillers with martial arts (esp women in martial arts),
Gothic atmosphere (a la Laura Purcell),
protagonists solving mysteries in careers other than law enforcement,
narratives that explore the dark corners of the human psyche without stereotyping mental illness

Literary Agent
I'm still dying for projects by Indigenous authors in PB, MG, YA, or adult: contemporary romance, romcom, thriller, mystery, or suspense. #MSWL #WritingCommunity