Well, well, well. If it isn't ME. manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/ali-… #mswl
Literary Agent
My profile on the #MSWL site is now up, if you want to check it out: manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/t-s-…
Literary Agency
#MSWL Cozy Mysteries. Mysteries. Suspense. Thrillers. #mysteries #cozymystery #suspense #thriller
Literary Agent
Vegas! See all of you lovelies at #RT16! I'd love to hear about your YA and adult romances and domestic thrillers. #mswl @Daninoel25
Literary Agency
"Mystery / thrillers that touch on current affairs (think Jon McGoran)." @ericsmithrocks #MSWL bit.ly/1dbOPj8
Literary Agent
Literary Agency
"Romance, Literary, Commercial, LGBT, New Adult, Young Adult, Middle Grade, Mystery & Thriller." @curtisPSLA #MSWL bit.ly/1aqPTe4
Literary Agent
Abby Saul @BookySaul
My apartment has been full of small children for days and now all I want is the opposite kind of read...Opposite of cute small kids? Trippy, dark thriller about the aftermath of a crime! #mswl #please
Literary Agency
"Literary Mystery & Thrillers (Night Film, Dark Places). Domestic Suspense." @carlywatters #MSWL bit.ly/1NZbjOQ
Literary Agent
No time for #pitmad today. But please query if you think we'd be a fit: carlywatters.com/wishlist/ #MSWL
Literary Agent
A #MSWL from Jessica Alvarez bookendsliterary.com/index.php/2016…
Literary Agent
I’d love more erotic works! Especially erotic thrillers, suspense and sci-fi where the action is sexy, thrilling & engaging. #MSWL
Literary Agent
I love thrillers that are all about characters being forced to make choices where no answer is clearly 'right'. Go moral complication! #MSWL
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Mandy Hubbard @MandyHubbard
Writers watching #MSWL: When in doubt, just query. That's you saying "hey, interested in my book?" No need to @ agents w/clarifying Qs.Every time I do #MSWL and say something like "I'd love a YA thriller" and get "What if there's a ghost in it?" or similar. Just query!
Literary Agent
I'm not certain what I'm looking for, but here's my wishlist which hasn't changed in a while. #MSWL amheath.com/blog/a-wish-li…
Literary Agent
Literary Agent
Ron Eckel @roneckel
Gonna give this #mswl a whirl. I am looking for smart genre fiction: thriller and horror in particular. cookeagency.ca/submissions.htmYou could even say that I am looking for some manuscripts that scare me. #mswl cookeagency.ca/submissions.htm