Laura Crockett
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @TriadaUS | Opinions my own | she/her
148 MSWL
24 AskAgent
322 Queries
88 Tips

I’d love a YA w a protag whose life is out of the ordinary—focused on their music, dance, Olympic sport—pursuing dreams in that field #mswl

P.S. Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Representing a diverse list of internationally published, award-winning, bestselling and debut creators.
2641 MSWL
71 AskAgent
3 Queries
179 Tips

"Health, Wellness, Humor, Sports, Pop Culture, Pop Science, Pop Psychology." @CurtisPSLA #MSWL

Danielle Bukowski
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @SterlingLordLit / small plant looking for sun / she/her
6 Tips
Tiffany Shelton
Editor & Manager, Acquisitions Outreach @StMartinsPress • Foodie • Tattoo + Tea Addict • Siren of Sass • Opinions are mine • 🇨🇦-🇺🇲 (🇯🇲🇮🇳🇨🇳)
110 MSWL
2 AskAgent
2 Tips
Saritza Hernandez
Literary Agent
📚 Literary Agent @AndreaBrownLit , 👩🏽‍💻#UCLAAnnex educator, ☕️@aalitagents member #autismparent 🧩 #lgbtparent #queeraf 💖💙💜 she/her/ella 🇵🇷#SarysPosse
132 MSWL
12 AskAgent
39 Queries
98 Tips
Kiana Nguyen
Literary Agent
YA/Adult Fiction Agent at DMLA. Hobbit degenerate. She/her. I smile a lot/make inappropriate jokes. 🌈🦄 ALL SIGNS POINT TO YES ✨ Rep: @samanthashnh
189 MSWL
25 AskAgent
21 Tips
Alexandra Weiss
Literary Agent
Associate agent at Azantian Literary. Book lover, space enthusiast, dream chaser. (Closed to queries!) She/her. 💖💜💙 Profile pic: @KaneIcarusLynch
2 Tips

With the #Olympics on my mind, I'd love to find a #PB, #MG, or #YA book about #figureskating. I don’t want the stereotypical "mean girl" skater. Show me the skater who stays after hours, who has a million bruises from trying to nail a jump, who uses the ice as a canvas. #MSWL

Natascha Morris
Literary Agent
Senior Lit Agent at Tobias Literary Agency, kidlit all the way. QueryManager:
918 MSWL
31 AskAgent
194 Queries
46 Tips

With the Olympics coming, i kind of am in the mood for a sports book. Maybe with Tonya Harding elements? #MSWL #YA

Jennifer March Soloway
Literary Agent
Jennifer#4 @AndreaBrownLit | she/her | @MillsMFALit alum | PB+MG+YA+Adult | In love with all things story | ✨Revision is magical!✨
183 MSWL
45 AskAgent
105 Tips
P.S. Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Representing a diverse list of internationally published, award-winning, bestselling and debut creators.
2641 MSWL
71 AskAgent
3 Queries
179 Tips

"Health, Wellness, Humor, Sports, Pop Culture, Pop Science, Pop Psychology." @curtisPSLA #MSWL

P.S. Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Representing a diverse list of internationally published, award-winning, bestselling and debut creators.
2641 MSWL
71 AskAgent
3 Queries
179 Tips

"Health, Wellness, Humor, Sports, Pop Culture, Pop Science, Pop Psychology." @curtisPSLA #MSWL

P.S. Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Representing a diverse list of internationally published, award-winning, bestselling and debut creators.
2641 MSWL
71 AskAgent
3 Queries
179 Tips

"Health, Wellness, Humor, Sports, Pop Culture, Pop Science, Pop Psychology." @curtisPSLA #MSWL

Emily S. Keyes
Literary Agent
Founder of the Keyes Agency, LLC. Bookish. Short. Invisible Disability. Brooklyn, NY. She/her
100 MSWL
1 AskAgent
36 Tips
Eliza Swift
📚💁🏻‍♀️ Book lady, story fanatic, trash TV enthusiast. Head of Original Development at WEBTOON Digital Fiction. All opinions my own. she/her
2 Tips

A YA about a teen's devotion to a craft (a sport, an instrument, etc) and what that means for the other aspects of their life. #MSWL

Brenna English-Loeb
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @TransLitAgency // I first came to Chicago on the trail of my father's killers

Fuck it send me your 🎾tennis stories 🎾#mswl and if you can work in a calamity song ref all the better #shameless

P.S. Literary Agency
Literary Agency
Representing a diverse list of internationally published, award-winning, bestselling and debut creators.
2641 MSWL
71 AskAgent
3 Queries
179 Tips

"Health, Wellness, Humor, Sports, Pop Culture, Pop Science, Pop Psychology." @curtisPSLA #MSWL

Lisa Yoskowitz
Editorial Director perpetually in search of and editing great books with strong points of view. Taking a Twitter break, popping in very occasionally (she/her)
1 Tips

I've been dreaming of a YA Love & Basketball (/any sport) for ages. Agent friends, keep me in mind if such a treasure hits your desk! #MSWL

Hilary Harwell
Literary Agent
Lit Agent @KTLiterary | Seeker of profundity, sunshine, fun, & good books. She/her. 🇸🇪🇱🇹 Closed to queries.
18 Tips

I smell autumn in the air. That means it's almost FOOTBALL season! So, I'm putting out a call for your #MG and #YA #football stories! #MSWL

Samantha Wekstein
Literary Agent
Literary Agent @TL_Agency . She/Her, Terp🐢, ENFJ, dog lover. Illustrators: Pitch to…
140 MSWL
124 Queries
88 Tips
Amanda Jain
Literary Agent
Literary Agent repping adult fiction and nonfiction @bookendslit . You can query me at Books, books, books, always books. she/her
322 MSWL
16 AskAgent
15 Tips

#MSWL: A fun, sports-centered contemporary romance where the heroine, not the hero, is the elite athlete.