Literary Agency
"Send me your commercial/upmarket rom coms with exes who cohabitate/co-parent-but where it’s not the exes who get together."
@readbystephanie #MSWL

Literary Agent
I'm half watching a show while multitasking, and now I would love to #MSWL an enemies to lovers story, but with an elderly couple, with all the fireworks and fun and issues that go along with life at that age. I'm talking 70/80 year-olds, and I'm talking romcom.

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agency
Stefanie Rossitto #MSWL (romance novels/ romcoms/ women's fiction): looking for more mature heroines navigating the themes of motherhood, children, and second careers as well as creating and switching identities within those

Literary Agency
Stefanie Rossitto #MSWL: I want a romcom set in the mountains with hiking and fishing! Still looking for the romcom on gardening & sustainability that challenges the way we think about the world and society as a whole

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
The Oscar Mayer Wienermobile is turning into a wedding chapel - how romantic! I’d love to see a romcom like this! #MSWL - such possibilities! today.com/food/news/osca… via @TodayShow

Literary Agency
"I'm really hungry to find some great rom coms. A few of my clients are working on them, and I'd just love to find some unique, genre-blending romances."
@ericsmithrocks #MSWL

Literary Agency
"I want literary fiction that genre blends, commercial fiction that takes me somewhere unknown, and rom coms that make me laugh and swoon."
@ericsmithrocks #MSWL

Assistant Editor
Agents, here is my MSWL! Can’t wait to connect with you! ✨ #mswl #editor

Literary Agent
I love YA romcoms; give me all the tropes! I'm always looking for a hooky, unique premise with characters I can really root for. Some of my faves: TATBILB; A CUBAN GIRL'S GUIDE TO TEA AND TOMORROW; HAPPILY EVER AFTERS.

Literary Agent
Romance, romance, romance! I adore swoony romances, chaotic protagonists, and conversational and/or laugh-out-loud voice. I also love if there's a sprinkling of spec fic (a la THE DEAD ROMANTICS).
I'm always here for a good, bonkers romcom as well, the wackier the better.

Literary Agent

Literary Agency
"Send me your commercial/upmarket rom coms with exes who cohabitate/co-parent-but where it’s not the exes who get together."
@readbystephanie #MSWL

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
ayan artan @artan_ayan
Here's a thread of all the Black actors I'd pair up for a Rom-Com and what the plot would be 🧵Daniel Kaluuya and Lashana Lynch.
A modern retelling of Romeo and Juliet set in London. They come from two warring media empires and they meet by chance at a book reading. pic.twitter.com/nwnk8mc0TB
Honestly, #MSWL 👀