Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Mark Gottlieb, Trident Media Group literary agent @Mark_Gottlieb
Exploring the hottest fiction genres in publishing and offering insights into what's captivating readers and why these genres are experiencing a surge in popularity. literaryagentmarkgottlieb.com/blog/exploring-the-hottest-fiction-genres-in-publishing-today #WritingCommunityRomantic Fantasy, Domestic Thrillers, Historical Fiction, Diverse Voices, Climate Fiction (Cli-Fi), Science Fiction, Romantic Comedy (Rom-Com) #MSWL #ManuscriptWishList #MSWISHLIST #ManuscriptWL

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agency
"I want literary fiction that genre blends, commercial fiction that takes me somewhere unknown, and rom coms that make me laugh and swoon."
@ericsmithrocks #MSWL

Literary Agent

Guess what? @anaiahpress is officially re-open to submissions!!
Find our #editor bios and #MSWL here--> anaiahpress.wordpress.com/2023/09/04/open-to-submissions-mswl/
#inspy #christianfiction #CF #romance #YA

Literary Agent
Elana Roth Parker @ElanaRoth
Truth: I'm struggling with dystopian fiction in my submissions. The kids these days seem to want it. But I feel like my entire early agenting career was dystopian. (I sold...quite a few.) I'm not against it, but I'm also not sure what new avenues would be interesting to me.
Literary Agency
"I want unique, genre-blending romance novels. I wish I had worked on THE PLUS ONE by Sarah Archer or any of Roselle Lim’s breathtaking romantic contemporary fantasy novels. Give me an adult rom com in space, or with magic."
@ericsmithrocks #MSWL

Literary Agent
Fall 2023 #MSWL
YA thrillers or rom-coms with a fresh twist
MG magical realism or high concept action/adventure
Illustrators or author/illustrators
Select Adult manuscripts in upmarket fiction and contemporary romance
Awkward/ridiculous/LOL in any genre

Literary Agency
"Since I'm a major softie, please send me your sweet rom coms! I want emotional intelligence, tender ~steamy scenes~, and genuinely funny dialogue."
@claire_m_harris #MSWL

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Not sure if you know this about me, but I LOVE 💗 stories. I will ALWAYS be open to adult Romance in my inbox. In ALL subgenres—contemporary, romcom, fantasy, stories w/speculative elements.
But I’m also open to other age groups & genres. Here’s a little more of my #MSWL

Literary Agency
"I'm really hungry to find some great rom coms. A few of my clients are working on them, and I'd just love to find some unique, genre-blending romances."
@ericsmithrocks #MSWL

Literary Agency
"For rom coms, my taste veers towards genre-blends, i.e., a rom com that's also a family saga or a romcom com that's also a thriller. DIAL A FOR AUNTIES by Jesse Q. Sutanto is a great example and my all-time favorite rom com."
@ceciliaclyra #MSWL


Literary Agency
🚨 Alice is caught up on queries and will be closing for the summer on 13th July. She's looking for YA romantasy, contemporary romance and comedies, MG comedies and adventure, teen, and YA and MG graphic novels, plus select adult romance.

Literary Agency
"In rom coms, my favorite tropes are friends-to-lovers, fake dating, and second chance romance—though I'm open to other tropes! If you have a new twist on these classic tropes, I'd love to take a look."
@claire_m_harris #MSWL

Literary agents! Who has an #Olympics romance or romcom to sell me for publication in summer '24?? 👀🥰 #MSWL #sportsromance #amediting