Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Time for another #mswl! I’d love, love, love to see some new juicy rom-com and family comedies/dramas in the #ya space. #yalit #booktwitter #books #amwriting #amquerying #amreading #writer #writers #writerslife

Literary Agency
"I want unique, genre-blending romance novels. I wish I had worked on THE PLUS ONE by Sarah Archer or any of Roselle Lim’s breathtaking romantic contemporary fantasy novels. Give me an adult rom com in space, or with magic."
@ericsmithrocks #MSWL

Editorial Assistant
it has finally happened! i have a #mswl !
take a peek and see if i'm a good candidate for your submission 🐱👀🤠❣️

Literary Agent
Adult fiction: Literary and upmarket projects, speculative fiction, horror, mystery, psychological thrillers, domestic thrillers, magical realism/fabulism, Southern gothic, rom-coms

Literary Agent
YA fiction: Horror, mystery, thriller, grounded stories with a speculative element, magical realism/fabulism, Southern gothic, rom-coms (heavy on the com)

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agency
"In rom coms, my favorite tropes are friends-to-lovers, fake dating, and second chance romance—though I'm open to other tropes! If you have a new twist on these classic tropes, I'd love to take a look."
@claire_m_harris #MSWL

Literary Agent
I can’t sleep so I’m posting my updated #mswl as I’ll be reopening to queries March 1st. Please note I’m no longer looking for YA in any genres/sub genres. Query me at: QueryManager.com/carolinejtruss…

Literary Agent
I LOVE rom coms. I just made an offer for one, but I just realize need more. More HFN, HEA. I love LOVE. #amagenting #MSWL

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
I suppose it's time for me to jump in fully to #MSWL life. So here's my link: manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-item/arie…

Literary Agent
In YA, Dark Academia with a haunting setting: creepy tunnels, secret societies, and characters with questionable motives/abilities 🏰
Rom Com's 💕 Slow burning romances. Bonus points if it's with an out of school setting
Fantasy 🪄 New spin on magic world and/or powers

Literary Agent
Several of my YA romance writers are pivoting to adult and I am having a great time with it, so I'm opening to adult rom-coms for the first time! Still not the best fit for genre romance, but send me your funny, layered, high-concept mainstream rom-coms.

Assistant Editor
Happy #MSWL day! Here is the link to my updated @ManuscriptWList page:
Literary Agent
As it's #MSWL Day, I'm posting my link:
Some of my interests: hilarious rom-coms, high-concept SFF w/ delicious world-building & commercial pacing, book club fiction with inter-generational fams, ❤️ female journey & feminist perspective

Literary Agent

My #MSWL for Love Inspired Trade includes domestic thriller, rom-com and complex women's fiction. My newly updated profile: manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/shan…