Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agency
"Seeking adult rom coms with new twists on classic tropes: friends/enemies to lovers, fake dating, stuck together, opposites attract, second chances."
@claire_m_harris #MSWL

Literary Agent
i'm finally open to queries! check out what I want here: manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/kati… on #MSWL and query me here: querymanager.com/query/2696

Literary Assistant

Literary Agent
My updated #MSWL is live. I'd love to add some great new clients (to join my existing great clients❤️) and dig into projects together! manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/jen-…

Literary Agent
Natalie M. Lakosil @Natalie_Lakosil
I opened to queries today! Here's what I'm looking for! #MSWLYA: rom coms with a fresh, very commercial hook featuring queer, BIPOC, marginalized voices
dark, gothic, atmospheric horror
The MUMMY for teens

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Rom coms with all the laughs and fun, especially secret identities/swaps, nerdy romcoms with gamers, librarians, engineers, archivists, romantic interests trapped together in some way, twins and twins – can you imagine the fun with this one! #MSWL

Literary Agent
What I’m looking for!! Please retweet if you know writers looking for an agent. #agent #querying #mswl instagram.com/p/Chc5xg2pePb/…

Literary Agency
“Literary fiction that genre blends, commercial fiction that takes me somewhere unknown, and rom-coms that make me laugh and swoon.” @ericsmithrocks #MSWL

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Just signed on with #SBRmedia as an agent. Let me know if you are looking for an agent or just want to chat!
#womensfiction #ContemporaryRomance #romcom #cozymystery #mysterybooks
#fantasybooks including YA and middle grade.

Literary Agency
“I'd love to work on rom coms that have a strong voice and instant hook. I welcome tropes of all stripes!” @adriamgoetz #MSWL


Literary Agent
My #MSWL page is now live! Check this out if you'd like to learn more about what I'm looking for: manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/taj-…

Literary Agent
If I missed your #DVpit pitch, paste query & 1st 5 pages in email. #A: horror, thriller, cont. romance, rom-com & mystery. #YA: thriller, fantasy, horror, cont. & mystery. #MG: SFF, mystery, cont., & horror. #diversity #MSWL #ownvoices QueryManager.com/QueryLynnetteN…


Literary Agency
“Really hungry to find some great rom-coms. A few of my clients are working on them, and I’d just love to find some unique, genre-blending romances.” @ericsmithrocks #MSWL ericsmithrocks.com/mswl