Literary Agent
Tara Tsai @TaraTsaiWrites
My mother-in-law was telling stories of how she had to accompany her sister on match-making dates in Hong Kong when she was a kid. Dim sum with the couple and all the females in the family. Is there a historical romance like this, especially own voices? I would love to read this!Omg please someone write this for me #mswl

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Day 25 of #25DaysofMSWL: YA ace romance. #MSWL

Literary Agent
Yesterday I read BURN FOR ME by @ilona_andrews and I think I have found a new favorite romance series. It is also exactly what I mean when I say I want paranormal or contemporary fantasy that feels new and different. I want more like this! #mswl

Literary Agent
Want more insight into what I’m looking for and what my favorites are? Check out my post on Manuscript Wish List! #MSWL manuscriptwishlist.com/mswl-post/jess…

Literary Agent

Carina Press @CarinaPress
Attention writers! @carrielofty is looking to acquire realistic polyamory romances: stories that explore the complexities of love between more than two people. Find more details and submission guidelines here ► bit.ly/2RQykgu#AmWriting #CarinaWants pic.twitter.com/RaotFRaMe9
I love the picture @CarinaPress used for this!! #mswl #acquiring

Literary Agent
@UKRomChat @ukromchat
Q5. For Kate: Following on from the previous question: what would you like to see more of in romance, or possibly less of? #ukromchat @katenashagent @linalanglee pic.twitter.com/bjQY5tWKDSI'm looking for 1. Sweeping epics in war, like Gone With The Wind. 2) Romance reflecting today's UK diverse communities, such as inner cities or very rural. 3) a real Victorian rags-to-riches tear-jerker. 4) In romcom, new settings like @KarenAldous_ Alps #MSWL #UKRomChat

Literary Agent

Grace Petrie 🎄Lefty Xmas LDN : Dec 23 🎅🏻 @gracepetrie
*looks to camera* pic.twitter.com/gn3chvWBdMI mean, big #MSWL to f/f astronaut romance.

Literary Agency
“In romance, I prefer there to be something more than “will they get together”—maybe they save the town/kingdom/galaxy?” @kurestinarmada #MSWL psliterary.com/submissions/

Literary Agent

Literary Agent
Atlas Obscura @atlasobscura
Once known as “the Black Eden of Michigan,” Idlewild was a thriving African American resort community founded in 1912. From roughly 1920 to the mid-1960s, Idlewild was one of the premier holiday venues for African Americans. trib.al/dGBUYUBSomeone write me a historical romance set at Idlewild. #MSWL

Literary Agent

Literary Agent

Literary Agency
"Romance, Literary, Commercial, Suspense, Young Adult, Middle Grade, and Picture Books." @CurtisPSLA #MSWL psliterary.com/submissions/

Literary Agent